Sheng Wenqi threw his phone on the table, but his heart was in complete chaos.

He got up from the leather chair and walked around the office.

He remembered the accident five years ago, when his daughter was one of the victims.

It was just like what the stranger said, Fu Yuhan had indeed been struck into a bloody mess that could not be seen how she looked, it was just that the license plate of the car she was driving, the phone in her bag, the bank card and ID card confirmed that the victim was Fu Yuhan.


If what that person said was true, then all of this … This was too terrifying.

For the past five years, another woman had lived in the Sheng Jia as her daughter.

It was fine if he didn't know about this, but if he did, he couldn't just sit there and do nothing.

Just like what that stranger said, the only thing that could prove the relationship between the two of them the most was paternity testing.

This was the most direct and fastest method.

If the "Sheng Yunnuo" in the family was really an imposter, he had to avenge her dead daughter.

If she was really his daughter, then he wouldn't have to be so worried.

Thinking about it, Sheng Wenqi quickly walked to the leather chair and sat down. He picked up his phone and called his family doctor.

"Prepare enough sleeping pills for me, and a phone call for me tonight. You have something important to do at my house, so remember to keep it a secret."


If no one in this world had ever told Sheng Wenqi that Sheng Jia was a fake daughter, he would probably never ask this question in his entire life.

But once someone said it, the balance of his doubts would become more and more skewed.

Thinking back to how his wife had told him more than once about his daughter's personality change in these past five years, and connecting the dots and dots of "Sheng Yunnuo" living in the Sheng Jia during these past five years, Sheng Wenqi grew more and more curious to know the truth.

That night, he made his wife cook porridge and put enough sleeping pills in Sheng Yunnuo's bowl.

Shortly after dinner, Sheng Yunnuo felt sleepy and went back to her room to sleep.

Sheng Wenqi who had already prepared everything called his own family doctor. His private doctor was already waiting outside the villa, and when the call arrived, he immediately brought his medicine chest into Sheng Jia Villa.

When he found out that Sheng Wenqi was going to give his daughter and himself a paternity test, the doctor quickly prepared to follow him upstairs.

Sheng Wenqi first knocked on the door, but there was no response. Then, he took out the key he had prepared beforehand and gently opened his daughter's door, bringing the doctor with him as he entered.

When it was time for dinner, Sheng Yunnuo naturally did not know that Sheng Wenqi had put something inside the bowl of congee she had been drinking, so she had drunk all of it. At this moment, she was sleeping even deeper than a dead pig.

The sampling process was very simple, the doctor even took blood samples for her, Sheng Yunnuo did not make a sound.

Coming out from her room, the private doctor gave Sheng Wenqi a few more samples before leaving the Sheng Jia Villa under Sheng Wenqi's repeated instructions.

When Sheng Yunnuo woke up the next day, it was already past one in the afternoon.

This time, she slept soundly. She sat on the bed, lost in thought.

When he went downstairs after washing up, he found out from the servant that there was a thief who had used incense last night, causing everyone to wake up late.

Seeing her daughter go downstairs, the mother walked over worriedly, pulling her along and asking her if she was feeling uncomfortable anywhere.

Only after hearing her say it was nothing did everyone relax.

After lunch, Sheng Yunnuo took her own musical instrument and went out.

Today, she was going to perform at the university, so Sheng Wenqi personally sent her to the entrance of the university.

Seeing Sheng Yunnuo getting off the carriage and walking further and further away from him, Sheng Wenqi started to doubt the words of the man who made the call.

If this woman was really a fake, how could she possibly play such a thing?

In this world, not everyone had this kind of talent.

Because the sampling had started the appraisal early in the morning and the speed was increased by one day, the results came out in the early morning of the same night.

Sheng Wenqi was afraid that something would happen, so he did not go home at night. He only told his wife that he needed to work overtime at the company, so he would be a bit late when he returned to the villa.

This sort of thing had happened over the years, so naturally, no one in the family doubted him.

Even Sheng Yunnuo did not take this to heart.

In the all these years that she had been in the Sheng Jia, she had never cared about the matters of the Sheng Jia.

At three in the morning, the results of the paternity test were finally out. Sheng Wenqi was waiting in a private appraisal center's conference room, and the moment he came out, he had to hand it over to him.

He quickly fixed his gaze on the final result and his body suddenly stiffened!

"Chairman!" The doctor caught him.

Sheng Wenqi's hand trembled a few times, the result of the appraisal fell on the table, in front of him, a dense mist rose, and Sheng Wenqi suddenly laughed. However, his smile was a bit sad.

"How can this be? How could this be? She's obviously my daughter … Yun Nuo... Daddy is so sorry … "

After a brief period of silence, Sheng Wenqi was unable to control his emotions and let out a great sigh.

He had raised his daughter for five years, but now, he realized that she wasn't related to him in the slightest. No matter who it was, he wouldn't be able to accept this.

Moreover, the fake Sheng Yunnuo was the one who directly killed her daughter.

"Chairman, you must persevere. This result may sometimes go a little wrong... " The private doctor looked at Sheng Wenqi's desperate expression and consoled him.

Sheng Wenqi shook his head in heartache: "I won't make a mistake... No errors... My daughter five years ago... He was already dead … "Sob, sob …"

A 50-60 year old man couldn't help crying as he thought about his daughter, who died five years ago.

"What crime have I committed? Why did God do this to my daughter? Why... Why... "Why?"

After knowing the truth, Sheng Wenqi was in tears. He could not accept this fact, nor could he accept it.

This shocking truth was completely fatal to him.

However, if he did not accept, his daughter's grievances would not be prosecuted.

Sheng Wenqi slumped onto the chair, unable to recover his reason for a long time.

After about an hour, he slowly came back to his senses. Looking at the phone on the table, he thought of that strange man who had called him.

Picking up the results of the appraisal and leaving the private appraisal center, he returned to his own Sheng family group.

As soon as he entered the office, he locked the door from the inside and staggered over to the sofa to sit down.

Ye Zichen picked up his phone with trembling hands, found that unfamiliar number, and dialed it.