Chapter 3 - 3 – System, Skills, and Information 2.

Name:Primordial Soul's Rebirth Author:
Chapter 3: CHAPTER 3 – System, Skills, and Information 2.

The world Gaia is merely a small planet among a group of planets. Many other planets orbit around it, as well as numerous larger groups of planets. Beyond these groups lies the galaxy, which is formed by many such groups.

After that comes the universe, composed of many galaxies. Many universes form large clusters together, resembling a tree or similar structure, and these formations are referred to as the cosmos.

When using the term "many," it refers to billions or trillions, not just hundreds or thousands. The cosmos that forms reality resembles a plane, and when these realities merge, they create the multiverse.

While there are other concepts such as possibilities and dimensions, Alex wasn't provided with much information about these subjects. It seems the information is restricted and will only become accessible when he becomes stronger.

Alex realized that there were entities even larger than the multiverse, but he couldn't recall what they were, so he set aside those thoughts for the time being. Then he acquired information about something called a Heaven-Favoured or World-Lucky Child.

Every world would have them, and their sole purpose was to prevent catastrophes and eliminate threats that could lead to world destruction, among other harmful events.

Given their heavy responsibilities, they were endowed with powerful skills or abilities to aid them in fulfilling their purpose.

It wasn't always "With great power comes great responsibility," but sometimes "For great responsibilities, there are great powers." As Alex processed all this information, he asked a question.

'Wasn't the late Alex supposed to be the Heaven favored? I don't think anyone else has a power stronger than this.'

As Alex asked that to Sophia, a Dark red-colored mass of energy floated on his palm. Other than his power he also got the power that the late Alex died obtaining and it is called Destruction elemental manipulation.

If developed correctly, it could become so powerful that it could destroy anything, but Alex didn't feel like it was new for him as he felt that he had used it before. But he just put it in the back of his head since he knew that it was something from his past lives.

Yes, lives, he somehow knew now that it wasn't his first time switching bodies or reincarnating, he knew that he had done it at least two times.

[No, He was not supposed to be the Heaven favored. He was supposed to die the same way he died.]

'But?' Alex knew there was a But.

[But Alex would still have been the Heaven favored. It is just that it would only be the body of Alex, but the one inside would have been someone else.]

'Just like me?' Alex asked while lying down on the bed, staring at the sealing.

[Yes, and that was the reason why we were able to come here. The system forcibly replaced your soul with the person that was supposed to be the new Alex right when he was about to enter the body.]

'So, where is that person right now?' Alex asked as the system didn't kill the person but replaced them.

[They would have died in space by now since that person was already on their dying breath.]

'Oh, okay.' Alex didn't feel any remorse or guilt that a person died because of him and it was because even if it was his first time hearing someone die in this life, he knew that he had killed many people in his past lives.

[So, what are you going to do now?] Sophia asked and got the answer right after that.

'let's activate the bloodline and the title first.'

Alex was eager to gain new powers even though he knew that they were his power from the start. Sophia said that he has to enjoy his life, then he would enjoy it the best he can, he would go on adventures and this world would be his first adventure.

[Activating Supreme Human Bloodline and Pioneer Title complete.]

Along with Sophia's voice came a new sensation. Alex felt that his body was being soaked in a sauna and it continued for a while then he also heard a clicking voice inside his head and a new flood of information came along.

This time it was the information about the bloodline and the title.

[Supreme Human (Bloodline):

- Super regeneration.

- Very high affinity with the four basic elements of nature (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth).

- Ability to suppress and command any Human bloodline holder.

- The abilities of this bloodline can be used together with any other bloodline's ability without them opposing each other.

- Highest adaptability.

Guise manipulation (EX): You can manipulate yourself or your surroundings so that no one will ever be able to realize the changes. This Skill lets you change your looks, body, voice or any physical aspect.

You can use this skill to cover yourself with mana and then become invisible to anyone as long they are not touched by you. This ability lets you disguise an item or surrounding in a way that would seem like nothing had changed even if you make a whole mountain disappear in front of a group of people. (The strength of the skill grows along with you)]

He was not surprised because of the strength of this skill, he was surprised because he remembered a guy, an old man who taught him this ability. That old man always wore ragged clothes and held a bottle filled with some kind of weird drink.

This skill was taught to him by that old man as that old man said that he had the potential and taught him the skill.

However, that is all he could recall, he could not remember anything about this old man other than the fact that he taught him this skill and how he looked.

He had an unshaven messy white beard that covered almost half of his face along with his brown eyes that looked drunken every time, but if someone looked carefully then they would notice that these eyes were just a fa?ade to make people let their guard down while they observed everything.

That old man always had a smile on his face and no one could tell if he was acting or just always happy.


-Simple Sword (Undefined): The creator of this sword wanted to create a simple sword and that is why it is named a simple sword. But because of the creator's high skills and the strongest metal from the olden times used to make this sword, it turned out to be anything but normal.

This sword has not been used yet after its creation and to use this sword you need to pour a drop of your blood on the sword to let it recognize you as its master. This sword grows along with the user and will not break because of any kind of ability the user uses with it.]

This sword looked like any normal sword like it had nothing special. But if master craftsmen were to see it, they would do anything in their power just to get to touch the sword.

It was a one-handed sword with a black hilt and a double-edged silver blade along with a black scabbard. Alex then proceeded to bind the weapon with himself by taking it out of the inventory and dropping a drop of blood on it.

When the blood fell on the blade it started humming as if it were very happy and Alex could feel its happiness so he gently stroked its blade calming it down. Alex then put the sword back in the scabbard when he felt that his Bloodline was activated.

This time it felt as if his body was being massaged gently and slowly, while his looks changed again. Now, he looked more handsome and... devilish?

That would be the right word. His eyes had turned sharp along with his brows and if someone looked in those eyes now, then they would feel both scared and attracted. The length of his hair didn't increase, it just tuned a little denser.

Almost everything remained the same, but the difference was that his demeanour had turned sharp and seductive at the same time.

The Alex right now was like the most delicious and poisonous drink since people would like to taste it even if they knew they would die if they even took a sip of it.

[Celestial Incubus (Bloodline):

- Super regeneration along with high magical power.

- Your aura attracts any living thing towards you (works better on opposite sex).

- Incubus transformation (Skill): Lets you transform into a celestial incubus, with unmatched sexual abilities and high magic regeneration along with higher magic energy.

- Ecstasy touch (Skill): Your touch can make anyone feel good. The intensity of the pleasure can be controlled by you, it can make someone calm down and I could also make someone become a slave of your touch.

- Incubus strengthening (Skill): As an Incubus you can power up by having intercourse with your partners. If your woman is of a higher rank than you, then you will gain more from the intercourse till you reach the same level as your woman. If you are the stronger one then the opposite happens.

(Other abilities are locked till you increase your strength)]

This bloodline was as powerful as the Supreme Human bloodline, both of them had their plus point and their methods of gaining strength.

It's just that the way to gain power in the latter, you needed to work hard while for the former you just needed to be hard. However, the incubus bloodline also increased his Energy/Mana stat to SS rank.

Now he had one more way to increase his powers and he was also not against the idea of having a harem as he felt that it was normal for him. As for the question, of whether the women would agree to Harem or not?

Then he didn't need to worry since this world doesn't restrict harem, instead, it promotes harem. He already had someone in his mind and just when he thought about her, he heard a prompt for a quest and was a little surprised by the objective of the quest.


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