Chapter 970 Leaving The Burial Realm

Chapter 970 Leaving The Burial Realm

Ling Yun gathered everyone who was training in the various areas at their first location, but his decision confused them. He explained his sudden change of plans, which was due to Lillia's condition. Unfortunately, none of them could match Vadin's strength, including Ling Xi, so he wanted to rush to the mysterious tower.

Xiao Xiao and the others can naturally understand Ling Yun's feelings. Helena was also part of their extended family, and they didn't want to see her sad, so they agreed to his plan.

Ling Yun then took out the icarus and asked them to board it before turning to the demihumans. "Since some of you want to go with us, I will take you all back to your home area so you can say goodbye to them."Geett the latest novels at

"Mo Chen! I don't want to go with you. I'm not sure that my mother will be willing to come with us, so I won't let her stay here alone." Instead, Ling Yun used his vacuum palm to draw Song Su towards him. He immediately hugged her and kissed her, causing her face to blush from embarrassment. 'Ugh! This guy is truly shameless and acts as he pleases! This week, he kept forcefully kissing me like this!'

Even though she grumbled, Song Su clearly enjoyed their kiss, especially since her squirrel tail kept wagging around.

Among the demihumans, Long Jue was the happiest with Ling Yun and Song Su's relationship, especially since the squirrel girl kept forcing him to marry her. 'Hey, Xiyi! Look at her; she enjoyed their kiss, so she will no longer chase me to marry her, and we can enjoy our relationship without disturbance.'

'En.' Er Xiyi smiled at that, particularly since Song Su disturbed them too often, especially when they were about to be intimate. 'Hey! Not only Song Su, but Lie Ying also seems to have fallen for him, especially after he gave her those pills, and her strength increased quite significantly thanks to them. Unfortunately, Huang Yin is different from us, and she likely wouldn't be happy if she were in a relationship with him.'

Long Jue nodded in agreement with her because he himself was quite familiar with Huang Yin's character, and Ling Yun herself didn't seem interested in him, especially since they never spoke to each other and only sparred.

Ya Xixian's relationship with Wu Gui seemed closer in the past week, especially since Ling Yun taught him to approach her more aggressively, and his efforts were not in vain as she responded to him openly.

The two had stopped kissing, but Ling Yun didn't let go of Song Su from his arms, and he took her to board the icarus while speaking to the others. "Let's go now."

Hearing that, the two demihumans and their contract beasts immediately boarded the Icarus, and Zhou Yu flew it into the void to shorten the time.



Her parents nodded understandingly at Huang Yin's wishes, and You Shun immediately replied to them. "All right, we will agree to both of your wishes, and you can go with them to that tower. However, you two must immediately return to this realm after you finish your training, or I will go to that mysterious tower and drag you both home by force."

"That's right, Yin'er." Huang Quan then proceeded to face Huang Yin and Lie Ying before hugging them. "You two are our dear daughters, and we truly understand your desire to become very strong, so we agree with your decision. However, you two must always be careful when you train in that tower, because we don't want to lose you, especially since there are so many humans who hate our kind there. Do you two understand?"

"Yes, Father." Huang Yin and Lie Ying answered at the same time.

Just like them, Huan Xiong and Qian Lan also wanted to join them, but their parents had forbidden them to leave their realm, so they chose to stay quiet. Not only them, Fei Yu also wants to see the outside world, but her master, Nan Xing, does not dare refute his brother and father's order, so she couldn't possibly leave without him.

Long Huanlei wanted to tell them something, but Ya Zi suddenly inquired as he looked up. "Xixian, don't you want to come down from there and meet your father?"

"Why should I meet you?" Instead, Yi Xixian coldly asked him back from atop the icarus. "I hate you so much, and I don't want to see you again. Furthermore, I already have Wu Gui, so I'll go with them to that tower. Besides, I will never return to this realm again in the future, and I will go to my mother's home realm, so you can forget about me."

"But-" Ya Zi paused his speech and listened to the incoming voice transmission. Naturally, the sender was Wu Gui, who advised him not to force Ya Xixian, as doing so would increase her hatred towards him. 'I leave my daughter with you, and I hope you can bring her back to this realm in the future.'

The other demihumans did not say anything about their relationship, and Long Huanlei directly asked Ling Yun. "Are you guys really going to leave now? Why don't you stay here for a few days?"

"There are many problems waiting for us in the future, so we have to leave now." Then, Ling Yun turned to Song An. "What's your decision, Auntie?"

"Old hag! I will hate you for the rest of my life if you are not willing to go with us."

Song An smiled pathetically at her daughter's words, and she finally agreed to join them, even though she found it hard to leave their realm.

After Song An finished packing her things, Ling Yun took them up the icarus before Zhou Yu flew it into the void again, leaving Long Huanlei and the others feeling disappointed at their departure.

- To Be Continued -