Chapter 2305

Golden Sirius said calmly, and Shen Longxuan also listened quietly.

It turns out that there are not only superficial wars, but also hidden battles in the three caves.

The potential of the five elements cave is weak. This potential is not the strength of the five elements cave, but luck.

In the immortal realm, there is an invisible trend of fortune. Just like the tide, there are tides, ebbs and flows, valleys and peaks.

Now, the five elements cave is at a low point, and you will lose every battle and every bet.

But this time it was different. They not only fought a beautiful counter attack, but also won a large number of resources.

"You think I play with human life, hate me or look down on me, but I will still cultivate you. Go on! Don't waste your military skills this time."

Golden Sirius didn't defend himself, which surprised Shen Longxuan.

He silently turned around and walked out of the general's camp.

"Adult, why don't you tell him all, and let him bear a grudge, he will have no sense of belonging to us."

Seeing Shen Longxuan go away, Youli couldn't help asking.

"Those who are clear are clear, and those who are turbid are turbid. I, Sirius, have always had a clear conscience in doing things. There is no need to say more. The big man is at the end of the line, sitting upright, and he is still afraid that the shadow is crooked?

In addition, I'm also protecting him. This time, Shen Longxuan's sharp edge is too exposed, and he has touched the interests of some people.

In the next few days, pay more attention to him, but how does this boy have the fighting power of real Wonderland? It's incredible. "

Shen Longxuan, who left the camp, returned to his residence and found that Gu Qianqiu and others were not there.

There were originally twelve people in their camp, but now there are only four of them left.

Shen Longxuan sat down. He turned his hands and took out a glittering bead. This is the fairy yuan of the giant turtle. He didn't know how it was brought back.

But it's not important. What's important is that this immortal yuan can help him break through at the critical moment.

"Go and have a look at military skills. What can you exchange for?"

Shen Longxuan got up, inquired, and climbed up the city wall along a mountain road. It was too hard. When he looked outside the city wall, he was even more tongue smacking.

The outside of the city wall can't be climbed at all, which is an insurmountable stream for the soldiers in Xianren territory.

The mountain wall outside is as smooth as a mirror, and it seems to be engraved with textures. Although Shen Longxuan knows the rune well, he still can't see the texture in front of him.

I can only feel that there is endless energy on it, and it is absorbing the immortal power between heaven and earth into it. These forces are finally transported to the city wall.

"Powerful! Integrated, invincible defense."

Shen Longxuan looked up at the huge crystal balls on the wall, which was the final gathering place of the absorbed power.

In other words, the textures outside the city wall are the extension of huge crystal balls, which are themselves absorbing energy.

Fairy land can't climb up. If the real fairy land dares to fly over, it will be killed by the crystal ball in an instant.

"Little guy, what are you new recruits doing here?"

At this time, the familiar voice suddenly sounded.

Shen Longxuan was refreshed and immediately said, "senior, we have participated in the new life and death test. Don't you know?"

"The test is over? Old man, I just took a nap, and the test is over?"

What the elder said made Shen Longxuan speechless.

"I don't know how many resources I lost this time. It's also difficult for the little guy Sirius, who is carrying a curse and doesn't say it, but also wants to find a way to find resources by himself..."

Shen Longxuan grinned. The old man also said to monitor the overall situation, but he actually fell asleep?

But listen to this elder, Sirius seems to be a good man?

"Senior, we should have won this time. In fact, we have half a day left. Then we killed too many people in Qiankun Dongtian and Tianjian Dongtian, and the test ended ahead of schedule!"

"What? End early? Win?"

The elder immediately shouted, and then there was no sound.

Shenlongxuan knew that he must have gone to ask Sirius.

A moment later, the elder burst out laughing, and Shen Longxuan heard goose bumps.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to have this ability? How did you do it? You look like me in those days!"

"By the way, what's the name of the array you arranged? How can you kill millions of people in an instant?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to die in a hurry?"

Shen Longxuan was helpless. You didn't give me a chance to talk!

"Master, it's like this. I take the immortal yuan of the real fairyland giant turtle as the array eye. It seems to be a lake attack, but it's actually a ground shaking technique performed by replacing earth with water.

It's enough to destroy their bodies, but the most powerful one in the array is the soul attack. I've seen it for a long time. The test site is actually an imaginary array of reality and falsehood, and what we really enter is just a wisp of soul! "

"Boy, I didn't expect you to see through the place of test at the beginning. No wonder you can kill millions of enemies, but you should be remembered by many people now. Sirius summoned you alone to protect you.

But it's always an external force. This time you've got a lot of military achievements. The most important thing is to change something to improve your strength. "

Shen Longxuan nodded slightly. He came up this time to change things. In front of others, he is now an intermediate immortal, but in fact, he is a top immortal, but he has never felt a breakthrough.

So he asked, "senior, does fairy land need any opportunity to break through the real fairy land?"

"Boy, it's too early for you to ask this, but I can tell you that such a breakthrough in the overall environment requires timing, geography and harmony. These three aspects are indispensable."

"Renhe" refers to your cultivation, and the straight point is the energy contained in your body. The more and purer the energy, the easier it is to break through.

Geographical advantage means that a specific place is needed to make a breakthrough. For example, the immortal who cultivates the immortal spiritual power of earth attribute has a greater chance of making a breakthrough in the land of earth essence. If he cultivates the immortal spiritual power of water attribute, he needs to make a breakthrough in the land of water essence.

Tianshi is the most difficult and easiest of the three conditions. The reason for saying so is that if you want to make a breakthrough, you must agree with the sky, that is, trigger the disaster. This is the most difficult. It is easy to say that it is because there is a disaster inducing pill now. As long as you have this pill, you can trigger the disaster and help the immortal make a breakthrough! "

Shen Longxuan finally understood that there were so many ways to break through. No wonder he waited for the opportunity of breaking through.

"Senior, is the success rate of breakthrough high?"

"Of course, it's very small. There are hundreds of millions of soldiers in the Sirius army, and there are only dozens of real fairyland.

Well, I've talked too much today. I'm going to sleep. "

After the communication, Shen Longxuan finally came to the huge crystal ball.