Chapter 44

Is Kings title of being the Thunderbolt King just an empty reputation?

He truly sanctioned wave after wave of people who wanted to eat dog meat.Alll latest novels at

Did the King and Mi Ling ever fight in Chen Luos life? Who was more formidable? Chen Luo really isnt sure.

Mi Ling died, the entire base was destroyed, but the Thunderbolt King remained alive and well.

If Chen Luo manages to survive until the end, the Thunderbolt King should be the second to last one to fall.

Hmm, according to Chen Luos words.

Mi Ling and the Kings strengths should be about the same.

But that was in the past, the current King has been nurtured by Chen Luo at an astonishing speed, absorbing unlimited crystals every day.

What about Mi Ling? Was she immediately able to absorb them to the fullest every day?

The Thunderbolt Kings breakthrough to Tier 3 is a matter of these two days, either tonight or tomorrow night.

Mi Ling, huh? Without rules, she would definitely be killed by the Thunderbolt King.

Mi Ling was furious. This Chen Luo, he humiliated me again, comparing me to a dog.

Seeing Mi Ling in this state, Chen Luo wavered. Alright, alright, youre more formidable than the Thunderbolt King, okay?

Merely stating who is more formidable verbally is utterly meaningless.

The Thunderbolt King is also displeased. Is it embarrassing to be weaker than me?

Chen Luo said, Its meaningless to say anything. Well know after three days of fighting.

Mi Ling was about to say something when King, who was lying on the ground, suddenly stood up, showing a vigilant expression.

Knock, knock, knock.

A door was lightly tapped.

A womans voice echoed, Mi Ling, Mi Li, are you home?

Mi Ling fell silent. Was she spotted by someone while she was returning home at noon?

The voice sounded somewhat familiar to her, but she couldnt recall who it was, probably some woman from the neighborhood.

The womans pleading voice continued, Mi Ling, I saw you come back. Please, give me something to eat. I havent eaten for two days. Please, give me something to eat.

If they didnt respond, this woman would probably keep knocking. While it wouldnt pose any threat, it would become bothersome, and Chen Luo and the others couldnt make any noise either.

With a very bad mood, Mi Ling walked up to the door and said expressionlessly, You havent eaten for two days? So, does that mean you ate something two days ago?

Zhang Qin arrived downstairs and went to the left side of the building, where there were five men ranging from their twenties to their forties.

As soon as these five men who was squatting down, saw Zhang Qin, they immediately stood up, their eyes gleaming.

Have you confirmed it? Is Mi Ling also at home?

Zhang Qin nodded, Shes at home. She just spoke to me a moment ago.

Zhang Qin couldnt help but recount her conversation with Mi Ling to them.

One of the men smirked, Mi Li is also at home. I saw her entering and leaving the neighborhood with two men.

The others couldnt help but engage in discussions as well.

Thats great! Both Mi Ling and Mi Li are alive. Otherwise, it would have been a waste.

I can only lift my head every time I take my medicine, but hey, as soon as I see Mi Ling, I can lift my head without taking any medicine.

Damn, that figure, that appearance, truly captivating, its worth it even if it means dying under the peony.

Yeah, had a taste once, even if I die afterward, its worth it.

Damn, hurry up and go. Dont let those two men have the upper hand. I dont even know who those two men are. Havent seen Mi Ling and Mi Li bring men back before.

Zhang Qin said fiercely, Later, you all torture them ruthlessly. Ive long been displeased with them.

These people were the former residents of Mi Lis neighborhood and were well aware of the two sisters who had been living here for many years.

Who wouldnt be envious?

However, before the apocalypse, they were restrained by societal order, and while they may have had thieving intentions, they lacked the courage to act on them.

Daring to make advances on Mi Ling would be a grave mistake, as her self-defense skills were formidable.

As for Zhang Qin, she didnt know if her husband had survived or not. Before the apocalypse, he would often leer at Mi Ling and Mi Li, which led to countless arguments between Zhang Qin and her husband. She had long held a grudge against Mi Ling and Mi Li.

Furthermore, Zhang Qin was extremely jealous of their appearance, which is why she willingly acted as a scout for these five men and even suggested the idea herself.

Mi Ling and Mi Lis house currently had two men and two women, but here, there have five men. Why should they be afraid?

Especially since they were armed, wielding either steel rods or chairs. They had also awakened their abilities making them full of confidence.

In particular, there was a bald, muscular man holding a large hammer, ready to break down the door with it.

Su Dazhu, who was standing by the window observing the situation outside, said, Bro, someone is coming with weapons, and they dont seem friendly.

Chen Luo, nonchalantly, replied, Hmm, go down and deal with them. Dont let them die in the hallway, or well have to clean up afterwards.

If they died in the hallway, they would have to carry their bodies out of the hallway. Otherwise, they would be stepping over their decomposing corpses whenever they entered or exited.