Chapter 295 The First Prince’s True Personality

Chapter 295 The First Prince's True Personality

Alisceon had to compete with the eight royal siblings of her. Although, if she married the second prince, then she would only have to compete with seven of her royal siblings.

After all, whether Alisceon won the battle for the throne or not, she would still become the queen if she married the second prince.

Allen as the Supreme Matchmaker and Supreme Wingman was interested in making Alisceon become lovers with Reid. He didn't want Alisceon to become one of those thirty-year-old women who didn't have a husband.

Not to mention, Allen had already judged the true personality of Reid and he deemed that Reid was worthy of becoming the husband of Alisceon.

Of course, if Alisceon wasn't interested in marrying Reid, then he wouldn't force her to do something she wasn't interested in doing. But as Alisceon's elder brother, he always wanted the best for Alisceon, so as long as Alisceon didn't dislike the idea of making Reid her husband, Allen would help Alisceon and Reid become lovers.

With that in mind, Allen focused his attention on the king and queen of Gaia while secretly seeing through them to find out their true personality and hidden motives.

It wasn't long before Allen found out that the king and queen didn't have any hidden motives for the battle for the throne.

The queen was acting like her true personality but Allen found out that the king was a ruthless, cold, and calculative person deep inside which contradicted the benevolent, forgiving, and kind facade that he wore.

And from what Allen has found out, the king didn't have that much love towards his son and daughter. The king didn't dote on any of his sons and daughters but from what Allen observed, the king didn't care who would succeed to the throne as long as it was someone worthy and capable of ruling the Gaia Kingdom.

After finding out the true personality of the king of Gaia, Allen already formulated his plans on how to deal with the king!

Allen had noticed that the king wouldn't mind any of his sons and daughters ascending the throne as long as they were capable to do it. Because of that, it was a lot easier for Allen to allow Alisceon to ascend the throne.

The king of Gaia was someone who would always prioritize the benefits of his actions. So it wouldn't be difficult for Allen to show that allowing Alisceon to inherit the throne would bring the most benefits for the Gaia Kingdom.

Of course, Allen could choose the easiest path which was to use mind control towards the king and queen of Gaia. After he did that, he would let the king indirectly assist Alisceon in her ascension to the throne of Gaia Kingdom.

Many nobles supported the king so as long as Allen controlled the king to command those nobles to support Alisceon, it would be easy for Alisceon to ascend the throne.

After all, if Alisceon had the support of countless nobles, then she would be able to surpass the political power of the first prince as well as the second prince.

The first prince not only had the support of some nobles but also the support of the Mage's Association of Gaia Kingdom. After all, his magic teacher was the 7th Circle Mage and the royal court mage of Gaia Kingdom.

On the other hand, the second prince had the support of the military forces of Gaia Kingdom which was the knights under the Ultimate Knight as well as the nobles who came from a military background.

Because of that, the second prince had a lot of political power that surpassed the first prince but only by a few margins. But because of the status of being the crown prince, the first prince still had the lead in the battle for the throne.

And from what Allen had noticed, there was a high chance that some of the royal siblings of Alisceon that were left in the dust in the battle for the throne wouldn't compete anymore. Instead, it was likely for them to support either the first prince or the second prince so that even if they didn't become the king or queen of Gaia, they would still earn some benefits for supporting the future king of Gaia.

Because of the crown prince status of the first prince, there was a high chance that his royal siblings would support him instead of the second prince. And to be honest, Allen would prefer to support the second prince rather than the first prince.

Allen had already seen through the personality of the first prince and he wanted to show off his prowess as the Supreme Assassin by assassinating that scumbag!

Hidden in the kind, gentle, and firm facade of the first prince, was the personality of a lecherous, rapist and a sadist. Using his status as the first prince, he had hidden his crimes by commanding the mages under him to abduct women so that he could rape and then torture them to death afterward.

The first prince wasn't doing that just because of his lust but also for the progression of his magic power. The first prince as well as the royal court mage was studying forbidden magic which was to absorb negative emotions into magic power.

Forbidden magic wasn't labeled as forbidden for no reason. Not only was it unethical and morally wrong, but there were also side effects of using forbidden magic.

The side effect of using the forbidden magic to absorb negative emotions into magic power was that it could corrupt the mind of the user into integrating with the absorbed negative emotions.

Since the first prince mostly absorbed the fear and lust of his victims, it devolved his mind into someone who was driven by lust. Not only that, the fear that he had absorbed made his mind addicted to the feeling of his victim being filled with fear. So the first prince developed the personality of a sadist who gets aroused by seeing his victims shaking in fear.

Because of that, Allen would without a doubt prefer the second prince over the first prince. After all, he knew that the second prince had a kind personality towards Alisceon while the first prince was vile and wicked.

And since the royal siblings of the first prince would likely support him instead of the second prince due to his status as the crown prince, the first prince was likely to succeed to the throne which was unacceptable for Allen.

He would be left with no choice but to show his support to Alisceon and Reid using his status as the Supreme Mage. Not only that, he would obtain the support of the Mage's Association using his status as an 8th Circle Mage and the Supreme Mage.

Allen was confident that the Mage's Association would withdraw their support for the royal court mage since the royal court mage was only a mere 7th Circle Mage while he was not only an 8th Circle Mage but also the Supreme Mage. It wouldn't take a genius to know which of the two they would support to benefit them the most.

Allen had already planned to ally with the second prince so that their alliance would both have the support of the Mage's Association and the military forces of the kingdom.

The only problem left was the support of the majority of the nobles of the Gaia Kingdom. In terms of that support, the first prince surpassed the second prince.

Allen was tempted to mind control the king so that Alisceon and Reid would receive the support of the nobles under the king. But he was well aware that he couldn't do that lest he attracts the attention of Gaia early on.

Since the king was the king of the Gaia Kingdom, it was obvious that he received the support and blessing of Gaia. There was a high chance that the king was well aware of mind magic so to prevent such a thing from happening, he asked Gaia to give him a blessing regarding that.

So even if Allen was able to bypass the defenses of the blessing that was placed on the king's mind and therefore, mind control the king, he was certain that Gaia would be alerted after he destroyed her blessing.

It was similar to how Allen would be notified if the telepathy chat group that he granted to his classmates would be destroyed or tampered with by a third party. It was unlikely for Gaia to not place a failsafe on the blessing that she granted to the king of Gaia. nOve(lb(1n

Because of that, Allen was left with no choice but to remove such thoughts from his head.

Although, he could use his <[Absolute Order]> authority to remove the blessing on the king's mind without alerting Gaia. But it would only delay it unless he used his authority again to remove the memories of Gaia which would also reveal some flaws to the Heretic Gods that Gaia had allied with.

But even if he couldn't mind controlling the king, Allen still had a plan in mind on how he could persuade the king to support Alisceon and Reid.