Duan Lingfei also did not remember how he returned to his room. He only knew that it was the fatty who woke him up in the morning.

There were a total of four people living in dorm 314, where Duan Lingfei was staying. The fat guy's name was Lu Qiang, and he was the dorm head.

Hou Qing was nicknamed Scrawny Monkey, with his thin and shriveled appearance, obsessed with online games. He was known as with over 300 hand speed, and his goal was to become a professional electrician campaigner in the future.

Ma Dazhuang, too, was just like his name. He was tall and sturdy, a main force in the basketball team. The catchphrase that hung in his mouth all day was "The youth that doesn't sweat on the football field isn't complete."

From the pale faces of these fellows, it was obvious that they had played an all-nighter game the night before. However, from the looks of their eyes, Duan Lingfei could tell that they really cared about him a little.

"Hey, boy, are you alright? You're covered in blood, did you go out to fight with someone?" The fat guy said in a muffled voice.

"I think so!" Duan Lingfei shook his head, he sat up from the bed, he vaguely remembered that last night, he seemed to have been hit by someone, but now, his head was extremely clear, without any pain.

"Let me take a look!" Ma Dazhuang held Duan Lingfei down without saying anything further and examined him carefully: "Strange, there's no wound on his head, could it be that this blood belongs to someone else?"

"No wound?"

"Indeed!" Scrawny Monkey carefully examined it again, and said with certainty: "What happened last night?"

"This... I don't remember it very well either. " Duan Lingfei hesitated for a moment, his mind only leaving behind a few fragmented memories. He vaguely remembered himself being hit in the head by a bottle of wine and then mysteriously turning into a martial arts expert, beating up six or seven hoodlums all by himself.

After the three of them heard Duan Lingfei roughly recount what had happened, their faces revealed expressions of disbelief: "Are you dreaming? Or was he beaten senseless? Do you want us to accompany you to the hospital? "

"Ugh …" "No need." Duan Lingfei himself was a little doubtful in his heart, but for some reason, what happened last night only left a few vague fragments in his mind, causing him to be unable to confirm it himself.

"Could it be schizophrenia?" Duan Lingfei secretly thought, and just at that moment, his phone suddenly rang.

Duan Lingfei subconsciously picked it up, and from inside, Su Xiaoqiao's anxious voice came out: "Hey, Duan Lingfei, where are you? Are you okay? "

"I'm in the dorm, I'm fine!"

"Wait for me downstairs in five minutes!" After these two sentences came out of the phone, it became a busy tone.

Under the somewhat dubious gazes of his three roommates, Duan Lingfei casually washed the blood off of his body with water, changed into a set of clean clothes, and then left the room.

Su Xiaoqiao was already waiting downstairs.

"Hey, are you okay?" The moment he saw Duan Lingfei, Su Xiaoqiao rushed forward and carefully sized him up from top to bottom.

Yesterday, when Duan Lingfei lured the lackeys away, he had wanted to call the police immediately, but he suddenly thought of the possibility of his phone getting destroyed. In the end, he could only run out of the alleyway and ask for help.

110 minutes later, a group of people rushed into the alley after hearing the news. Looking at the miserable scene in the distance, Su Xiaoqiao almost teared up.

From her point of view, Duan Lingfei was definitely going to be beaten very badly since he was stuck in the alley surrounded by seven or eight hoodlums. She did not expect that when she looked carefully at him, the ones who were injured would be all those hoodlums while Duan Lingfei was nowhere to be seen.

In the group of seven or eight bullies, the only one who didn't suffer too much injury was that little girl, Spider. Unfortunately, she seemed to have suffered a great fright, causing her to lose control of her bladder and become delirious.

As a result, the policemen on duty sent these people to the hospital, while Su Xiaoqiao was brought back to the police station for questioning. He had to suffer for an entire night before being released on bail.

The moment he came out, the first thing Su Xiaoqiao thought of was Duan Lingfei and he directly called him to ask.

"I'm fine."

"What happened last night? Why are you fine, and did those hooligans get hurt? "

"I can't remember! But I think I did it. " Duan Lingfei lowered his voice and started to describe the intermittent memories in his mind.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoqiao actually laughed: "Fuck, do you think you're Cheng Long? If you don't want to say it, then forget it! "

"This …" Duan Lingfei wanted to explain, but when he thought about it again, this matter seemed to be a little inconceivable, so it was no wonder that Su Xiaoqiao didn't believe it.

"Oh, isn't this the handsome sister-in-law? Why are you here so early in the morning? " A voice suddenly came from the side, attracting Su Xiaoqiao's and his attention.

Two tall sports students walked by the roadside. Both of them had cigarettes in their mouths and had an overweeningly arrogant look on their faces.