If his IQ is normal now, it's OK. After all, they have had many intimate relationships.

But he is only a few years old. When she bathed with him, it was like facing a child.

She's not that cheeky about breaking.

"I'll put the bath water with you and wait for you to wash yourself."

Without waiting for what he said, Nanzhi ran into the bathroom as if fleeing.

Put the water, Nanzhi comes out and calls for a man.

Just as soon as she came out, she saw a scene in the room, her eyes narrowed sharply.

He took off his shirt and trousers by himself, all over his body, only wearing elastic trousers.

The strong chest and the bulwark abdominal muscles are exposed. The bare legs look long and full of strength.

She moved her eyes, not daring to look at him in the direction of the crotch.

"I've put the water in. Go wash it yourself!"

When the man came to him, the sharp breath came down, and his eyes looked at her wrongly, "wash with me."

Nanzhi's face was burning. She shook her head and insisted on her principle, "I can accompany you, but don't even think about bathing."

"Then I won't wash it."

He fell on the bed again.

It's a real kid.

Nanzhi stands beside the bed, helpless.

They were silent for a long time. He was naked and didn't cover the quilt. A gust of wind came and he sneezed.

Nanzhi was worried about his cold, so she had to compromise, "let's go, I'll wash with you."

He jumped out of bed at once.

I grinned at her with a big smile.

South Gardenia heart a soft, take the initiative to hold his slender good-looking hands.

In the bathroom, Nanzhi closes the door.

There is a thin layer of water vapor lingering in it. They are like fairylands.

Mushan went to the bathtub and pulled his hands towards the bullet pants. South Gardenia see this, hurriedly stop.

But unexpectedly, the small hand pressed the wrong place.

The blush on his face came out again.

She dare not look at him, don't face, "don't take off, dress and wash."

He didn't take it off again, just stared at her, "beautiful princess, I feel bad."

Nanzhi thought that he was not feeling well, so she hurriedly looked at him.

She took a look down his line of sight.

See there

She was smoking all over.

Sin fruit, sin fruit!

"If you feel bad, lie in the bathtub."

Musi cold don't understand of looking at South gardenia, "lie in bathtub not afflictive?"

South Gardenia eye beads around, disorderly hum.

Mushihan obediently lies in the bathtub, with strong arms on the edge of the bathtub. "Beautiful princess, I'm ready to lie down."

Nanzhi takes a towel, squats in front of the bathtub, looks at the ceiling, and wipes his body.

I don't know if it's because she touched him before. His muscles are tense all over.

"Beautiful princess, why don't you look at me?"

Nanzhi, "..."

"Don't I look better than that little devil?"

Nanzhi, "..."

"Beautiful princess..."

Nanzhi yelled at him with a red face, "OK, I'll look at you. Can you stop talking?"

The man closed his mouth tightly, his dark eyes showed a trace of hurt.

South Gardenia see, heart soft and soft.

It's impossible to take him.

But she didn't want to talk to him for fear of embarrassment.

She wiped his upper body, arms, legs

"Well, I'll wash it for you. Get up and clean yourself."

Nanzhi is going to get up. His thin wrist is suddenly pulled by him.

"Beautiful princess, there's another place that hasn't been washed."

South Gardenia a stem.

Almost choked to death by his own saliva.

She gazed at him shamefully, doubting how old his IQ had become or was he cheating her?

In the face of her shame and annoyance, he didn't seem to understand very much, just opened a pair of clear and bright eyes and looked at her doubtfully.

Nanzhi bit the lip, patiently explained to him, "Xiaokai is washed by himself, because he is a big baby, so are you. Learn to wash by yourself."

"But you just washed with me. You should do everything from beginning to end."

This guy!

It's a set of words!

"Musihan, to be honest, did you pretend..."

"Beautiful princess, I don't know what you're talking about?"

He took her hand and stretched it down to her abdomen. Nanzhi's fingertips touched his hard abdominal muscles. She wanted to withdraw her hand like an electric shock, but he held it tightly."Beautiful princess, I took a bath and still feel sick."

Nanzhi lashes flutter, but it's too late to say anything. Suddenly, the man makes an effort, and she falls into the bathtub.

And my head is still alive

Nanzhi raised her head from the water.

She stared at the innocent man angrily. "Are you on purpose?"

The man didn't speak, but suddenly he stretched out his long arm and held her tightly. "Beautiful princess, you just like that, very comfortable."

Nanzhi wants to crack his head.

The temperature on the auricle is almost smoking.

"What's in your head? If I make trouble again, I will ignore you. "

Looking at Nanzhi, musihan felt as if he was down to the extreme. His mouth was shriveled, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

He was born handsome, his facial features were perfect and exquisite like sculpture. His eyes used to be too cold, but now those eyes, like glass soaked in water, are bright and black, making people can't help but feel ripples.

Nanzhi sighed helplessly, "what are you thinking about when you are young? Don't think about it."

"But Mr. Dong said, I'm not young."

Nanzhi is silent for a while.

Although his psychological age has become smaller, his body is still a normal man. He is just in blood and has his needs naturally.

Just let her and him

She can't do it now anyway.

"Beautiful princess, I feel sick. Can you help me?"

Before Nanzhi could say anything, he took her hand

Nanzhi's heart was about to pop out of her throat.


In half an hour.

Nanzhi ran out of the bathroom. She stood in front of the washstand, her hands flushed.

The man in the bathrobe stood behind Nanzhi. He smiled at her. "Beautiful princess, I will kiss Momo tomorrow."

Nanzhi stumbled and almost fell to the ground!


Yan Kai apartment.

When the little apple fell asleep, Yan Xuan withdrew from her room.

When she went to the bedroom, she didn't see the figure of the man. She planned to take a bath with her clothes. She saw the tall figure standing in the corner of the balcony of the bedroom.

"I will never let go of her hand in my life. If I can't find the right heart for her, I'll give her my own! Well, you don't have to call back! "

I don't know what the person at the other end of the phone said. Bo Yan's voice sank, "what? Is that true? "

When Yan Jian heard Bo Yan's words, she was shocked.

She looked at the man standing in the corner, eyes full of unbelievable!

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