C443 Where is your son when he needs you

"Then tell me, where were you when your son needed you?"

"…" Huo Shengzhi looked at her silently with an unspeakable gloominess on his face: "I'm very sorry."

"Huo Shengzhi, there are some things in this world … You can't say sorry. During the time I spent abroad, every night when I slept, I thought about the relationship between the two of us. You already have a fiancée, and the granddaughter of Grandpa's best friend. I know you broke up with her because of me. Now that Xiao Hetao is healthy, you don't have to worry about him, and you don't have to worry about me and him interfering in your life. From now on, we will walk our own paths. "

"You like Ouyang Mo that much? So you want him to become Xiao Hetao's stepfather? "Don't you care about your son's feelings at all?"

"I won't stop you from meeting Xiao Hetao, but you can't get involved with my life either, it's my freedom if I want to date anyone."

Huo Shengzhi's face darkened. "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, I have."

Huo Shengzhi stared at her for a long time before finally speaking. "Got it, you can go now."

Tang Yue turned around and walked towards the door. Just as she took two steps, she turned around again: "You still haven't promised me that you won't interfere in my life from now on."

"Since there is no relationship between us, I don't need to promise you anything."

Tang Yue bit her lips, hesitated for a moment before turning and leaving.

Huo Shengzhi followed her into the living room. Seeing her open the door and leave without looking back, his deep eyes faintly narrowed.

Not to interfere in her life?

How is this possible?

Even if he couldn't remember anything, he wouldn't allow his son and wife to live with other men.

At two in the afternoon, Tang Yue got up and washed her face.

When he came out of the bathroom, Auntie Mi walked over.

"Yueyue, there's something I need to tell you."

"Auntie, tell me, what's the matter?"

"While you were away, your adoptive mother came to the neighborhood every day. Since the security guards didn't let her in, she could only wait at the door. Several times he stopped me and said that your father seemed to be ill and in the hospital. I was afraid you'd be distracted abroad, so I never told you. How about... You go to the hospital? After all, he's your adoptive father, and I don't think that woman has been doing very well lately.

"Do you know which hospital he's in?"

"Central Hospital."

Tang Yue looked at the time and pondered for a moment: "Since Auntie Xiao Ai isn't awake yet, I'll go take a look at the hospital. If she wakes up, you can explain it to her. "

"Alright, then hurry up and go."


Tang Yue took her bag and went out. When she came over, he saw her car parked downstairs, so she drove over.

The downtown hospital was not far from here, less than ten minutes away.

Tang Yue parked the car and quickly entered the clinic hall.

While she was overseas, she did receive a call from her adoptive mother, because she didn't answer when she was abroad.

He made a phone call on the way over, and knowing that his foster father was in the inpatient department, he took the elevator to his foster father's room.

After knowing that he was hospitalized, Tang Yue was still a little worried.

Although Tang Shengkun and Qiu Yunli did not treat him very well, he was still raised by them.

At this point in time, she couldn't stay out of it.

When she came out of the Inpatient Department's elevator, Qiu Yunli was already waiting at the entrance. When she saw Tang Yue, her tears started rolling down her face.

"Yueyue, you're finally here... Your dad, he... "I'm almost at my limit …" Qiu Yunli's face was covered in tears, it did not seem to be faked.

"What happened to my dad? Have you found out what's wrong? " Seeing Qiu Yunli's expression, Tang Yue also became nervous.

Qiu Yunli sniffed, wiped away her tears, and sobbed, "Your father... Originally, it was not a big deal. During the time you've been overseas, it was unknown how you found out that there was a tumor growing on your liver … The doctor said... " Qiu Yunli was so sad that she couldn't continue anymore.

"Mom, don't cry. Tell me the details first."

"The doctor said... "It could be a malignant tumor …"

"Have you confirmed it?"

Qiu Yunli shook her head: "But the doctor said that the chances of success are not high... Tang Yue, tell me, if your father is gone, how am I to live? "

Tang Yue was a little speechless: "What a doctor, I will go find him and ask him what happened? How can you say that there is no great hope without a definite diagnosis? What kind of bullshit doctor is this!? "

"Alright, I'll take you there …" Qiu Yunli arranged her emotions and brought Tang Yue to the main doctor's office.

When Qiu Yunli entered the door, she stammered a little, "Yue Yue Yue … There's something... I have to tell you something... "

"What is it?"

"That's right …" It's the money your dad spent on the inpatient treatment... "All of them were acquired by Cheng …"

"What did you say?" Huo Shengzhi? "

Qiu Yunli immediately nodded, and explained with a bit of guilt: "We really don't have any money, and you went abroad again, I can't possibly watch your father die, can I?"

Tang Yue sighed speechlessly: "Then can you tell me how much you spent?"

"The nurse said that the best medicines were given to your dad in the hospital. It seems that some ordinary medicines only cost one or two thousand, while others were given to your dad for ten to twenty thousand … All the best imported... "

"About how much?"

"Possibly... Maybe three hundred thousand... Yue Yue, you … "You're not unhappy, are you?"

Tang Yue was really at a loss for words. "Forget it, I've already spent it, what else can I say? "Let's go in."


After conversing with the doctor for half an hour, Tang Yue roughly understood the illness of her foster father.

Other than a few minor ailments, Tang Shengkun's liver did indeed have a tumor, but what the doctor said was somewhat different from what Qiu Yunli said.

"This is a benign tumor. As long as you cooperate with the treatment and maintain a happy mood, you will recover soon. Don't worry."

After approximately half an hour, Tang Yue and Qiu Yunli walked out of the main doctor's office and went to Tang Shengkun's ward.

Tang Shengkun was currently sleeping, and because of the drugs, his body was relatively weak.

Tang Yue looked around and then walked out of the sickroom. Qiu Yunli followed him out.

"My dad doesn't have any major issues right now, so please don't think about it in a bad way. This isn't good for his disease."

Qiu Yunli moved her lips in embarrassment: "I'm really going to die from fright, don't you know that I've been supporting myself all this time, constantly having nightmares …" After saying that, Qiu Yunli's eyes reddened again.

"Just you alone? What about my sister? "

"There's no money in the family, and her husband is a lazy eater, so she can only go out and look for a job. "That Yue Yue …"

"If you have something to say, just say it."