Tang Yue tiptoed and followed. Since she knew that the uncle was here, she would get him to give her an explanation no matter what.

She was already pregnant with his child, so she couldn't just blindly wait.

When Tang Yue walked out of the two doors, another person blocked her path and did not allow her to take another step.

From the moment Su Xuelan entered the hospital, everything had been kept a secret. When she heard that the little girl had found this place, Huo Shengzhi was surprised.

"CEO, the young madam wants to enter no matter what, and she already knows that eldest sister-in-law is here. Even Lu Xiao knows that there has been news, I don't know who leaked it, if not …" Go and see her. "

Huo Shengzhi extinguished the cigarette in his hand, then came out from the doctor's office and walked towards the direction of Tang Yue.

Huo Shengzhi had just walked halfway when he saw that familiar face. Ignoring the obstruction of the person in front of him, he happily ran over: "Uncle …"

He threw himself into Yun Che's embrace and hugged him tightly with both hands. He placed his face on Yun Che's chest and asked with unspeakable grievance, "Uncle, why are you unwilling to return and visit me for so many days? Uncle, don't you miss me at all? "Uncle, I missed you so much …" She hugged him tightly, afraid that if she wasn't careful, this man would run away.

Huo Shengzhi's expression was extremely exhausted, he raised his hand and patted her shoulders, and then pushed her away: "Little girl, how did you find this place?"

Tang Yue raised her head to look at his exhausted face, and felt heartache for him yet also unspeakable grievance. "Uncle, am I that untrustworthy?"

Huo Shengzhi lowered his head to look at that wronged little face, and the light in his eyes flickered slightly as he held her hand and led her to a sickroom at the side.

From the time Su Xuelan stayed here, the other patients had all been emptied out.

Tang Yue sat on the side of the bed as she watched Huo Shengzhi take a chair and sit in front of her.

"Uncle …" Seeing Huo Shengzhi looking at him with a serious face, Tang Yue nervously shook her hand.

"Little girl, since you've come today, I'll tell you about this matter. "Actually, I didn't know how to talk to you until now."

Tang Yue bit her lips and went straight to the point. "Uncle, this place is … Is it really your ex-wife? "

Huo Shengzhi nodded his head, "Yes, the one living here is indeed my wife from before. She has been imprisoned in Thailand for these past five years. She is not feeling very well right now, so I need to stay here with her for a while. "

"Then why didn't you take my call?"

"Xue Lan is not in good health right now, so I never bring my phone with me when I go to her sickroom.

Tang Yue pursed her lips, looking at his exhausted face, she did not know what to say.

"How have you been?"

Tang Yue squeezed out a smile, "Hmm, I'm doing pretty good. Oh yeah, Uncle, I have returned to the Huo Family now, my grandfather is pretty nice to me. "

"Mm …" "Little girl, you should head back first. Can you not come to this place for now?"

Tang Yue stared straight into his eyes. "Uncle … You... Are you going to leave me alone? "

The reason she came today was to ask him this question.

She felt abandoned for not answering her phone and calling her for so long.

"Can we talk about this later? I'm not in the mood to worry about other things. "

Tang Yue suddenly laughed bitterly, her heart feeling a wave of unexplainable pain: "Alright, I understand."

"Go back and take care of yourself. Don't let your imagination run wild. There are some things that I will explain to you after a while." "Okay?"

Tang Yue looked at him and forced out a smile. "Uncle, I understand. Don't worry, I will take good care of myself, and you should also take good care of yourself. You can't call me when you have time, just send me a text, okay? "

"..." "Alright."

Huo Shengzhi didn't say much this time. The expression on his face had always been solemn, and from the looks of it, he was very worried about his ex-wife.

Tang Yue's heart was heavy. On the way out of the room, she reluctantly turned her head back several times.

When she was close to the end, Tang Yue saw a familiar figure, dressed in a white gown, beckoning to him, and she immediately stopped.

The man who was walking towards her was Lu Xiao, but Tang Yue wasn't surprised.

"Let's go, I'll send you off."


Everyone was fine from the elevator to the main hall. Lu Xiao did not say anything to her.

Coming out of the clinic building, the two of them walked towards the entrance of the hospital. He stopped in an empty space.

"Big Brother Lu, do you have anything you want to say to me?"

Lu Xiao looked at her and faintly smiled: "You've been feeling very depressed recently, haven't you?"

"Mm …"

"I intentionally sent you out so that I could tell you what happened during this period of time. Are you interested in hearing about it?"

Tang Yue immediately nodded: "Yes, Big Brother Lu, quickly tell me, what exactly happened? Is that Su Xuelan really Uncle's ex-wife? "

"Really. In fact, on the night of your wedding, your boss received a call from Fan Laoqi. Fan Laoqi was someone who slipped through the net with his eldest sister-in-law five years ago when they were on a mission. He took his sister-in-law to Thailand and imprisoned her for five years... The boss used two billion to redeem her back from Fan Laoqi. And invited the most authoritative five experts in the country to consult with sister-in-law at the same time. It was now confirmed that she had more than 20 illnesses on her body, not to mention the fact that her leg tendons had been torn and that she had sustained some injuries. The boss started to blame himself from the moment he saw elder sister-in-law. He had taken all the responsibility on himself. He felt that it was his fault that elder sister-in-law had become like this. So... Can you understand how he feels when I say that he can't face you for the time being? "

Tang Yue's mouth moved, she looked at Lu Xiao, then lowered her eyelids and nodded. Her voice was choked with emotions: "I understand now …"

It turned out that the reason he had always refused to see her was because he was unable to face her.

"Don't be in such a hurry, give boss some time. As long as Xue Lan's body is getting better, he will definitely want to come over."

Tang Yue wanted to pull out a smile to pretend that she was okay, but her mouth moved, and the smile on her face was even uglier than crying.

"Big Brother Lu... Don't you worry uncle... I'm fine... True... I'm really okay... "You can go back. I still need to go to work. I'll be leaving first …" Tang Yue did not even dare to look up as she turned and left.

The Mercedes-Benz that was not far away quickly caught up and stopped beside her. Tang Yue opened the car door and sat inside, and the car quickly disappeared inside.

Lu Xiao's expression darkened, and he knew in his heart that Tang Yue was in great pain.

However, there would be a day when she would have to deal with Su Xuelan's situation.