Chapter 1556: Going for a trip

Name:Power and Wealth Author:
Chapter 1556: Going for a trip


Back to work.

Dong Xuebing drove his old Xia Li car slowly into the unit's compound. The Discipline Inspection Commission staff around him had stern faces, moving quickly with hurried steps. Some cadres started discussing work when they entered the courtyard, giving off a fast-paced atmosphere. Everyone looked serious, but Dong Xuebing seemed out of place in this environment. He drove leisurely, whistling and humming songs with a smile. Someone honked from behind, urging him to drive faster and not block the way. Dong Xuebing pretended not to hear and continued at his own pace. Eventually, he parked his car in the parking area below the Eighth Discipline Inspection Room. He strolled, hands in pockets, as if he were a leisurely bystander, attracting the attention of many.


Room 8, Section 2.

Most of the staff were already there in the office area.

Dong Xuebing walked in casually, and a few people greeted him perfunctorily.

"Director Dong," Zhang Dongliang said.

"Director Dong," Sun Zhaobang echoed.

"Good morning," He Zhou greeted.

Han Fei pretended not to notice him and remained silent.

Dong Xuebing didn't mind and smiled. "Good morning."

At this moment, another middle-aged man walked in. He looked thin, tall, and slightly severe, with the typical appearance of an ordinary discipline inspection cadre.

"Director Chen."

"Good morning, Director Chen."

"Director Chen, you're back."

Han Fei smiled and greeted him first.

The others also seemed enthusiastic and polite, exchanging greetings with the middle-aged man.

Dong Xuebing immediately recognized him as Chen Dayou, the deputy director of Section 2, who had been away on a business trip a few days ago.

Chen Dayou nodded to the others and then turned to Dong Xuebing, extending his hand. "You must be the new Director Dong. Hello, I'm Chen Dayou."

Dong Xuebing shook hands with him. "Dong Xuebing, nice to meet you, Director Chen."

Chen Dayou didn't seem like a talkative person. After the brief introduction, he didn't say much.

Dong Xuebing was also extremely low-key and didn't say anything. After a moment of silence, both Dong Xuebing and Chen Dayou returned to their respective offices.

As they closed the door, Han Fei pursed her lips in Dong Xuebing's direction.

He Zhou shook his head helplessly, feeling that Dong Xuebing was too out of place.

Sun Zhaobang and Zhang Dongliang felt similarly. They couldn't understand how someone with such a personality climbed to the director position. Dong Xuebing had no interaction with his department colleagues and didn't seem interested in work, and even the head of the department, Director Yin Cheng'an, had explained that he was just low-key. But they had never seen a leader as low-key as Dong Xuebing.

It wasn't even time to start work yet.

Since there was no leader present, everyone began to chat quietly.

Dong Xuebing saw his wife calling and answered with a smile.

"Hello, Huilan."

"What are you doing?"

"Just watching a movie."

"It's not even lunchtime yet. What movie are you watching?"

"Didn't you tell me to be low-key? I'm already as low-key as can be."

"Haha, you little rascal. You are being low-key means handling things and speaking in a low-key manner, not just sitting around watching movies all day. I can't be bothered with you anymore. I've never had much hope for your political acumen anyway. Do whatever you want, don't cause any trouble."

"I understand. Don't worry about it. How's the child?"

"We have a nanny at home. He's doing well, eating and sleeping. He even gained a bit of weight these past few days."

"Don't overfeed him just because he's breastfeeding. Feed him in moderation. Got it?"

"I know better than you. Just don't worry. I'm calling to ask if you can come over this week."

"Come over? You just left last week. Why would I come over now?"

"Your sister Xie's office is organizing a study trip to another province. It's like a tour, and family members are allowed to join. If you want to come, we can go together."

"But didn't you just start your new position? How are you going on a trip already?"

"It's not my decision. It's from the provincial government. It's not exactly a tour; it's mainly to study and learn from the development experiences of coastal areas."

"Where are you going?"

"We're going to Macau."

"For how long?"

"Probably about a week, but it's not finalized yet. However, the departure date is almost set. Quite a few people are going this time, including major leaders from various cities in Jiangnan Province. If you want to come, take a leave of absence and fly over the day after tomorrow."

Dong Xuebing chuckled bitterly. "Last Friday was our university's anniversary celebration, so I took a day off. The weekend doesn't count, and today is only my third day on the job. Should I still take another leave? Even though our deputy director at the Second Bureau is quite easygoing, no one has done what I'm about to do."

"Haha, then don't bother coming. Just let me enjoy the trip by myself. I'll be annoyed if I see you."

"Don't say that. A trip like this is too good to miss. Besides, I have nothing important to do here right now, and it's also a good opportunity to relax." Dong Xuebing changed his tone. "Well then, let me check with them first. If it's okay, I'll come over. Hmm, I think it should be fine. After all, one more or one less person in the unit doesn't make much difference. I'll check with Director Yin."

"Okay, do it as soon as possible."

"Got it. Please reserve a spot for me."

"There are plenty of spots. Don't worry."

"That's true. Who dares to compete for the spot of our sister Xie, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee?"

"As long as you know. Hurry up and come over to serve your sister Xie."

"You go serve yourself. Have you ever served me? I'm hanging up." Dong Xuebing teased for a moment before ending the call. Dong Xuebing wanted to go on this provincial study trip with his wife. Firstly, he missed his son and wanted to have a good time with Huilan. It was a pity that they had been apart more often than together since their marriage. Dong Xuebing wasn't particularly busy with his work right now, so he was willing to go and spend time with his wife and child. Thirdly, his mother-in-law had mentioned wanting Dong Xuebing to help Huilan handle some driving, so this trip was also a way to show support.