Chapter 2666

After changing the direction several times in a row, Shen Longxuan took out the map given to him by the Devourer of the beast king. He found that the places where the Devourer of the continent changed its position several times were Jedi dangerous beaches in the void.

It seems that he is deliberately avoiding something.

Shen Longxuan unconsciously began to speed up, and there was only a line in the void, shuttling among the green monsters.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi

At this time, the sound of gnawing came from the warship. When Shen Longxuan looked back, he saw a lot of monsters lying on the defense of the warship, gnawing hard.

Although it didn't destroy the defense, it turned the defense hood into a green color, which was very frightening.

Shen Longxuan pinched the immortal formula with his hand, and the power of space then bloomed, and a ripple spread. When those monsters touched it, they were immediately bounced away.

Their warships have also returned to normal.

As Shen Longxuan's strength dispersed, his warship speed reached the extreme, but it disappeared in the distance in a flash.

However, it was half a month later when he caught up with the devouring mainland.

In this half month, the puppets in the void have evolved again. They have grown to two people tall, and their appearance has begun to become strange. Their arms, legs, and waist are as thin as a bamboo pole, but they hold a big head.

It looks funny, but their hands and feet have sharp blades. When their fingers grasp it, they can make a crisp sound of gold and iron.

Although they look strange, their power is amazing. Some of them have the strength of the top Luo Jinxian.

Watching from a distance devouring the mainland like running for his life, Shen Longxuan had a bad premonition.

"Boss! It seems that we can't go back. I've sent a message to my father. He won't let us go back and told us to run for our lives.

Devouring the mainland is now full of Gentiana, and those prisoners who were imprisoned successfully activated the mutation of Gentiana because of curiosity.

Now it has become a disaster. There are mutated Gentiana all over the devouring continent. The prisoners on it and our devouring clan are hiding in a corner, and they can't run if they want to. "

Jiuwa said with a sad face.

When his father just gave him a message, he said that the devouring clan had suffered heavy losses. Most of the devouring beasts had been poisoned and mutated into that kind of monster.


Shen Longxuan's face is ugly. If he goes back now, on the way, these monsters will evolve to the strength of Luo Tianxian, which is sure to be dangerous.

"Jiuwa, tell your father that the nine little devouring beasts who drank dragon blood with you can devour the gall of dragons and snakes."

Shen Longxuan suddenly thought that jiuwa is a devouring beast, and he can devour the gall of dragons and snakes, but other devouring beasts can't resist it. There is only one reason, that is, because the devouring beasts drank Bruce Lee's blood and mutated, so that they can resist the evil poison of gall of Dragons and snakes.

Jiuwa also suddenly realized, and immediately sent a message to his father.

After a long time, I got a reply, which is really feasible.

The Devourer of the beast king asked jiuwa to join them on the mainland and destroy these hateful monsters together.

When Shen Longxuan and others came to devour the mainland, they saw all green heads with purple eyes.

They have completely engulfed the continent, which may be related to the characteristics of engulfing the continent.

In the world, there are advantages and disadvantages. Swallowing the continent has brought endless resources for swallowing a family, but when disaster comes, swallowing the continent also brings disaster back to the continent.

They flew by all the way, and saw many people and devouring animals become green all over, and their eyes lost their look.

Especially those purple eyes all over the body are even more chilling.

From a distance, we can see that the people who devoured a family survived, forged a defense on the edge of the continent, and blocked all monsters out.

Shen Longxuan and jiuwa quickly fell into the valley.

"Brother Shen, what you said is really effective. Those nine little guys can devour evil monsters. Now we are much safer."

The devouring beast king saw Shen Longxuan and immediately welcomed him enthusiastically.

After the greetings, the devouring beast king spoke about their current situation.

"Devouring the mainland, there are two places that have not been occupied. One is here, and the other is prison. Some of those nominal prisoners have escaped, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead, but some are stuck there.

And we stayed here because we fought hard. For this reason, we lost countless people. The devouring beast family was rare, and this almost wiped out the family. "

Devouring the beast king is a little decadent. This kind of near extinction blow is really too big.

"Your Majesty, I came here this time to seek the help of devouring the clan, because now this evil monster has spread all over the void, and there is no way to eliminate it.

But now... Forget it, my second purpose here is to find the root of dragon snake gall.

I have seen it all the way just now. Because of the particularity of swallowing the continent, the Dragon gall grows from the ground here.

Therefore, they have roots, stems, leaves, and even flowers. Everything in the world is falling from one thing to another. I want to refine a kind of medicine that can detoxify and destroy dragon gall. "


Shen Longxuan said this, as if there was a ray of dawn in the dark, and all the remaining devouring beasts were excited.

Doesn't this mean that their mutated clansmen can recover?

It can not only destroy the monster of dragon and snake gall, but also make the people recover. If so, Shen Longxuan is the biggest benefactor who devours the family.

"Brother Shen, if you can save my people, you are our benefactor. From now on, we will devour a family and let it go."

Shen Longxuan waved his hand and said, "it's too early for your majesty to say this. My method is actually very dangerous. I need to try it by example. If it succeeds, of course, I can save your people.

If I fail, I'm afraid even I will become a monster myself, so... "

"Brother Shen, you will succeed."

"Boss, I believe you!"

Jiuwa and his son said at the same time.

Shen Longxuan smiled and suddenly lit up his golden body. A huge dragon wrapped around him. He flew into the sky and flew towards the place where the Dragon gall grew.

His purpose is very simple, that is to let himself be infected, rely on his strong strength to resist, and then look for the antidote to this poison.

"Right here!"

Shen Longxuan fell to the ground with a bang. This is the peak of a mountain. The whole mountain is covered with green dragon gall. They shake rhythmically, just like waves, ups and downs one after another.

According to Bruce Lee, this kind of thing is a kind of plant that can nourish the soul when it is not destroyed in the fairy kingdom.

When the immortal soul is injured, you can get out of the body and sit in the flowers and bones of dragon snake gall to cultivate your soul.

But over time, because of being infected by the power of soul, this kind of dragon snake gall unexpectedly gave birth to its own will, and there are frequent events that devour the soul of immortals.

Therefore, the fairy kingdom began to clean up Gentiana on a large scale.

I didn't expect this feature to be used by intentional people. They secretly hid the seeds of Gentiana and cultivated them in the dark.

Finally, this evil monster was born, which was enough to destroy the whole fairy realm.

Shen Longxuan breathed a long breath, sat on the top of the mountain, condensed a separate body, and rushed into the monster group.