Chapter 38: Oblique Lines (3)

Chapter 38: Oblique Lines (3)

"Encountered a monster that uses a scroll... is that what you're saying?"

Stion confirmed once again.

At Luss' nod, he let out a sigh.


After hearing the story, Stion couldn't help but think that this must have been an unavoidable circumstance for the three women as well.

Who could have predicted such a thing?

There was nothing else to say except that luck wasn't on their side.

After hearing the story, Stion no longer wanted to treat them as enemies.

But pent-up anger still remained within him.

Stion looked at his sleeping younger brother intently.

He looked pale.

Stion would believe it even if he were told he was a breathing corpse.

"...Is it due to blood shortage?"

Unable to keep staring for too long, Stion turned his gaze away and asked. This time Vienna stepped forward to answer.


"Have you still not found a blood donor?"

"Stachis... his blood is too unique."

Stion rolled up his sleeve hurriedly.

Check mine too.

Vienna gulped nervously.

A saintess next to her quickly took out a piece of accessory with a red gem embedded in it from her pocket and handed it to her.

This piece of jewel-adorned accessory indicates the type of a person's blood.

When the gem is brought close to a person's body, the color changes.

If the same color appears, it means blood transfusion is possible; if it's a different color, it's impossible.

Stachis color was white.

Vienna fervently prayed, her heart yearning for Stion's blood to also come out as white.

If it's this man - his brother - the blood color might actually match.

The gem was gently brought to his forearm.


The color of the gem changed.

It was a bright blue color.

The three women, who had been eagerly looking at the gem, fell back into despair.

Vienna bowed her head deeply and clasped the jewel-adorned accessory tightly in her hand.

Stion also realized from their reaction that his blood wouldn't work.

"..Stion, let's check ours too."

Voices could be heard from outside the door.

They were the members of the party 'Aid.'

Everyone rolled up their sleeves, and Vienna approached each person to check one by one.

There wasn't a single person with white color.

"...Is there no one?"

"Stachis is white..."

Stion let out a heavy sigh, and as Vienna kept her arms and head down, the manager of the party 'Aid,' Sera, spoke up.

"Stion, there is only one way to save Starchis now.

Luss, Lily, Vienna, and even Stion perked up their ears.

"What is it?"

Stion looked at Sera. His voice carried a determination to do anything.

"But it might be quite difficult."

"It doesn't matter. Tell us."

Sera glanced at the members of the party Aid

Her face looked apologetic.

We have to enter the dungeon. As long as we can go and get some vampire blood, Starchis would be fine.

"A vampire?"

"Yes. Anyone can receive a blood transfusion from a vampire; they are A-class monsters after all. If we can capture one, we can use its blood for Starchis."

Vampires are among the top monsters even within the A-class category.

They are difficult to find and fighting them is dangerous, so it's one of the missions that even A-class parties avoid.

Therefore, there wasn't much information known about the items that came from them.

Luss asked, "B-But, then... if that's the case, won't Stachis also become a vampire?"

Sera shook her head.

As long as we purify the blood, it'll be fine. The current problem is how to capture a vampire and also... whether Stachis can hold on until then.

Lily, who had already heard that time was running out for Stachis, couldn't get excited about this new hope.

It was said that A-rank monsters typically take more than four days to deal with. And that's limited to low intelligence. Creatures like vampires, who have high intelligence and even have minions with them, would take even longer.

It just didn't seem possible to meet the deadline.

"We'll be fine, Stion. Let's go and capture one. It's risky, but... we've had experience capturing vampires not too long ago."

One of the female party members helped Stion make the decision.

However, Stion had a different thought.

"Sera, didn't we capture a vampire recently?"

"...It's been almost two lunar cycles since we captured one."

Sera replied, puzzled by the question.

Stion narrowed his eyes and blinked.

"...No, maybe..."


Ignoring the call, Stion abruptly turned his body towards the door and said, "I have a place to go."The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

"Stion?! What about the dungeon?"

Was it gratitude? Apology? Joy? Perhaps anger at their uselessness.

What were the words he was trying to convey? What was so important that he gave up even walking to say so?

If he didn't wake up like this, she felt that she would regret her actions of blocking his mouth for the rest of her life.

Vienna and Luss felt the same way.

Not being able to hear his last words before he collapsed filled them with deep regret.


Stion was blocked by two guards in front of an imposing mansion.

"Halt! What's your business here?"

Tell Hian Nisty that Stion, the leader of the party Aid, has come to visit.


Upon hearing his name, the guard's wariness visibly diminished. It was no secret that the Nisty family and the Aid party had a good relationship.

One guard made a gesture to the other guard.

Having received the signal, the guard sprinted towards the distant mansion.

But Stion was in a hurry.

"...I know that the permission hasn't been granted yet, but can't you let me in? It's an urgent matter."


The guard became noticeably more polite when he learned that the man in front of him was Stion.

Well, it was understandable. Stion was someone who obtained his position solely based on his combat abilities, so he exuded a different kind of authority.

"It's truly an urgent matter."

To control his emotions, Stion clenched and loosened his fist.

Although the guard trembled, he didn't want to do a sloppy job when it came to the safety of Hian Nisty, who had always treated him well.

"...Please follow the proper procedures."

"You know that I can break through and enter if I want to, right?"

"Uh... Well..."

The guard swallowed hard.

"Make a decision quickly... I don't think my patience will last much longer."

At that moment, a sound could be heard from the distant mansion, catching the guard's attention.

His savior had arrived.

The guard who had rushed towards the mansion was returning, accompanied by a man.

In the distance, a dignified figure could be seenit was Hian Nisty.

Upon seeing him, Stion felt somewhat calmer.

The head of the family personally coming out to greet him was a significant gesture.

Approaching them, Hian lightly tapped the shoulder of the guard who had been sweating nervously.

"...What brings you here?"

Hian asked as he personally opened the gate.

He had rushed over, putting aside other matters, thinking that there must be an urgent reason for Stion to come alone to meet him.

Im here to ask a favor.

After hearing his words, Hian noticed the hidden anxiety beneath Stion's firm expression.

"Shall we talk inside?"

He extended his arm towards the mansion, indicating for Stion to enter.

Stion nodded and walked towards the mansion, ignoring the guards whisper behind him.

-Shit. I think I peed

-.. What?

Stion and Hian walked together, taking a short or perhaps long path.

Various servants bowed their heads as they entered the mansion.

The situation appeared grave, so nobody spoke a word.

"So, Stion. Please tell me the purpose of your visit."

Hian, a man exuding a deep and charismatic presence, held the weight of the conversation as he asked earnestly.

*Bam! Bam!*

But a loud noise disrupted their conversation.

-"Miss! Miss! Please come back!"

-"Its a guest, Elsa!"

Stion turned his head at the sound.


He focused on the name that reached his ears at an inopportune moment.

-What if its an important guest!

-'I've seen him once before. It's okay, Elsa!'


Hian couldn't hide his frustration. The serious atmosphere he had tried so hard to maintain disappeared once again.

On the staircase, a cute woman with pink hair and pink eyes appeared.

She was hastily followed by a maid.

Hian let out a sigh and grimaced, his expression filled with frustration, while Elsa, the maid, also wore a distressed look on her face.

Rose Nisty paid no attention to any of it. She cheerfully greeted Stion.

"Hello! Nice to see you again?"

"Yeah, good to see you too."

"Rose, go back quickly! It's an important guest!"

Hian scolded sharply. But from Stion's perspective, it seemed like Hian was more concerned with hiding Rose from him than genuinely caring for her well-being.

Rose ignored her father's words.

"You're alone today. Where is your brother? Stachis, right?"

She descended the stairs gracefully and asked Stion.

And when the name Stachis came from her lips, Stion regained his composure. He hurriedly turned and looked at Hian seriously.

"Hian... Actually, thats why I came here. Do you happen to know the whereabouts of the vampire blood we delivered last month?"

End of Chapter

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