Chapter 114

Name:Predatory CEO Author:Sang Xiao Tu
"Tong Xin, are you all right? Get better quickly. Xiao Yu is waiting for you. Don't let Xiao Yu worry!"

But the girl's expression was really painful. Looking at the girl's frown even lying on the hospital bed, runxiao stretched out his hand to smooth it.

He is wrong, Tong Yingying, he is really wrong!

Unwilling to be stimulated, he provokes Ye Lan. Who is Ye Lan?

He has never been provoked by others. He overestimates his strength, but he doesn't regret it!

Looking at the girl groaning in pain, runxiao is really in pain.

He sat by the bed, holding the girl's hand. He really didn't want to call ye LAN!

But the girl is like this. Runxiao doesn't know what to do?

She has been suffering. The moment Ye Lan left, her heart was taken away.

How could that man easily let her into the abyss!

Runxiao still endured it, but Tong Xin still had a high fever for two days. If he didn't, Tong Xin's life was in danger!

Runxiao has to call ye LAN.

At this time, Ye Lan seemed as if nothing had happened to her after she came back that day.

It is still raining today, and the roses in the garden are more colorful to welcome the rain.

The man held a book in his hand and leaned slightly against the cane chair in front of the French window.

No matter what happens outside, he can always immerse himself in his own world.

If you look carefully, the man's cold pool is not completely reflected in the handwriting. Even Ye Lan may not have found it. It seems that he has read this page for a long time.

Wang Ran poured a cup of hot tea aside without saying anything.

Ye Shao, after coming back from that day, seems to have encountered a particularly difficult problem, that is: the proposal between runxiao and tongyingying is still on the headlines after two days of entertainment.

Ye Shao, in fact, doesn't want to!

But the man didn't say anything, and Wang Ran didn't bother until the number that Ye Lan's mobile phone should not ring at this moment rang.

Ye Lan slightly raised her eyebrows and looked at the number on her mobile phone. It can be seen from the coldness in the man's cold pool that Ye Lan actually hates runxiao!

The phone rang so loud that Ye Lan was about to hang up. It was not that he disdained it, but that there was no need!

Just like his relationship with Tong Yingying, runxiao is just a stranger!

But the stranger kept making phone calls, which seemed to show the good patience of runxiao!

When the third phone rings twice, Ye Lan takes over. If he doesn't, Ye Lan knows that runxiao won't call again!

He clearly could not answer, but the devil in his heart came out again.

Runxiao is also very smart. Ye Lan doesn't answer his phone, but if he thinks that if he calls because of Tong Xin, Ye Lan has to answer!

Leap Xiao also has no good temper: "the fifth floor of the traffic hospital, room 3!"

With just a few words, runxiao hung up the phone and looked at Tong Xin, who still had a high fever in the hospital bed. Runxiao leaned his chest against the window frame with his hands and rubbed his sore temples with his fingers: Tong Yingying, the last time!

If she didn't have a high fever, runxiao wouldn't call ye LAN.

I was afraid that Xiao Yu would be unconscious when he saw Ma Ma, but that little cold steamed bun would fly over. It would be a mess at that time!

Compared with dealing with these, runxiao thinks it is best to find Ye Lan.

Ye Lan, who answered runxiao's phone call, seems to have found a step that makes him uneasy these two days. She puts down the book in her hand and the man orders indifferently.

"Stand by!"

Wang Ran was stunned. Without any hesitation, he trotted to the garage to drive.

Behind their backs, the two elders of the Ye family raised their heads and watched their son answer the phone and go out. Even though they were afraid of their son, their son was still a son.

"Wife, will ye LAN be all right?"

After Tong Xin had an affair with that leap Xiao, Mrs. Ye found that her son had changed.

Although it is still quiet, something is wrong. At least the previous silence is moving from time to time. This one will keep a posture until the next thing reminds you!

Mrs. Ye is very worried about this haunted look. Ye Lan really likes that girl!

People have been proposed, and they feel that they have no chance. They don't think about tea and rice!

"What should I do?"

In the past, my son would have prayed for success if he had touched the girl twice, but this time

Alas, Mrs. Ye didn't know what to say. A piece of meat fell from her body all the time, but she had to remind herself.

Tong Xin can't marry in. There are too many scandals. If they do marry in the future, the Ye family will be laughed at.

Mrs. Ye thinks it's time to open up and talk to Qingqing. I'm afraid Mrs. Ye doesn't know yet. Luo Qing was tied up by Luo Hui and left in the car in the back seat, so she drove directly to Kyoto.

Come to the Ye family to make atonement!

Come and ask Ye Lan to let Luo go!

In April in Kyoto, after two cold spring rains, a ray of sunshine finally appeared.

Through Tong Xin's window in the ward, she sprinkled it on the sickbed, and the white sheets gave off a little soft light. However, the weak soft light was not enough to make the air conditioner in the ward mild.

Runxiao hasn't had a rest for two days. Tong Xin has a high fever. If it goes on like this, Tong Xin can't hold on to it.

Thought Ye Lan was coming, at least Tong Xin could hold on.

But who is Ye Lan? In addition to the identity of the king of Kyoto and the devil of Kyoto, the man never said anything in front of the girl, no matter what the girl encountered.

Ye Lan is coming. In runxiao's opinion, it makes no difference whether he comes or not!

But runxiao doesn't know. It's just Ye Lan. His coming is the biggest difference.

The sunlight sprinkled on the sheets made the girl's face redder with a high fever.

She was like a fish on the verge of leaving the water. She kept breathing with her lips slightly open, as if her life would end if she stopped breathing.

Always the pink and tender lips dried up and peeled. Ye Lan sat on the edge of her bed without saying a word or making any action.

Look at the leap Xiao all at one side dry catch urgent!

"Yelan, what are you doing? You don't see. Does she need you?"

Leap Xiao is red in the eye. It has been two days. If Tong Xin didn't hit the target overnight, don't say he called Ye Lan. Even if ye LAN came in person, he wouldn't let Tong Xin see him!

Ye Lan, put down your dignity and identity. Tong Yingying needs you!

But ye LAN is still Ye Lan, and has not changed. The color of the eyes in the cold pool has not deepened. But only his heart knows that he has not changed or deepened, but

How did the girl who was drugged get a high fever when he and she were soaking in cold water and could survive?

Even if the body suffered a serious blow, Tong Yingying is also a girl who can take good care of herself!