Chapter 166

The pain suffered by the man who was currently being bitten was something any man could understand.

Chen Luo empathized with him.

It was truly miserable.

Under normal circumstances, Chen Luo wouldnt bother to intervene when a survivor encountered danger. There were too many examples of the Farmer and the Snake.

But in this situation, Chen Luo felt that as a fellow man, he should help.

Chen Luo walked over.

The man, upon seeing Chen Luo, managed to force a look of surprise on his face, but he sobbed, saying, Brother, please help me, give me a quick death, kill me.

Li Kun felt that life was no longer meaningful to him.

Not only was the sea turtles shell tough, but its neck was also hard. It was difficult for an ordinary person to sever a sea turtles neck with force.

Moreover, the harder you tried, the tighter the sea turtle would bite.

The sea turtle paid no attention to Chen Luo and continued to tightly hold on, refusing to let go.

Without wasting any words, Chen Luo directly severed its head with a sword.

Li Kun fell to the ground, but the sea turtle, just like when it was alive, still clung tightly.

After more than half a minute, it slowly loosened its grip.

Li Kun burst into tears.

Those who heard were heartbroken, and those who listened shed tears.

Its not a sin for a man to cry.

Curiously, Chen Luo asked, What are you doing here alone?

Here, mutated creatures run rampant, and Chen Luo only dares to come here because of his strength. Otherwise, he could end up like Li Kun.

Li Kuns strength is clearly average; otherwise, he wouldnt be in this situation.

Li Kun sobbed for a while, his face covered in tears.

Li Kun choked up and said, Thank you, friend, for sparing me from much suffering. I dont want to live anymore. Let me tell you a secret I know.

A secret?

Chen Luo became interested and quietly waited for Li Kun to speak.

Li Kun said, I saw an exceptionally massive sea turtle, probably over eight meters long. Its likely the Sea Turtle King, and it crawled onto the shore.

I saw it laying eggs from a distance. If a sea turtle is raised from a young age, it might be able to serve as an assistant.

I wanted to steal its eggs. I know its dangerous, but fortune favors the bold, and the timid starve.

I thought the worst that could happen was a gruesome death, but I never expected it to be this terrible. Sob, sob.

Upon reaching the heartbreaking part, Li Kun burst into loud wailing.

The Turtle Kings fist-sized eyes coldly stared at Chen Luo. This was the kid who killed many of its subordinates. I will bite him to death.

About five to six meters away from Chen Luo, the Turtle King suddenly extended its long neck, opening its massive jaws and lunging at Chen Luos head.

This neck seemed to have inherent flexibility, stretching over five meters. Perhaps this wasnt even its limit for extension.

The Turtle Kings speed was much slower than the mutated Ironhead, but its sudden attack was as fast as lightning.

Having fought against these sea turtles before, Chen Luo was prepared. He tilted his head to the side, avoiding the attack, and then extended his right hand, firmly grabbing the Turtle Kings head.

The Void Sword swung down.

He couldnt use long-range spatial cutting. The Turtle King retracted its neck into its shell, leaving Chen Luo helpless. He had no way to deal with the Turtle King at the moment.

Although it was slow in speed and had low offensive capabilities, its defense was exceptionally strong, even comparable to creatures two levels higher.

The Void Sword made contact with the Turtle Kings neck but barely made a dent.

Chen Luo was surprised. Just the neck alone had a much stronger defense than the Ironhead.

The Turtle King struggled but couldnt break free. Its strength was inferior to the Ironhead.

Chen Luo pondered that if it didnt have any special abilities, he could still kill it.

At that moment, two incredibly powerful water jets suddenly burst out from the gap between the Turtle Kings shell and body.

The speed was astonishing, and the distance between Chen Luo and the Turtle King was short.

Chen Luos pupils constricted, quickly releasing his grip on the Turtle King, and using Void Walk to evade.

If he didnt have Void Walk, Chen Luo would have been hit head-on by this attack.

This sea turtle is a water jet turtle.

Chen Luos eyes flickered as he looked at the Sea Turtle King. He had originally wanted to kill this Sea Turtle King and obtain its crystal and shell, but he realized it wouldnt be easy.

If he went all out, Chen Luo was confident he could defeat the Sea Turtle King, but it would also deplete his abilities.

Once he had exhausted his ability to even walk through the void, it would be dangerous.

He could fight, but it wasnt necessary.

As someone who valued stability, there was no need for Chen Luo to engage in a bloody battle unless absolutely necessary. It would be better to wait and strengthen himself first.

Chen Luo activated his ability to walk through the void and moved towards where the Sea Turtle King was.

First, he would take its eggs and then decide what to do.

After a few void walks, Chen Luo discovered irregular marks on a beach and quickly ran over, digging into the sand.

As expected, he found four football-sized sea turtle eggs with spots on them.

The spots indicated that they were hatchable.

Seeing the Sea Turtle King returning, Chen Luo immediately used his ability to walk through the void to escape.

The Sea Turtle King was left confused and frustrated, calling out for a while before coldly swimming deeper into the sea.