"This stinky woman

He lifted his leg and put his arm around him: "young master, you must not be impulsive. I want to tell you that Hao Hao is your own son! He is your own flesh and blood, you can't send him away! "

Chu Yunxiao looks down at him, expression speechless anger: "how do you prove you said these words?"

"You can do a paternity test with Hao Hao! I promise you with my life that he is really your own son

"Good! Good! Have a son, right? " Chu Yunxiao clenched his fist in a rattle, and his eyes kept spraying fire: "Zuo Hao!"

"Yes." Zuo Hao came out of nowhere.

"Drag that bitch out of the room."


Uncle Ying looks at Chu Yunxiao at a loss, and then looks at Zuo Hao who goes to Luo Yun's room. He has a bad premonition: "young master You What do you want to do? "

"Well, what do I want to do? Since that bitch gave me a son, I'll reward her for anything I say Chu Yunxiao lifted his legs, shook off uncle Ying, and went to the sofa to sit down.

His face was livid, and his whole face was completely black.

Perhaps in other people's eyes, Luo Yun gave birth to a son, this matter, is not a bad thing.

But to him Chu Yunxiao, any woman in the world can give him a son, but Luo Yun can't.

She was a little bit of a beauty, but it was nothing compared to a really beautiful person.

The most important thing is that this woman is ruthless and vicious. She once fell three bottles of poisonous insects to Ouyang Jingyao before, and almost let his beloved woman die.

at the thought of that night, the woman injected herself into her own body with the essence he had prepared, and he could not help directly tearing her.

My own son?

As long as he wants to have children, he can let countless women give him sons.

What does she think she is?


Luo Yun was chuyunxiao fall walking is a problem, heard that Chu Yunxiao to find themselves, or left Hao helped out of the room.

Looking at the British uncle kneeling on the ground, Luo Yun's eyes flash a touch of panic.

She staggered and knelt down beside uncle Ying: "Dad, what's the matter with you?"

Uncle Ying shook his head and sighed helplessly. Chu Yunxiao full of craft and cunning, looking at the tricky woman on the ground, "Luo Yun, now tell me, when Yuri Huang was brought back to the shadowless island on the first night, did you put the essence of my frozen in your body?"


What he worries most now is whether the twins born by Ouyang Jingyao are his own daughters?

Luo Yun raised her hand and wiped the blood from the corners of her mouth. Looking at the scarlet eyes of Chu Yunxiao, she couldn't help but fight a cold war.

No matter how stupid she is, she dare not tell the truth at this time.

She shook her head and did not dare to look into Chu Yunxiao's eyes again Telling the truth at this time is like looking for death.

"Is Hao Hao my own son?" Chu Yunxiao pressed the fire in his heart, and his joints rattled.

Luo Yun looks at Uncle Ying, eyes at the floor and nods.

Bang -

Chu Yunxiao suddenly got up and kicked Luo Yun's chest!

Luo Yun's body was caught off guard and kicked out a few meters away, bumping into the side of the wall just stopped.

Puff -

LUO Yun spits out another mouthful of blood.

Uncle Ying staggered to run over, helped Luo Yun, looked at Chu Yunxiao and begged: "young master, you can't hit her any more. Even if she has anything wrong with her, she is also Hao Hao's mother... " "Mother? Do you want to ask her about this word? Thinking about how to frame others every day, is she worthy of being a mother? Luo Yun, I tell you, mother to child can happen to anyone, but this life will never happen to you. You think you're going to be able to rise to the sky just by giving me a son, don't you? I tell you, from today on, you have nothing to do with anyone in this family. And uncle Ying, if you want to save her, get out of the villa immediately! From now on, don't come near me any more. "

"Young master..."

A bloodthirsty light flashed in Chu Yunxiao's eyes: "Zuo Hao, let someone throw this woman out to me. I don't want to see her any more now. Now

"Yes "Young master -" Luo Yun knelt on the ground in despair, ignoring the pain of her body and kowtow to Chu Yunxiao: "I was wrong I was wrong I apologize to you! I apologize to the young lady! You misunderstand, Hao Hao, he is not your own son

… He's not! It's my own vanity. It's all my fault... "

She did not dare to imagine what would happen to her after she was driven out of the villa.

Xiao Yunchen, who is looking at him from the outside, is sure to cut himself.

She can't leave here!Absolutely not!

"I was wrong I shouldn't frame the young lady. It's my fault My fault! I'm willing to atone! Just ask you to let me stay... " Luo Yun kneels on the ground and kowtows incessantly, banging the floor.

Uncle Ying also begged Chu Yunxiao in a panic: "young master, Luo Yun, she knows that she is wrong. If you let her leave here, Xiao Yunchen will certainly take the opportunity to make trouble. Don't let her leave here

Chu Yunxiao's face could not be said ugly, coldly looked at the pestle beside zuohao: "how, you are going to leave her to live with you?"

Zuo Hao nodded and went to Luo Yun with another brother. One left and one right held her shoulder: "Miss Luo, I'm sorry..."

"No! Young master, I am wrong! I'm wrong - please leave me - I'm wrong - "Luo Yun screamed, but Chu Yunxiao didn't frown from beginning to end.

Seriously injured Luo Yun was directly out of the villa, thrown to the villa door, no matter how she cried, the villa door or mercilessly closed.

Listening to the cry outside, Chu Yunxiao's eyebrows finally wrinkled, looked left Hao cold voice command: "throw her away from me."


"Young master -" Ying uncle collapsed on the ground and begged Chu Yunxiao, but Chu Yunxiao didn't look at him, and turned and went upstairs.

Uncle Ying shook his head helplessly and looked at the child held by the servant not far away, and sighed heavily.

Some regret that he should not tell the true identity of the child.

With Chu Yunxiao's character, how can he tolerate this kind of thing?

Fortunately, Luo Yun didn't tell the truth about that night. If Chu Yunxiao knew that the twin daughters were not his own, would he kill Luo Yun in a rage?

In this way, Luo Yun had better leave here.

But think of the covetous Xiao Yunchen outside, he is entangled again.

Taken away by Xiao Yunchen, Luo Yun's fate will not be better.

I don't know whether Xiao Yunchen will kill her or take her as a hostage?

Left Hao quickly returned home, uncle Ying nervously asked: "where did you put her?"

"It's twenty meters away from here. If you want to see it, you can go now. I'll take you there myself

Uncle Ying bowed to Zuo Hao: "thank you so much."

Left Hao turned out of the living room of the villa, uncle Ying quickly followed up and left the villa by car.

The car opened from the door of the villa, driving about 20 meters away, but before and after looking all over, did not see Luo Yun's figure at all. Uncle Ying got out of the car and looked around at the place Zuo Hao had designated. There was no trace except a pool of blood on the ground.

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