When Old Madam Mu saw the anger on Gu Ning's face, she immediately wanted to tell him the truth, but she didn't dare to.

"I just really like you, and I want... I wanted to introduce you to my grandson, so I came up with a lie to deceive you. " Old Madam Mu said guiltily.

She didn't lie to her like this one more time, right? After all, what she said didn't seem to be wrong.

"Actually, everyone in my family treats me very well. However, if I don't behave like this, you definitely won't accept me." Old Madam Mu's voice grew softer as she spoke.

"So you lied to me?" The expression on Gu Ning's face was very calm.

However, everyone could tell that Gu Ning was truly angry.

"I …" Old Madam Mu was speechless.

Gu Ning looked deeply at Old Madam Mu and slowly said, "What I hate the most in this life is deceit."

With that, Gu Ning returned to his room and closed the door, refusing to come out.

Upon seeing this, Gu Xiaomeng quickly followed Gu Ning inside.

Old Madam Mu looked at the tightly shut door and sighed deeply. "Jing Xuan, don't you think I've gone too far?"

"Grandma, you shouldn't have done that from the beginning." Mu Yu Xuan looked at her helplessly.

Old Madam Mu lowered her head. "Then what should I do now!?"

"Let's go, go home with your grandson!" "Let's wait until Gu Ning's anger has dissipated before we explain it to her!" Mu Yu Xuan said.

"Well, I don't think I have any other choice."

Old Madam Mu could only obediently follow Mu Yu Xuan as they left Gu Ning's house and went next door.

Before entering, Old Madam Mu had given Gu Ning a deep look.

Ai, even though it was just a wall, why was she so sad?


Old Man Mu felt very puzzled as he saw Old Madam Mu and Mu Xuan walk in.

"Hey, old woman, why are you here?"

Old Madam Mu rolled her eyes and said dejectedly, "Ai, don't mention it anymore. Have I angered Ah Ning?"

"What the hell is going on? How did he infuriate his wife? Was there some kind of misunderstanding? "Wifey Sun has such a good temper."

Old Madam Mu lay on the sofa, using her pillow to cover her head. "I don't want to say it anymore. Let Jing Xuan tell you what happened."

Old Man Mu looked at Mu Yuxuan, hoping that she would tell him what had happened.

Mu Yu Xuan shrugged his shoulders and slowly told Old Man Mu everything.

Old Man Mu fell into deep thought as he listened. After a while, he slowly said, "Old granny, you must have had a hard time this time!"

Old Madam Mu sat up, frowning as she looked at him. "Smelly old man, are you mocking me?" "Yes, you've succeeded now, grandpa Sun's name, grandpa Sun's name, the two little darlings also called out 'grandpa', and grandpa's name. I've failed the most, from an ordinary old lady to a great liar, alright?"

"Aiyo, old woman, what do you mean by that? How could I laugh at you?" Old Man Mu said in a flustered manner.

"Brat, hurry up and think of a way!"

When Old Man Mu saw his old woman in such an uncomfortable state, his heart did not feel well either.

"What can I do?"

Mu Xuanyin felt extremely helpless. All of these things were caused by them, so why were they asking him what to do?

"How can you not know what to do?" Old Madam Mu was in a very bad mood. She looked at Mu Yuxuan with a belly full of fire.

"Should I know what to do?"

Old Madam Mu gave a cold snort. "Hmph, in the end, this matter was caused by you. If it wasn't for your declaration and this matter had blown up, would I have come all the way here? Do I have to come up with so many tricks? "

"Yes, it's your fault." Old Man Mu consoled Old Madam Mu as he echoed her words.

"Also, you actually don't even know that your granddaughter-in-law hates being cheated the most. If you knew, I would have already confessed."

"That's right, that's right."

Mu Yu Xuan was completely speechless. Could it be that everything was his fault?

"Alright, it's all my fault, alright? I'll go tell Gu Ning now. You're my grandmother, so tell her not to be angry with you. Blame me if she wants, alright?!" My dear grandmother! " Mu Zixuan looked at them with a cold expression.

As Mu Yuxuan spoke, he headed in the direction of the door.

"No, if you go now, it will definitely make my wife even angrier, so you can't say it."

Mu Yuxuan continued to walk towards the door.


Mu Xuanyin turned around to look at the two of them, "If I don't go, how else can I help you? I'll go and find out what Gu Ning thinks, okay? Can I go now? "

"Then go!"


Mu Yuxuan returned to Gu Ning's house. He knocked on Gu Ning's door and slowly said, "Can I come in?"

With a squeak, Gu Xiaorui opened the door.

"Daddy, what happened? Mommy doesn't seem to be happy? "

Gu Xiaorui had fallen asleep just now, so she didn't know what had happened. All she knew was that Gu Ning had a bad temper when he woke up, while Old Lady Mu had also disappeared.

"It's nothing. It's just a small matter." Mu Yu Xuan said.

Mu Yu Xuan walked into the room and looked at Gu Ning who was holding the pillow without saying a word. He opened his mouth and asked, "What, are you still angry there?"

Gu Ning coldly snorted, shifted a spot for herself, turned her back towards Mu Xuan, and said in a muffled voice, "I know you want to come over and say whether I'm right or wrong, but you definitely want to curse me for believing everyone and bringing her back home, then getting cheated right?"

Mu Jingxuan chuckled, "That's right. I did want to scold you back then, but didn't you say that the old lady was a good person?"

"Stop talking, just blame me for being too naïve back then, okay?"

"Although it's the truth that the old lady lied to you, think carefully. Other than lying to you, has she ever done anything else that would be bad for you?"

Was it easy for him? He had to say good words for his grandmother.

"This …" Gu Ning was speechless. Many things were on her mind. Other than lying to them, Old Madam Mu hadn't done anything to let her down, nor had she done anything to harm her family.

"So I said too much just now?" Gu Ning turned around and looked at Mu Yu Xuan with a conflicted expression.

Mu Xuan shrugged, "I don't know, I only know that the old lady was very sad when she left."

When Gu Ning heard this, she couldn't sit still any longer. She stood up and said excitedly, "You said that Granny Qu left?"