Chapter 1097

Hearing the news, Shen Longxuan finally put down his fishing rod. His eyes were burning and he asked, "where is Jueming mountain?"

Although the relationship between fat cat and him is not deep, it is finally the person he brought out. If he doesn't know, it's all right, but now Lord tortoise just said it.

"My Lord, I know. I can take you!" Turtle rushed out of the water, blinked mung bean eyes, and said happily.

Shen Longxuan put away his fishing rod and looked at Mr. GUI. "Little Turtle, do you miss life in the sea?"

"My Lord, I'm amphibious. It's the same everywhere!" Turtle replied.

Shen Longxuan nodded and said, "in fact, when you are bored next time, you can go back to the sea and have a look. Don't be a savior!"

Shen Longxuan is telling the truth. In this chaotic world, even the black and white emperors don't care. They follow blindly and take care of themselves.

So Shen Longxuan decided to move out of the Moon Clan and come to this place free from worldly strife to meditate. His experience over the past few years made him understand that ideas alone are useless. If he wants to rectify the world, he must have the strength to rectify the world.

Just like the last relic opening, people can't hide their hearts when they get the treasure and improve their strength. They want to get more, but they never think about what they have paid for it?

Often life is the price, but why these people still flock to it like this, Shen Longxuan finally figured out now that someone is behind it.

In fact, these people are helpless. The villain collection in Longwei has become barren with more and more people. The monsters are almost killed, and the resources are seriously consumed, so they can only expand to the sea.

However, the surrounding sea areas are almost developed, so under various pressures, they can only create chaos and reduce population, which is also a helpless way.

During this period of meditation, he has known the deep meaning of the black and white emperors. To put it bluntly, there are more people and less meat, so grab it yourself, eat what you grab, and starve to death.

The rule of natural elimination, although somewhat cruel, is very realistic.

Shen Longxuan once thought, why not move the population to the dragon god world, where there is a vast land and few people, and there are inexhaustible resources. If you evacuate the population there, won't you solve everything?

But things don't seem to be so simple. First of all, it's difficult to leave his hometown, which he deeply understands. Over the years, he has almost traveled all over the four realms, and even went to the underworld. No matter where he goes, he doesn't feel as good as his hometown.

Secondly, if you really go to the dragon god world, you have to rely on others. Moreover, people in the dragon god world will not give their things to others liberally, nor will they let a force that threatens their status develop there.

Therefore, for many reasons, although people in Longwei are in the midst of war, they are unwilling to find another way out.

It is precisely because of this that Shen Longxuan is unwilling to meddle in the matter of Long Wei. If he makes too many moves, he will definitely be hated by the black and white emperors. If he remembers the hate, it will be bad in case he leads out his own enemies.

With his current strength, he simply can't face the enemy who persecuted his mother at the beginning, so he meditates here, strives to reach the martial holy land as soon as possible, and then goes to the starry palace to practice, breaks into the imperial realm as soon as possible, and saves his mother.

But all this is easy to think about. I don't know how many years it will take to do it, so Shen Longxuan doesn't miss any training time.

Looking at the turtle, who was still in a daze, he bounced the dust on the bullet and whispered, "let's go. What are you waiting for?"

"Ah! Go!"

Lord GUI just heard that Shen Longxuan was a little angry and wanted to drive him back to the sea, but he didn't know the reason, so he was in a daze.

"My Lord, what did I do wrong? Why did I have to leave?" Lord turtle asked.

Xiao He in the distance heard the conversation between the two and came over, looking at adult turtle curiously. He didn't know what happened to them.

"You did nothing wrong, but you forgot how you lived for so long!"

Shen Longxuan's words made Mr. GUI more confused. He firmly believed that he must have done something wrong. How could this threaten him? You know, if Shen Longxuan wanted to kill him, he would be finished with one thought.

This scared him so much that he was sweating all over.

"How can I live so long? It's not that I'm careful and treat anyone like you, so I narrowly escaped death again and again. Oh! I see!"

Lord GUI has lived too long and experienced too many things, so many times, he only needs a little thought to understand the key to things.

"My Lord, this is telling me not to meddle in my own business. If I don't say it clearly, it must be that he has seen through the key of something, but can't say it!"

Lord tortoise's mung bean eyes brightened and immediately said, "Sir, I understand that things are not as serious as I said. Fat cats can solve it by themselves. Let's not go?"

"Now that you know, go and have a look. After all, fat cats are all our acquaintances!" Shen Longxuan said faintly.

Lord tortoise is a little confused. It's you who don't go, and it's you who go

"Fat cat? Do you want to see fat cat? Take me one?" Fortunately, Xiao He was relieved.

The three men flew out under the guidance of Lord GUI.

Two hours later, the three of them came to Jueming mountain, which is a valley surrounded by steep stone cliffs, which is basically a Jedi.

I don't know what the fat cat is doing here?

The valley is not big, with a radius of less than a hundred miles. The surrounding stone cliffs are already surrounded by people. Shen Longxuan visually measured that it is about hundreds of thousands of huge. They set a snare, and even a fly can't fly out.

Fortunately, there is only one entrance and exit in the valley. If the other party wants to attack fat cats, they can only enter from here, because Shen Longxuan saw that the teams in the valley have heavy crossbows. Although they can't escape in the sky, they have to pay a price to get down from the air.

But similarly, fat cat and they can't get out. It seems that the two sides have been deadlocked for a long time, and there are many bodies on the ground.

Shenlongxuan three people came here like throwing three stones into the sea, but they disguised it and put the beekeeper's clothes on their bodies, so no one paid attention to them.

"Brother, what's going on inside?" Xiao He came forward to inquire.

Her appearance was handsome, and the beekeeper's clothes made her look naive. She immediately captured the hearts of the people, and the people in front rushed to introduce her.

"Little sister, don't go forward. The people inside are going to be driven crazy. It's dangerous in front, but there are only tens of thousands of them left. After spending a few more days, we can take them at one stroke."

"Yes, little sister, you must follow us at that time. Those guys in there are so ferocious that no less than 200000 people died at their hands, but as long as you follow us, you will be sure to be safe."

"The remaining evils of the aquarium are really difficult to deal with. They can always release water or freeze. Especially their powerful crossbows, which are made by that bastard for them. They are as fast as lightning.

There is no escape below the Wuhuang realm. Even in the Wuhuang realm, the upper crossbow is finished. So, little sister, you should pay attention, you know? "

Facing the "concern" of several people, Xiao He pretended to be afraid and asked in a low voice, "Why are they still surrounded here?"


Hearing Xiao He's question, they immediately became cautious and looked around carefully, "little sister, keep your voice down, the leader of this event is the fire clan, who gathered all forces to destroy the aquarium at one stroke.

What is surrounded here is only the main force of the aquarium. If you destroy them, the fire clan will take a devastating blow to the aquarium and wipe out the roots! " The man made a movement of wiping his neck.