Chapter 726

Shen Longxuan didn't know her mind. He leaned over and carried it on his back, and the three began to hurry.

Shen Longxuan originally wanted to wait for his separation in Yancheng, but now something so big has happened that he must not stay any longer, so the three went all the way to the next city.

"The city we are going to is called Huacheng, which is just the opposite of Yancheng. The owner of the city is a good friend of my mother. There is no need to be afraid of the people of Yancheng."

Along the way, Feng Yao introduced xitianjun to them, and Shen Longxuan listened carefully.

"I'm tired, I need to rest!"

Shen Longxuan and Feng Yao are really helpless to this goblin. They are tired of being carried on their backs all the way. They have rested several times, and each time they are mysteriously missing for a while.

The two eyes are a pair. This time, we must find out what Shen Tianxing is doing?

So the three fell to the ground again. Shen Tianxing was put down and disappeared like a rabbit. Shen Longxuan and Feng Yao followed out quietly.

Finally, the two found the little guy in a valley. She squatted on the ground, grabbed the spirit grass on the ground and stuffed it into her mouth, muttering at the same time.

"These two people are really strange. Don't they need to eat? I'm really afraid they'll starve to death. Where can I find free coolies? It seems that I need to eat more and grow up quickly, so I'm not afraid of being tired."

Shen Tianxing ate as he spoke. After a while, she ate up a piece of spirit grass, and she ate very carefully. She only ate young leaves, and the older ones were discarded.

"What a waste! Who can afford to eat like her?"

"People don't need you to raise it. Isn't this what you're looking for? By the way, aren't you an alchemist? Can't you just make spiritual grass into pills and give it to her?"

Shenlongxuan felt it reasonable and had to change her habit. It's OK to say that if she was seen in public, her identity might be exposed.

"Shen Tianxing, shut up!"

Shen Longxuan rushed out directly and grabbed Shen Tianxing squatting on the ground to eat grass.

"Ah, it's you. Come on, you're welcome. Let's eat together!" Shen Tianxing grabbed a handful of grass and stuffed it into Shen Longxuan's mouth.

Shen Longxuan hurried to dodge. Who knows that the little girl is too enthusiastic. She chased Shen Longxuan and fed him. He was all over his face. Feng Yao next to him was made to giggle.

"Sister fengyao, eat it too!"

Shen Tianxing may feel a little embarrassed, so he directly grabbed both of them, squatted on the ground like her, and was fed grass mouthfuls.

"Eat obediently. Don't make me angry. I'm angry, but it's scary, you know!"

Shen Tianxing looked at them as if they were chewing wax, with a bitter gourd on their face. He tooted his small mouth and threatened, "you should be happy to eat. What do you mean, don't you think my food is bad?"

When talking, there was a happy thunder and lightning on her head, which was very frightening. What's the matter? She obviously came to persuade her not to eat grass, but now it's three people eating together, can't she?

Shen Longxuan suddenly had an idea and took out a green elixir. "Shen Tianxing, this is not delicious at all. I recommend a delicious thing for you."

Shen Tianxing's attention was immediately attracted. She looked at the elixir in Shen Longxuan's hand and gently smelled it, "hmm? It smells good!"

Shen Longxuan looked at the little guy's heart, and hurriedly said, "it's for you, you eat it!"

"I don't want to eat it. Although I don't know how you can make a Baba smell, I know that you can't eat anything you pull out!"



Although Shen Longxuan didn't know why the little guy said such words, he was still shocked when he could say the pill as Baba.

"Who told you this? This is Dan medicine. It comes from the grass you eat." Feng Yao explained in tears and laughter.

After hearing this, Shen Tianxing blushed slightly and said, "Sister Feng Yao, you're right. It's this thing after eating the grass!"


Shen Longxuan almost threw away the pill, and had an impulse to vomit, "Shen Tianxing, listen to me, this is the pill, which is made by our alchemist."

"What is an alchemist? Can I eat it?"

Shen Longxuan felt that if he continued, he would collapse. He simply slammed the eight grade green dragon tripod to the ground, and the flame rose in his hand. He casually pulled a few spiritual herbs from the ground, and without cutting for a moment, he refined several green pills.

"See, this is how the pill came. You're almost mad at me!" Shen Longxuan said angrily.

Shen Tianxing took these pills, looked carefully, put them on his mouth and smelled them. Finally, he suddenly realized, "ah, I understand that it ate grass and pulled out this Baba!"


Shen Longxuan and Feng Yao fell down together. After getting up, Shen Longxuan didn't want to continue to struggle about this matter. Seeing that Shen Tianxing was full, he hurried on his way.

"Don't worry, I found something better over there, which is more delicious than your Baba Dan!" Shen Tianxing said with drool at the corner of his mouth.

Can we stop talking about it?

Shen Longxuan vowed that he would never take out pills in front of Shen Tianxing again. He was afraid that the little girl would say in his ear that he ate Baba pills all day.

The two had no choice but to follow Shen Tianxing all the way up the mountains and rivers. When they came to a lake, the lake was as calm as a mirror, without a ripple.

In the middle of the lake, there is a lotus growing, and the fragrance is floating from it.

The place of treasure must be guarded. Shen Longxuan looked at the calm lake and spread his divine consciousness. As expected, he found a huge water monster at the bottom of the lake, which looked like a mouse, but was huge in size and was chewing on lotus roots.

"Brother shenlongxuan, Tianxing wants to eat the lotus seeds on the pengpeng. Go and grab them!"

Shen Longxuan looked at the little girl and found that her height seemed to grow a little higher, and the corners of her head were brighter. The coquettish expression made him unable to stop.

"You little thing, more and more like a person!" Shen Longxuan shook his head, smiled and flew out.

Before waiting for the center of the lake, there were ripples on the surface of the lake, and a huge monster sprang out of it. This guy's mouth was wide open, and his fangs and sharp teeth scattered cold light.

Its tail has evolved into a fan shape, which makes it faster in the water, and its claws have webbed. All this makes it shoot straight at Shen Longxuan like a shell when it comes out of the water.

Shen Longxuan's divine sense has been locked. Of course, this little trick can't hurt him. His figure suddenly accelerated, rushed out at a speed close to lightning, and rolled up a series of sonic booms.

The monster bit empty. Shen Longxuan had reached the lotus area and grabbed it at the lotus seed, but suddenly a feeling of danger hit his heart.

This feeling can't be wrong. It can save him from danger every time, so he stopped and took off at one go. The monster that just dodged and fell into the water behind him unexpectedly rushed out of his feet like a blink.

"How fast is this thing in the water?" Shen Longxuan couldn't help exclaiming.

The huge monster's open mouth suddenly poured out a stream of water, and there was a force of attraction from it. Shen Longxuan felt that his body was violently stagnant, and the sword turned into water had reached his body.


Shen Longxuan's body flew infinitely and turned into a black dot in the sky.

"Wow, brother Shen Longxuan is flying so high that he can't even see!" Shen Tianxing said with starlight in his eyes, "he can't use the palm technique of falling from the sky, can he?"