Qin Yuling's face is pale. She originally hid here to take advantage of other people's inattention to slip away. But there are too many guests downstairs. When she carefully prepares to go downstairs, she meets Ouyang Mo again. Scared, she quickly hid in the guest room, thinking that after a while Ouyang Mo went downstairs, she could slip away from the side door. Who would have been caught by him.

"Asshole! Who the hell are you? " Looking at the woman in front of him, a bad premonition flashed in Ouyang Mo's mind. When he recalled the "Qin Yuling" he had just held in his arms, she had been staring at herself. Without waiting for her answer, he took out his mobile phone and called the security guard at the door.

Because today is the new year's Eve, so the manor gate has strengthened the guard.

But unfortunately, when the phone called, I learned that the car carrying "Qin Yuling" had just left the gate of the manor.

"Do whatever you can to get that car back to me at once!"


Ouyang Mo hung up the phone and looked at Qin Yuling, who was terrified. He grabbed her by the collar and said, "you'd better explain everything to me, or I'll make sure that the Qin family is ruined and on the street."

Qin Yuling had been guilty of being a thief, but now he was completely frightened by Ouyang Mo's expression, shaking his whole body into a ball.

"No It's none of my business It's It's yunlu'er... "

"Is that woman I just carried in my car, Xu Zhengya?"

Qin Yuling nodded tremblingly: "yes My little assistant It's It's Yunlu er Pretending to be She drugged Xu Zhengya's drink And then I made her look like me I I was forced to... "

Ouyang Mo pushed her out: "if something happens to my wife, your family will bury her with her!" With that, he went downstairs in a hurry.

All of a sudden, Ouyang Mo quickly went downstairs, took several of the most effective bodyguards and drove away from the manor.

Along the way, people kept telling him where yunlu'er's car had gone and passed by.

The bodyguard drove the car to the maximum speed. Fortunately, Ouyang Mo found it in time, and a dozen cars were chasing and intercepting. In less than half an hour, he caught up with the car carrying Xu Zhengya.

When the car left Ouyang manor, yunlu'er's face showed a proud smile. Looking at Xu Zhengya, who was weak around her, she laughed: "see? Now we are out of the gate of Ouyang manor. Isn't Ouyang Mo like you? By the way, if one day in the future, if he knew that he had sent you to hell by himself, would he regret it all his life? He not only buried his wife, but also his unborn child. Tut Tut, you see, he is poor enough. Do you think so? "

Xu Zhengya glared at her with hatred, but could not say a word.

The moment the car just left the manor, how she hoped Ouyang Mo could catch up with him.

But she knew it was impossible.

If he can find out, he should have found it when he carried himself to the car just now.

Watching the car drive out of Ouyang manor, her heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Despair followed.

Yunlu'er is prepared for this time. Her purpose is only one, that is to kill herself.

She is not afraid of death, but the most worrying thing is that after her death, if Ouyang Mo knew that he personally sent himself to yunlu'er's car, he would regret it all his life.

She didn't want him to live with regret and guilt all his life.

That's not what she wants to see.

Listening to yunlu'er's sarcastic words, Xu Zhengya slowly closed his eyes.

She now has a drug attack in her body. She can neither ask for help nor help herself. She can only wait for death.

Just think of Ouyang Mo, her heart is painful.

She should have said something long ago, but now, it's too late.

No chance.



The car suddenly came to a sudden brake in the night, but because the speed was too fast, the car still ran into the body in front of it, making a violent crash.

Yunlu'er was a little confused when she was hit. She was stunned for a moment before she came back to her mind.

"What's going on?"

Cloud dew son just opened a mouth, saw own car is surrounded by several cars in all directions. She was shocked and quickly put the pistol on Xu Zhengya's head.

Looking at Ouyang Mo in the light of the street lamp, she sneered.

"Oh! I can't believe it's coming so fast. Xu Zhengya, don't think your Savior is coming. Either you or he will die tonight! I'm not going to let you go together. "

The front window was smashed and the driver was lifted out.

The door opens and someone points a gun at yunlu'er.

The co pilot's door opens and Ouyang Mo sits in."Yunlu'er, go ahead, what do you want?"

Cloud dew son sneer: "I want her life."

"Her life is worthless. I'll trade it with her. How about it? "

Yunlu'er sneered again: "are you really stupid? Ouyang Mo, her life is not worth money, but what she has in her stomach is your seed. Do you think the life of the eldest grandson of Ouyang family is more valuable? " "I know you want to revenge for your second brother, but it has nothing to do with Xiaoya. If you really want revenge, you should go back to China and take revenge on the police who arrested your second brother. What's good for you to catch a pregnant woman now?

"I don't care whether it's good or not. I only know that my second brother's affairs are related to this woman. Ouyang Mo, you'd better get out of the car now! The gun in my hand doesn't have eyes. If you push me hard, none of us will come to a good end. "

"As long as you let her go, I'll let bygones be bygones. How about not calling the police? "

"I advise you to get off the bus earlier. My patience is limited. I don't have time to talk to you about it right now. Get out of the car, both of you Yunlu'er was almost hysterical.

Seeing the woman's excited and roaring appearance, Ouyang ink flushed the man in the cab with a wink and motioned him to get off first.

The bodyguard takes a look at yunlu'er, opens the door and gets out of the car.

The door closed and there were only three people left.

"Get out of the car, too!"

"Who will drive you when I get out of the car? Why don't you like that? Where do you want to go? I'll be your driver. How about that? "

Cloud dew son cold hum: "call up my driver, you roll down for me!"

Ouyang Mo gave a faint smile: "yunlu'er, in fact, I know the origin of your kidnapping Xiaoya today, or because I married her from the beginning, and didn't give you any chance, right?" "Don't be so sentimental. You don't mean a thing to me now. I just want this woman's life now. "

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