Huo Shengzhi abruptly turned around: "Stop! If you don't want to be thrown out by Si Han, then shut your mouth. "

Huo Shengxuan guiltily glanced at the door to the guest hall, then swept his eyes over the guest hall. Seeing no trace of Si Han, he shamelessly continued to walk into the dining hall, pulled out a chair, and sat opposite of Big Brother.

"No matter what, we are brothers who have broken bones and tendons, wouldn't it be hard for Si Han to throw me out? Furthermore, if you treat me like this, Aunt Ya Ru will not be able to stand it. "

Huo Shengzhi looked at him coldly. "Don't mention my mother's name."

"Alright, alright. If you don't bring it up, then don't bring it up. Then, can I have a meal here? "

Huo Shengzhi called out to Si Han, and when Huo Shengxuan raised his head, he saw that Si Han had suddenly appeared out of nowhere.


"If this person is a mess, remember to throw him out."

"Yes." Si Han obediently walked to Huo Shengxuan's side, and stood guard beside him like a wooden stake.

Huo Shengxuan laughed so hard that his eyes narrowed into a line as he raised his head to look at Si Han and exaggeratedly greeted him: "My dear, aren't you tired standing? Sit down and have some? "

Si Han looked at him unrestrainedly: "Is Second Young Master forcing me to take action?"

"Fine, fine, fine. Don't say it!" You don't need to say anything, right? I want to eat! " Huo Shengxuan, on the other hand, kept to his word and did not say anything else as he accompanied his brother to finish the dinner.

Huo Shengzhi finished his meal, stood up and left, while Huo Shengxuan quickly followed.

"Big brother, I want to talk to you about investing in me. You can't just refuse me, can you?"

"What kind of investment?"

Huo Shengxuan looked at Si Han, who was staring at him intently, and said with a smile that did not reach his eyes, "This is a matter involving trade secrets, it would be best if it could only be the two of us."

Huo Shengzhi did not buy his words at all. "Since you're not willing to talk, then let's go back. Si Han, send our guest off. "


Si Han took a few steps forward and blocked Huo Shengxuan's path, not wanting him to take another step forward.

Seeing his big brother heading upstairs without even looking back, Huo Shengxuan gloomily looked at this obedient person: "Are you happy to see my big brother's wife dispersing?"

Si Han's face became troubled: "My apologies, this is my duty."

"Duties!" He doesn't even recognize his own wife, so what are you talking about? You don't know Tang Yue? She was the real CEO. "Don't think that you won't get fired if you listen to him now. One day my sister-in-law will be righted, just wait for her to come home."

Huo Shengxuan said snappily as he turned and walked back to the living room.

"Cheng Xuan, wait a moment."

Suddenly, someone called out to Huo Shengxuan. He turned around to see the butler, Uncle Li, walking over.

"Uncle Li, what's the matter?"

Uncle Li smiled gently: "I seem to have heard the Young Madam's name earlier, I want to confirm if I heard wrongly."

Finally hearing that someone was concerned about Tang Yue, Huo Shengxuan's mood improved a lot.

"Uncle Li, Tang Yue is back."

Uncle Li was surprised: "Since she is back, why not go home? Where is she now? "

"He is currently living at a friend's home, so you should know about my elder brother's current situation. I don't remember anything more about myself and Tang Yue. "

"Then what should we do? And now he is engaged to Yun Nuo. "

"Yeah, I'm worried too. Since my brother's accident five years ago, everyone has kept quiet about him. Now that this matter has suddenly been mentioned, he will definitely not be able to accept it. "

Because of Tang Yue's departure that year, Big Brother Huo Shengzhi got into a car accident.

The old tutor had always doted on his eldest grandson, so he was naturally furious.

After knowing that his eldest grandson had lost that portion of his memories of Tang Yue, he ordered everyone to remain silent and take responsibility for the consequences.

So in the five years that Tang Yue had been gone, Huo Shengzhi had never heard of her name before.

Tang Shengkun had tried to get close to him before, but he was stopped at the door.

A name that he had never heard of, suddenly telling him that it was his wife, he would definitely reject it. Huo Shengxuan was very clear on this point.

Uncle Li was silent for a moment, "Why don't we... You found some of their old photos and I put them in his study? "

"Hmm, let's try it first and see if it works. I'll send it over later."


Tang Yue had woken up early today. Actually, from the moment her son was born until now, she had already cultivated the habit of waking up early.

From her son's washing up to breakfast, she had to be very careful. A small mistake might well have cost his son his life.

After washing her face and rinsing her mouth, Tang Yue wrote down all the things she needed to pay attention to clearly on a piece of paper.

Fortunately, he had studied in the Auntie Mi, so recognizing words was not a problem.

When she made breakfast, she did it twice, first for her son and then for everyone.

When Mi Duoduo came down from the stairs, she had already finished all of them.

"My God, when did you get up?" How come I didn't know? " Staring at the table full of breakfast, Mi Duoduo looked at her in disbelief and sighed: "Looks like having a child and not having a child is really different."

Tang Yue laughed, "You are right, once a woman has a child, a child is everything in her life. You should hurry up and register with Manager Xu. Having a beautiful and lovely child will make your life happier. "

Mi Duoduo rolled his eyes, "Forget it, that person only has his ex-wife's retarded son in his eyes. I'm really curious, do you think there is such a mother in this world? She left his son in the orphanage and wouldn't be back for years. "I wonder how the boss fell for this kind of woman?"

Tang Yue laughed, "Isn't there a phrase that goes' love goes west in one's eyes'? The way you look at people when you are young is completely different from the way you look at people after you mature. "

Mi Duoduo giggled and came over: "Then can you tell me what you think of the CEO right now? Did he change in your eyes? "

Tang Yue lifted his hand and poked her nose: "In my eyes, he has never changed, she has gone to see Xiao Hetao."

Mi Duoduo raised her eyebrows as she looked at her back.

Xiao Hetao had long since woken up, so he obediently lied on the bed and read the children's drawing book.

When Tang Yue was young, she loved to read books, but she didn't have that condition, so from the moment her son was born to now, the books she bought for him were mostly children's books.

Because he was sick, Xiao Hetao could not go out and play like a normal person, so reading books had become his hobby.

It was also because of this reason that Xiao Hetao knew more words and understood more things than children of the same age.

"Mommy, I finished reading another book …"

When Tang Yue entered, she showed off to her mother happily.

Tang Yue smiled, then carried his son and sat him up from the bed. After putting on his clothes for him, he didn't rush to let him off the bed.

"Can you tell Mommy what's going on?"