Chapter 3446

Bruce Lee looks at the expression of his elders. Although the ghost is unhappy, he can't help it. His strength is too strong. Even if the two of them together are not Bruce Lee's opponents.

"It's uncle long. I know it's wrong. I won't dare to fart with me anymore!"

Hearing Liuguang's words, Bruce Lee directly glanced at his mouth and said, "if I take you seriously, you are dead, can you still talk here?

Remember, dripping water is a blessing! Don't learn from others. The boss is not as powerful as you can imagine. He is now in the small world above.

You two don't have to do anything else. Just entangle your master. I'll deal with the top one.

As long as the boss passes this level, his strength is enough to sweep the universe, and some of his fingers leak, which is enough for us to eat and drink. "

So good?

Liuguang and the ghost were shocked at the same time. They looked up at the moment, as if they really saw a figure in that small world.

At the moment, the true and false Taichu days are almost at the top, and Bruce Lee rushes up quickly, so they can't disturb the boss.

Liuguang and the ghost looked at each other, and unexpectedly burst into full blast. Liuguang was not an opponent, and directly shouted, "master, this cargo is going to kill me, you save me!"

Taichutian, who looks like a mysterious man above, frowned slightly. He really didn't notice below just now. His attention has always been on that small world.

The strong willpower rushing down from it is too strong. He is not simply climbing, but washing his body with the help of this strong willpower.

At this moment, the stars were shining on his body, and his acupoints were shining like stars, and some secret acupoints were also washed out.

He felt that as long as he continued, all his acupoints and orifices would turn into stars, and even the world would be born, and his body would be the universe.

Compared with Dantian world, he pays more attention to his own body. Now, his cultivation is finally going to have a major breakthrough.

At this time, I saw two unsuccessful disciples fighting, and immediately stopped practicing.

Although it is said that these two cheap apprentices were picked up halfway, they did their best to him. Everything thought of him first, and they confirmed the relationship between teachers and apprentices. These two cheap apprentices helped him deal with a lot of things.

Therefore, he will spend a lot of money to recast their bodies to reach the current state. If something happens here, it is really a pity.

If he waited a little longer, he would never get used to the two guys if he became physically successful, but he hasn't succeeded yet, and the road ahead may still need these two useless guys.

Therefore, he could only stop, flashed to the two men and shouted, "don't you stop?"

"Master! He said I didn't have a Shiniang! If I don't believe it, he'll beat me!" Streamer shouted.

The ghost gave Liuguang another punch and said, "who can be a monk? The master's cultivation strength is so strong that there are few women in the world. How can a woman be worthy of the master?"

"Then you can't say I don't have a Shiniang. Shifu, you can judge me!"

Taichutian suddenly laughed at this time. He was angry. At this time, is this scene suitable for discussing this problem?

What do these two fools think?

"Master, give us a happy word. Is there a Shiniang?" Liuguang shouted and hit the ghost with a blow, which exploded.

Seeing that the people behind were slowly catching up, Taichu Tian was angry and funny. Unexpectedly, he wasted time because of this matter.

"Now let go, I can ignore this matter, otherwise, I will expel you all from the school and take back your strength."

This sentence worked really well. The two immediately loosened up, and did not fight or quarrel. They stood respectfully in front of taichutian and stared at each other.

It's not over!


As soon as they stopped, they heard a violent roar overhead. Looking up, they saw two figures actually fighting.

"Is it him?"

Taichu Tian saw that Bruce Lee was fighting against the real first heaven's Tao that devoured his will.

By this time, mysterious identities have been solved.

Bruce Lee is absolutely right. In order to break through the bottleneck, taichutian practiced willpower and body separately.

He cut out most of his willpower and spirit, and opened the ninth reincarnation.

In fact, the person who pushed in the dark was his physical body, in which willpower and soul were damaged. It took him the first four reincarnations to completely recover.

That is, at that time, he began to practice the flesh to the limit. He had been to all kinds of extreme secret places in the universe, even the Jedi, in order to cast the strongest flesh.

When the ninth reincarnation came, his body finally made a great breakthrough, and he created a cultivation method corresponding to his acupoints and orifices.

His acupoints and orifices are like stars, which can be regarded as success. Then the stars can evolve into the sun. The acupoints and orifices in his body are countless suns. At that time, his strength will shatter the heavens and the world.

But it was at this time that he found that the will and spirit he cut out could not match his physical body. In other words, it was a little weak.

At this time, he felt the intention of the first heaven will, and unexpectedly wanted to devour his will spirit to become stronger.

He suddenly came up with a bold idea, that is, the will to seize the first heaven, and his spirit will quickly become stronger.

This is a crazy idea. I'm afraid no one will do it except him.

But he not only did so, but also successfully implemented the plan. Now, he can feel that his divine soul will is in the body of the first heaven will, struggling to resist.

Of course, this method can't be helped by any external force. Cheng, he is the first person in the world of heaven. If he loses, it's nothing. He specializes in the way of the physical body and is not weak.

If Shen Longxuan knew this, he would think this guy was too crazy. If he could have this idea, he would not only be crazy, but also be a genius.

Thinking of this, the Taichu heaven asked, "how many times have you practiced the formula of refining the body and spirit of the heavens and stars I taught you?"

In fact, he created two sets of shenjue, and the other is the soul refining shenjue of the heavens and stars. The combination of the two sets is his peak work.

"Master, I have reached the second level of cultivation, and he is still stuck in the first level." The ghost pointed to the streamer and replied.

Taichu Tian nodded slightly and said, "that's really light. As a senior brother, you have nothing to do. It's good for his cultivation."

After the ghost heard it, he immediately bared his teeth, so that you can offend me again. If you dare to offend me in the future, I will beat you according to the order!

Liuguang sighed and had nothing to say!

Bang Bang

The battle above became more and more intense, and the collision between willpower and the power of Qi and blood erupted into a different brilliance.

The two forces are like the sun and moon, and also like Yin and Yang. They attract each other and repel each other. This is the main reason why Taichu heaven stayed to watch.

He is learning and deducing, but also understanding.

At the moment, Shen Longxuan naturally felt the battle below. He was too close to feel it.

He saw Bruce Lee and the first principle of heaven pretending to be the will of Taichu heaven. The battle between them was so strong that it spread to this small world.

"The spirit cultivates the will, and the flesh cultivates the blood. If they fuse, will they be stronger?" Shen Longxuan suddenly thought.