Chapter 12: Vienna (4)

Chapter 12: Vienna (4)

The road to our destination was beautiful, but this place was on a different level.

After breaking through the trees and bushes Vienna pointed out, a small pond appeared.

Fireflies circled over the pond like moving stars in the blue night sky, looking at that mesmerizing scenery only admiration came out of my mouth.

Wow Its really beautiful.

I know.

It was unfamiliar for me to see Vienna admitting it honestly.

She undid her arms, which had been wrapped around me for a while, and opened her basket.

It was a bit chilly because her arms, which were attached to my bare skin, had fallen off.

Inside the basket was a mat.

Vienna spread the mat on the floor. But she didnt stop there.

Seeing how thoroughly her preparations were, I was a little surprised, She rummaged through her basket and even pulled out a candle.

Did you even bring a candle?

Its night, so of course, I did.

She was the exact opposite of me who had come with only a bare body.

But how would you light the fire?


Vienna, who was placing the candle, hardened.

'This idiot doesnt even have the most basic idea.' I thought, seeing her like that

Lily noona always lit a fire with magic when we were at the party, so she must be too used to it.

At this point, she was ashamed and said, Thats because I just brought it?!

'But do we really need a candle?' I asked myself.

The moonlight was so bright that everything could be seen.

She, who had been fidgeting for a while, raised her head and looked at me.

Her eyes seemed to have moistened slightly.

How could this be..? Starchis


Light this on fire

I was embarrassed by this all of a sudden.

She handed me a candle held in her fern-like hand.

I was curious as to why she was doing this.

Was this even one of her dreams?

Looking at her being emotional about something like this, I was dumbfounded and laughed.

But Vienna did not back down and asked me again.

...ah ...Startchis... Please...

How can I light a fire here? I have no equipment.

I dont know Do what you do

Cant we just do without it?

Vienna's expression suddenly became sullen.

Again, my heart was about to weaken.

I thought it wouldn't be easy if she just got angry. But if she showed this kind of side, it was not easy and nice to refuse her.

'How much more will you fry me?'

I was not sure, but this might be her long-cherished wish. So I scratched my head and looked around.

I took the candle from her hand.

Vienna watched what I was doing with a brightened expression.

I picked up wood chips, thick twigs, and dried grass from the surroundings.

I sat on my butt outside on the mat and gathered the ingredients. Then I started scratching the twig against the wood block.

'You cant help it. You have to be like a caveman like this.' I told myself sarcastically.


If you want me to do it. Just wait and see.

- Swish... swish...

I moved my arms back and forth quickly. It was the first time since I played it as a joke when I was young. At that time, I couldnt light a fire after all. Will it be different now?

After a long time...


Just as the smoke was about to rise, I accidentally push it and the branches came out in pieces.

The rising smoke disappeared like a lie.

Vienna, this wont work

Wiping the sweat, I looked back at Vienna. She, too, was squatting next to me, hugging her knees. She got sullen again as if my words were expected.

Seeing that expression, I couldnt bear to finish my words. She was like a younger sister with a big age gap.

'Aa Why are you doing this to me?'

I closed my eyes and once again started rubbing the wood.

- Swipe... swipe...




I rubbed the wood for a while again. Quite a bit of time seemed to have passed.

At this point, I didn't know if I came here to rest or to light a fire.

'Now that I think about it, wouldnt it have been quicker to go to the orphanage and get the equipment?'

Ignoring the burning pain in my arms, I continued rubbing it.

- Swish

It had been a long time since the smoke rose this time.

I got used to this and moved consistently without making the same mistake as before. But beyond that nothing happened.

Vienna wiped away my flowing sweat.

I was thinking of quitting but Vienna's expression and actions all stopped me.

'If the sweat drops, it will to kill the smoke by mistake.'

Starchis, cheer up.

Pretty words come out of her mouth for the first time in a long while.

'Just how much she wanted to light a candle.'

'Just stick with me, please'

And at that moment, a bright fire was born.


It took a long time to open and close my mouth and muster up the courage. But in the end, I took a small bite.

The sour taste rose sharply.

There was nothing else to come up.

It was not that the food wasn't tasty, it wasn't even food.

'Oh, Are you kidding me?' I stopped chewing and looked at Vienna.

I looked at her with a serious smile on my face, saying If youre joking, tell me now.

But instead of following me and laughing, Vienna's expression suddenly brightened.

She looked very happy.

Eh... Is it delicious?

'Did she understand my smile that way?'

But if that was the case, that meant she was not kidding.

Although this was tasteless, it was made with care.

I used my wits to finish chewing the food in my mouth.

Oh well. Would you just eat some too?

As for Vienna, she only ate the food she made.

She didn't notice there was a problem.

To let her know that her food was not good...

You try it too. I would give it back, but she would just eat it well.

'So if I divide it like this and reduce my share, I can relieve the pain.'

Nope. You havent eaten dinner, so eat them all.

But the rope of salvation did not come down.

I looked at the remaining sandwich in her hand. They felt bigger than before.

Uh Are they more Delicious than what Lily made?

Vienna asked cautiously.

'Will it ever taste better than the one Lily noona makes?'

'If I look at it, she is very good at making absurd fights.'

But still, I couldn't say that.

The peaceful atmosphere that came from sitting in front of the beautiful scenery now. I didn't want it to be cold.

Hmm Both are delicious. Hey, Look over there!

I just stretched my hand out in front of me. Vienna's gaze followed. I called whatever I saw.

Wow, those fireflies are really pretty.

I tried my best to change the topic of the conversation.

'Why are you trying to compete with Lily noona's food?'

I took a big bite this time.

It would be better to get rid of this quickly and clean it up.


Time had passed.

The candles had all melted and disappeared, but it was still dark.

As I got used to the beauty of the pond, my drowsiness returned.

My stomach was full, and the topic of conversation was off, making it harder not to fall asleep.

It had been quite a while since I kept my silence.

'Wouldnt Vienna be sleepy at this point?'

I saw her holding my arm inside, saying it was cold.

Her hat was also off to the side of her, so her face was clearly visible.

She was staring blankly at the pond.

That Vienna.

She looked up at me without answering.

Would you like to go back in now? Theres nothing more to talk about, Im tired and Ah. Its cold too.


She didn't answer the other parts, but she answered only the last word.

She unfolded her arm and moved her body to fall back into my arms.

I was cold too, but its fine.

'No, isnt it right to go in?'

'Why do we two have to be cold here?'

'But its a little warm because shes like this.'

Cant we just Go inside?


Why? Theres nothing to talk about right now, youre bored too.

I am not bored.

She was sitting in my arms, so I couldn't see her expression.

I didnt know what she was thinking when she said this.

Im really tired right now

Then will you give me another wish ticket if we going in?


You didnt stay up all night with me when we went in. You didnt make my wish come true.

My thoughts just stopped at her words.

'Do I have to follow this again?'

My action just stopped.

'Thats never going to happen.'

No. Okay, lets stay up all night.




Even after that, I was able to watch the sunrise with her quietly without a word from her.

My back hurt from enduring the Vienne who kept leaning on me.

Back at the orphanage, the children were waking up. From the moment the children fell asleep to the moment they woke up, I was with Vienna.

My eyes were hurting more than anything else. It also came with a headache.

As soon as the children woke up, they clung to my body, saying lets play.

In my dizzy head, my older brothers advice

'Just say you have a girlfriend.'

...hovered more and more clearly.