With Chu Yunxiao's intelligence, Molly knows that it may not be long before he has insight into everything.

She did not want him to know the truth, she had been living the same kind of house arrest with him.

In S City, even if they have nothing, even if they start from the hardest life, those memories are priceless to her.

She is very realistic, did not want to follow him for a lifetime, that is impossible.

He took her hand to his lips and rubbed her hair with a smile: "my woman, even if she has nothing, I will not let her live a hard life."

Molly looked up at him and couldn't help laughing: "nothing but a miserable life? In fact, being with you is the world to me. "

Chu Yunxiao's eyes were a little bit deep, it seemed that some did not believe what he had just heard: "Molly, repeat what you just said."

Since he knew Ouyang Jingyao, she has never said such straightforward and emotional words to herself.

He was a little excited and wanted to hear it again.

Realizing that she had let out her mouth, Molly quietly folded her expression: "I mean, we'd better live a good life."

"It's not that. You know what I'm talking about."

Molly shook her head blankly: "I don't know."

Looking at the wonderful little expression on her face, he pinched her chin, bowed his head and gave her a lightning kiss on her lips: "naughty."

Jasmine's face turned red in an instant, her heart beat faster, and her cheek was so hot.

"What are you doing when there are outsiders here?"

He looked her in the eye: "lily, one day, I'll let you say these words to me in person."

Molly was embarrassed to smile and said nothing. The taxi quickly got to the center of the city. When getting off, the driver kindly introduced to the two people: "this is the best road section in s city. See the building across the road? That's the top company here. My son has just applied for the job recently. It's really pushing his head in. M & s group is a famous company in the whole family and all over the world, specializing in software. However, the threshold is a little high. The companies around here are all good. You can also visit other places. "

Molly thanks the driver: "thank you, Yunchu. Let's get off the bus." Finish saying then prepare to open the door to get off, was pulled by Chu Yunxiao. Looking back at him puzzled: "what's the matter?"

Chu Yunxiao didn't answer her, but looked at the driver in front of him. He took out a thousand yuan from ten thousand yuan and handed it to him: "master, do me a favor. These money are all yours."

The master looked at the money, then looked at Chu Yunxiao and laughed: "in this city, you don't have to use money to solve problems. Put the money away first and tell me what the problem is. "

Seeing that the other party didn't accept it, Chu Yunxiao collected the money again. Looking at the M & s group across the road, he said, "can you call your son? Let him show me to the president of their company? "

After hearing this, the master was embarrassed: "this I'm afraid not? "

Chu Yunxiao took out ten thousand yuan and handed it directly to the master in front of him.

Molly was in a hurry and reached for the ten thousand yuan: "Chu Yunxiao, what are you doing? That's all we have. " Chu Yunxiao took off her hand easily, looked at the master in front of her and said, "you must have heard almost on the way to here. It is the first time that my wife and I have come to this city. With only the 10000 yuan, I will give it to you now. I only hope you can help me to do this. If I'm not quite sure that I'm not going to take out all the money, do you think? "

The driver looked at the ten thousand yuan and the building across the road: "ten thousand yuan is quite a lot, but I'm afraid that you will affect my son's work. He will be fired, which is not what the 10000 yuan can make up for."

"I can guarantee that not only will he not be fired, but he will be promoted and raised. Actually, I can go without you calling. Go to the front desk of the company and say that I have made an appointment with their boss. "

"Then why do you want to do more?" He was worried that his son would be fired because of the man behind him, so he did not dare to agree.

"I hope to have a bosom friend when I enter the company."

The driver looked at him in surprise: "do you want to apply for this company?"

"It's not a job application. I can go to work today if I want to."

Molly pulled at his clothes: "Yunchu, can we be more practical? You promised me... "

There is also a limit to boasting. You should take out all ten thousand yuan and say that you can go to work today as long as you want. If a smaller company is just, but the opposite company is a big group. She knew that this man did have some abilities, but they just came to this city, and they didn't even have a house. They had to pay 10000 yuan for their money, which was a bit big.

Unless, he used his old network.Chu Yunxiao said with a smile: "don't worry, I will do what I say. I said that I went to work in this company today based on my real talent and learning. You can rest assured. "

"Well Are you sure? "

"I don't do anything I can't be sure of." The driver in front of him listened to Chu Yunxiao's words and said, "OK, I'll make this call for you. If you can really apply to enter the company, you'd better take the 10000 yuan. If you can't get into this company, you'll have to take it even more. I can't let you sleep on the street because of this. You put the money away and I'll call. "

"Good." Chu Yunxiao was not polite and collected the money again.

The driver took out his mobile phone to find his son's number, and looked at Chu Yunxiao worried: "I said you are distant relatives, is his cousin OK?"

Chu Yunxiao nodded. Driver driver this just dialled the son's telephone, said painstakingly for a while, finally heart line. Looking back at him and smiling: "you go quickly, he has gone downstairs now. You've heard what I said just now. Don't let it slip. "

"What's your name, master?" Chu Yunxiao asked.

"My name is Lu, and my son's name is Lu Yuhang." The driver said, "I'll take you downstairs."

"Good." Chu Yunxiao is not polite.

The taxi turned around at the intersection ahead and soon stopped in front of the M & s group square. Two people get off the car, the driver master also followed the car, but also warm to bring them to the group lobby door. Lu Yuhang is really waiting there. Master Lu introduces Chu Yunxiao to his son and drives away.

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