Chapter 3114

Where the light passed, the destruction monster seemed to encounter some nemesis, which turned into a little light and dissipated in the void, leaving only the destruction storm slowly subsided.

A ray of light, the town retreats and destroys the sky!

"It's the jingshiyuan mantra of the boss!"

Bruce Lee and Shen Tianlei said at the same time that they began to look for Shen Longxuan everywhere.

I remember the first time Shen Longxuan used this trick, he was directly crushed to pieces. At the moment, they were more worried than happy.

When they saw that Shen Longxuan's figure appeared in the field of vision and was intact, they finally relaxed.

They followed Shen Longxuan's eyes and looked at ghosts and streamers. Under the light, these two guys were emitting black smoke all over, and their expressions were distorted, as if they were suffering from some pain.

"Boss, what happened to them?" Shen Tianlei asked strangely.

Shen Longxuan was more strange than the two of them. When he looked at the ghosts, he found that although they were covered with black gas, there was golden light in and out of the black gas.

The strange bytes spread out and wrapped their bodies.

Although I don't know what's going on, I can see that Liuguang's body, which is like broken porcelain, is healing in the integration of this strange byte!

yes! There are many strange bytes in the cracks. At the moment, he looks like wearing a cassock with gold threads!

This is definitely a good thing!

The ghost originally had no body, and all the bodies he incarnated now were made of energy.

At the moment, those golden rays accumulated more on him, just like casting a golden body.

Shen Longxuan was more and more shocked. These two guys not only did not lose anything, but also made a lot of benefits!

"Is this to put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha?"

Shen Longxuan seemed to understand that the cause and effect in the world was so wonderful. He tried his best to find cause and effect and increase merit to reach the realm of saints.

But look at others, they used to be bad guys, but they just did a little good. At their own instigation, one was casting a gold body, while the other was wearing a cassock.

Who can believe it?

But the fact is right in front of them. Under the stunned gaze of Shen Longxuan, ghosts and streamers are rapidly transforming, and golden light appears on their bodies autonomously.

Shen Longxuan was very sad. He didn't want to see it anymore, and flew straight to the direction of hunmietian. He didn't notice that his body was also emitting dots of gold.

Now that he knows that the jingshiyuan mantra has an effect on destroying monsters, Shen Longxuan naturally won't waste other strength, and his current Avenue Xianlu is connected to the source space of the world, and the power of the source is enough for him to squander.

So, as he recited the spell, he walked towards the direction of destroying the sky, with many broken beads scattered around.

It was three days since he left. The jingshiyuan mantra did not stop for a moment. The jingshiyuan mantra was huge and magical. He had already practiced the source method with a single thought.

With his original power, he could instantly recite the mantra 600 times, but in these three days, he found that he had made a breakthrough, and the 900 times jingshiyuan mantra had no pressure at all.

This jingshiyuan mantra seemed to be the bane of mixing out the sky. Later, those destruction monsters directly fled back to mixing out the sky, and this destruction storm was also stopped.

Shen Longxuan waved away the broken beads, and he didn't know how many, because his mind was not here.

For the first time, he found the bottleneck of jingshiyuan mantra. After he recited the mantra 999 times, he couldn't recite it anyway.

It's not that he is not strong enough, but that he lacks something, which makes this source skill unable to continue to be exerted.

Moreover, he could feel that as long as he broke through this bottleneck, his jingshiyuan mantra would change greatly. After thinking for a long time, he didn't understand it. He simply came to the entrance of hunmietian.

"Today I'll seal you with this curse!"

Shen Longxuan finished saying, his body was full of golden light, and golden light like waves quickly swept hundreds of millions of miles away.

In every golden light, there is a vertical light column, which is full of strange bytes. If you look carefully, you will find that these strange bytes have also changed, as if they were more spiritual and alive.

Shen Longxuan spread the golden light layer by layer, and finally turned it into a thin light film, which was attached to the entrance of mixing and killing the sky.

Despite the constant roar and impact inside, this film is safe and sound.

Shen Longxuan clapped his hands and said with a smile, "it's better to ask for yourself than others. I don't know how long I can stick to this seal?"


It seemed that he was cooperating with Shen Longxuan, and it also seemed to be testing how strong his seal was. The chaos suddenly roared violently in the sky. Across the seal, we could feel that a more powerful force was breaking out.

This force collided with the seal, and even puffed up huge bubbles, as if it could burst the seal at any time.


Shen Longxuan continued to recite the mantra to strengthen the seal, and the impact force in the mixed destruction of the sky was also increasing.

One person fights like this one day.

I don't know how long it took, even ghosts and Liuguang have come to their senses. Together with Bruce Lee and Shen Tianlei, they are standing not far behind Shen Longxuan.

At the moment, the ghost is shining with dark golden light. He has the power of Saint Buddha and the power of destruction, and his strength is unfathomable.

Now he looks at Shen Longxuan's back with a complex look. He seems to owe Shen Longxuan another favor. From then on, with gold body protection, he is a complete person, which is a blessing of creation!

Liuguang was different. He looked at Shen Longxuan with awe in his eyes. Now his physical shortcomings had disappeared, and his accomplishments could continue to grow, which was the greatest favor to him.

It's like a person walking to a cliff. Although he can see the opposite peak, he can't cross it. At this moment, a bridge suddenly falls between them, so that he can walk across it.

This debt of gratitude is a little big. If it weren't for Shen Longxuan's busy, he now wants to kneel down to Shen Longxuan.

"Boss, what are you doing? Did he work with Hun mietian?" Shen Tianlei's realm was the lowest, and he couldn't understand it.

Bruce Lee stared, and his eyes were sore. He said, "it should be that the boss looks like he is sealing, while Hun mietian is attacking the seal. The boss is fighting with Yitian alone, which is great!"

"It's really amazing! Fighting for one day alone is really a model of our generation!"

Liuguang couldn't help but exclaim.

The ghost next to him frowned. Before he could say anything, he saw Shen Longxuan disappear in the distance, and had arrived at their side when he appeared.

"Don't flatter! It can't be sealed at all, and the chaos will explode!"

Shen Longxuan only had time to say such a sentence, so he directly dragged them with his strength, performed the ten thousand world shuttle, and disappeared in an instant.

The moment they just disappeared, the golden film at the entrance of the mixed extinction sky immediately swelled up, like a balloon blown quickly, getting bigger and bigger.

Two breaths of time did not use, it exploded with a bang!

In an instant, the destruction storm turned into a torrent like the churning of the sea, and poured out recklessly.

The void collapsed under this shock!