CHAPTER 41 – The Auction Building.

Name:Primordial Soul's Rebirth Author:
CHAPTER 41 – The Auction Building.

"So that's the building where Auctions are held huh," Alex spoke while looking at a dome-like building with interest.

Imagine a big, round building with a curved roof like a giant bubble or a ball cut in half and placed upside down. It's called a dome, and that's what the Auction building looked like.

This dome-shaped auction building is like a huge room with a roof that curves all the way around, making it look like a giant bubble.

Inside, people gathered to bid on things like art, cars, or other valuable items, but the main attraction was always the raider-related items.

The dome design helps sound travel so everyone can hear the auctioneer, and it gives the building a unique and impressive look.

As Alex observed the Auction house and he seemed interested in it, Alice and Ann didn't share his interest. They had seen the Auction building so many times that for them it's not that unique anymore.

Their interest, however, was on another thing, something that they didn't know was possible. The three of them were standing in the Air, at least 200m above the ground.

Even if that wasn't something to be surprised of as there are some Raiders who can fly in the Air, even Alice can if she uses a considerable amount of mana.

But none of them could do what Alex did. They had been travelling for three hours in this manner, and if that didn't surprise you enough then they covered the distance that takes planes at least 10 hours in just three hours.

This showed just how useful Alex's instantaneous regeneration was. He could use the moves that other people used as their trump cards, that too without worrying about running out of fuel.

"Why have you never told us that you could fly as well?" Alice asked as she looked at Alex with a questioning look.

She knew how advantageous it was to have someone with flying skills in their group, so, Alex being able to fly was a good thing.

But she needed to know that he could fly so that she could use it to their and the guild's advantage. Ann also had the same expression as Alice, though she had a pondering expression as if thinking about something. But then, they were dumbfounded for a second when they heard Alex's reply.

"You never asked me?" Alex replied while tilting his head towards them. If they asked him if he had flying ability then he would have told them about it, after all, it was just an ability he created with his control over wind.

He used the wind to push their bodies at a very fast speed, while he shielded their bodies with a barrier made of wind so as to not get their bodies torn apart by the high-speed wind.

Alex's running speed alone might be close to the speed of the sound, let's not talk about his abilities that are total cheats. He didn't even name this ability as it was just an ability he created for convenience.

The Raider Association provided a platform for everyone to sell their items while providing confidentiality and protection to the seller. However, those on top knew that confidentiality and protection were only on paper, in reality, it was just a way to gather people's trust.

It was completely a lie that they provided confidentiality and protection, but the statement in the contract was tampered with a bit and it was changed to providing those things only till the item is sold.

There were even some cases where some raider went inside the Auction building only to never return. However, the real thing that showed the Association's nature always happened the next day as the Association would somehow find a top-ranked item in an unexpected gate.

The public knew nothing about this topic as the Association never lets any news slip, but the guild leaders had their way of getting this information, so, they knew full well how the Association worked.

Just as they were about to reach the office of the manager of the Auction....

"Hm?" Alex felt something, something he didn't think he would feel in this world. But it was not something he could not deal with; In the worst case, he would have to buy some item from the system by selling one of his abilities.

(Author Note: He can sell things just the way he buys but it works on a different principle than normal systems. Here if he were to sell some ability that he had, then the ability simply gets locked and he would not be able to access it, in return it gives him the amount of system points he would need to unlock them.

Now, he can either unlock the ability he locked and return it the way it was or he can use the SPs to buy a new ability which means unlocking another ability. He can just gather the number of points needed to unlock the ability again by completing quests or killing enemies.)

"What's wrong?" His voice caused Alice and Ann to stop and look at him.

"Nothing, it's just that things might not go as we had expected," Alex spoke and listening to his words both Alice and Ann tensed.

But before they could say anything, they felt their heads being patted and they looked at Alex and even though they could just see his red eyes, they could feel that he had his signature relaxed smile on his face.

They had somewhat gotten used to Alex's charm so now they didn't blush like they used to but their cheeks were still pink under their masks.

"I just said that things might not go as we planned, but did I ever say that our plan will fail?" As the meaning of Alex's words settled in their minds, Alice and Ann finally relaxed with a smile.

"Let's go, we need to finish this fast so we can move to the next phase of our plan," Alex spoke.

Alice and Ann nodded their heads, and then they exchanged a look with embarrassment clear in their eyes.

Then they looked towards Alex and moved closer to him, getting in their acts.
