Chapter 1427: Everyone is promoted

Name:Power and Wealth Author:
Chapter 1427: Everyone is promoted


In the office.

Cheng Yujie and Chen Yunsong entered. Seeing Dong Xuebing and Zheng Dayou sitting in such positions, they both felt slightly uneasy. Being called by the leaders for a conversation couldn't be entirely a good thing, especially for them working in the Investment Promotion Bureau, which is considered a straightforward government office.


"Mayor Dong."

"Director Zheng."

"Please sit, both of you."

Zheng Dayou gestured, and the two sat down.

Seeing them like this, Dong Xuebing smiled, looking at Zheng Dayou, "Old Zheng, you go ahead."

"You go ahead; I'm not very clear about it either." Zheng Dayou was polite to Dong Xuebing.

Seeing the two leaders smiling, Chen Yunsong and Cheng Yujie finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Alright." Dong Xuebing looked at both of them and finally focused on Chen Yunsong's face. Slowly, he asked, "Xiao Chen, how long have you been working?"

Chen Yunsong hurriedly said, "A little over a year, not even two years."

Dong Xuebing nodded slightly, flipping through the files in his hand. "I looked at your work performance since you came to the Investment Promotion Bureau. Most of last year's million-dollar investment came from your efforts, right?"

Chen Yunsong immediately said, "It was all done with Director Zheng's guidance and the help of colleagues. It's not solely my credit."

Zheng Dayou smiled, "Still being modest."

She thought she was about the same as Xiao Chen, satisfied with a Deputy Section Chief position. Comparing herself, she knew clearly in her heart. However, the position mentioned by Mayor Dong was completely different from Xiao Chen's Business Department Head. Xiao Chen only enjoyed the treatment of a Deputy Section Chief, while her position was a genuine Deputy Section Chief level. She, Cheng Yujie, could be considered for a promotion.


She had rarely thought about it.

Finally, is there a chance for me?

Cheng Yujie was extremely excited, but given her age, her face was more mature than Gong Na and Chen Yunsong. She showed joy and gratitude without being incoherent, saying, "Thank you for Mayor Dong and Director Zheng's trust. I will work harder to do well in logistical work."

Dong Xuebing said, "Well, we also have confidence in you."

"Thank you, leaders."

Dong Xuebing smiled self-deprecatingly, "But our Investment Promotion Bureau has a limited number of people. Maybe we're not much different now, even if we're not a one-man show. But I believe that with everyone's efforts, it will be better in the future. Well, you can go back. The Organization Department will want to talk to you today."

Cheng Yujie expressed her gratitude appropriately and with excitement before leaving.

The three people in the Investment Promotion Bureau have all been promoted now. They wouldn't be happy for no reason. Talking about what they promised yesterday was just empty talk. None of them had the enthusiasm to get promoted. Now, they all seemed much more energetic than yesterday.

The atmosphere in the office area also exuded vitality and joy.

In the director's office.

Dong Xuebing exchanged some thoughts with Zheng Dayou. "Old Zheng, the Investment Promotion Bureau is under your supervision, and the personnel allocation mainly depends on your decision." Although they were both working for the benefit of the Investment Promotion Bureau, Dong Xuebing's proposal at the meeting yesterday was his decision without consulting Zheng Dayou. Even though Dong Xuebing was Zheng Dayou's leader, the Investment Promotion Bureau was still under the leadership of Old Zheng. Dong Xuebing certainly had to respect his opinion.

Zheng Dayou asked, "What are your plans?"

Dong Xuebing smiled, "You decide. I respect your opinion, and you've been in contact with everyone for a long time, knowing more than I do."

After thinking briefly, Zheng Dayou said, "Alright, let me say something. Xiao Gong is good at logistics. Even if we talk about the office establishment, the newcomer Xiao Xiao used to work in the government office, and she should be good at handling relationships. Let her be assigned to the Business Department. We can also internally give Xiao Xiao the authority of a deputy section chief. Of course, it's just the name, and the salary will remain the same, with no difference."

Dong Xuebing nodded and said, "Okay, let's do that."