Chapter 1428

After seeing the environment here, master nanmu immediately asked, "Lord Ku, this is the place where you said the treasure was buried? I think it looks like the place where the corpse is buried.".

You have to give me an explanation, otherwise I won't foolishly accompany you to take risks. "

Ku Qianqiu ignored master nanmu's query, but said with a smile, "bitter rock, determine the exact location of the entrance."

Then he said to master nanmu, "master nanmu, your task is to refine the elixir of detoxification, and the reward I promised is three times your usual reward. Do you think a simple task can be worth so much money?

This time, it's not just you who are an alchemist, I don't count. There is also a Hunyuan patriarch, who is an eight grade alchemist like you. "

"Sect leader? It's ridiculous. Can even the eighth grade alchemist start the sect? Bitter city leader, are you kidding me?" Master nanmu seemed to hear Tianda's joke, with a disdain on his face.

His alchemy level thinks that he has reached the peak of the eighth grade. He once tried to touch the bottleneck of the ninth grade alchemist, but failed.

However, his alchemy attainments are not comparable to those of a casual eight grade alchemist.

"Hum! Master nanmu, I didn't belittle you. Your alchemy may be really inferior to others." Ku Qianqiu stopped talking here, but looked at set Longxuan with a playful face.

Shen Longxuan thought Ku Qianqiu was a bad man, but he didn't think he should be so mean. Seeing master nanmu look down his eyes, he picked up his hands and walked out.

But before he spoke, master nanmu said first, "since it's like this, let's have a competition to see who can refine the antidote pill for swamp malaria first.

Master Ku, please land the flying boat at the entrance, and we will start alchemy immediately. "

Kuqianqiu was even more direct, flying directly towards the entrance with the crowd. Guided by the map in kuyan's mind, they soon came over the entrance.

There are no creatures here, no matter plants or monsters, as if they all have a fear here, and they all avoid it from afar.

"Under this water is the entrance, but the poison in the water is also the strongest in this swamp. There is nothing here to resist the poison in the water."

Bitter rock said solemnly.

"If we want to reach the entrance, we have to cross this water area. I'll try it first!"

Kuqianqiu didn't give Shen Longxuan a chance to argue. It was also a trick for him to let Shen Longxuan's two alchemy teachers and students compete. 90% of the refined pills were true.

And he set an example and didn't let his subordinates go down to die. He jumped off the flying boat alone and fell towards the swamp.


He opened the power barrier and plunged directly into the water. After a incense stick, he burst out of the water with a crash, but he was panting.

It was at least a big war that could make a Wudi state so embarrassed. It can be seen how dangerous the water is.

Returning to the flying boat, Ku Qianqiu looked dignified. His eyes were complex and said, "there is poison in the water. I can't dive to the bottom with my strength, and most of my strength is lost by the poison.

Moreover, there are many unknown poisonous monsters under the water, which are extremely toxic. It took some strength to fight them just now, and these poisons are extremely ferocious.

So, you two, if there is no antidote to resist the poison, we can't all get to the bottom of the water, let alone get the treasure. "

Ku Qianqiu turned to Shen Longxuan and master nanmu and said solemnly for the first time.

He originally thought that with the strength of Emperor Wu's realm, he could easily find the entrance. That's what he planned just now, but he really couldn't do it.

Therefore, put away the contempt. Alchemists are really essential in this process, especially Shen Longxuan, an alchemist who can improve the power of medicine several times.

"Already here, I'll tell you the truth! The place we came to is the treasure of our bitter family for generations, the bitter toad cemetery. They are the earliest creatures in the bitter toad continent.

If we can get there, we will get unimaginable wealth and treasures. I dare to tell you responsibly that if we can get out alive, the harvest will be enough for you to spend your whole life. "

Kuqianqiu now officially explained his intention, but it was not too late. Everyone was moved by what he said.

Including master nanmu, the same is true. His dissatisfaction suddenly turned into a surprise. Obviously, he also knew something about the bitter toad clan.

"Lord Ku, we are so bitter that you lied to us. If you had told us that this is the treasure house of the bitter toad clan, what else would I ask you for? I will crack the Poison below now."

Master nanmu finished, Ku Qianqiu sneered and said, "I'm afraid someone leaked the news, so I didn't mention the purpose of this time. Now it's at the entrance, and I hope everyone can work together to enter the place of treasure early."

Master nanmu nodded and dived into the water, learning the look of kuqianqiu. However, he stayed for a short time. Just a few breaths, he had rushed out of the water.

People clearly saw that several creatures like snakes rushed out of the water with him, and master nanmu shook them down to the water with his hand, but did not kill them.

However, he grabbed a live one and brought back some water in the swamp. After returning to the flying boat, he took a cold look at Shen Longxuan and returned to the flying boat to study.

But Shen Longxuan didn't do so. He yawned and suddenly asked, "Lord Ku, is there no one to take care of the poison here?"

Ku Qianqiu was asked for a moment, and then answered, "who dares to take care of such a poisonous place? Is he impatient?"

"That means I can collect poisons here at will?"

"Of course, if you have that skill." Ku Qianqiu looked at Shen Longxuan in surprise. He still remembered that he didn't poison this guy with more than 20 kinds of poisons. Was he a drug addict?

Before his voice fell, Shen Longxuan had disappeared on the flying boat. He heard a thud. People had plunged into the swamp. Kuqianqiu could see clearly that the abnormal guy had no defense at all.

A column of incense, two columns of incense... Two hours passed in the blink of an eye, and Shen Longxuan didn't make any movement. Instead, master nanmu came out, his eyebrows locked, and dived into the swamp again.

When he came back, he still brought water and a poison in the swamp, but others did nothing and went to practice separately.

In this way, the sky turned dark. Master nanmu went back and forth five or six times, but Shen Longxuan seemed to disappear.

"Uncle, master Shen hasn't come up for a day. Won't something happen to him?"

"There are many secrets about him. There must be some way to restrain the poison. I know what you are worried about. Without our bitter family, he can't get out of the door.

However, what is this guy doing in the water for a day? I came to him to refine antidote pills, not to play closed Qigong. "

I'm a little impatient after waiting all day.

Such a large group of people staying here for a long time will surely attract the attention of interested people. His greatest hope is on Shen Longxuan, but this guy actually disappeared.

Master nanmu took water and poisons from left to right, and his research never stopped. He had entered the crazy state of an alchemist.

But the self-made elixir detoxification is not that easy. His eyes are red and his hair is messy, but he hasn't made much progress.

"Master nanmu, when can the antidote be refined?" Ku Qianqiu asked while master nanmu came out.

Master nanmu woke up from his meditation and said strangely, "I don't know why, the poison in the swamp is less and less, and the living poison is weaker and weaker.

If so, I must be able to refine the first antidote before dawn. "