DLC: Chosen One Mini Game

Name:Prophecy Approved Companion Author:
DLC: Chosen One Mini Game

The individual known as the Chosen One, having just finished talking to everyone in the Forest Village, was carefully swiping through all the newly collected social quests. There was nothing particularly interesting - some fetch quests, a couple of monster slayings, one or two that looked like they might end up being chain-quests to better gear.

Not that the Chosen One had any problem with gear. Thanks to the shop exploit, the whole party was rolling in everything the game had to offer. Even their armour was the best that could be bought at this level - the Hero looked down, watching the way the firelight played over their frankly ridiculous muscles.

Everything in this world was so realistic! The dev team had really knocked it out of the park this time. Hell, the Chosen One had even found themselves forgetting this was all make-believe a few times, it was that immersive. Especially the NPCs AI.

The player looked at the half-elf healer standing by the edge of a bonfire. She was watching the forest folk dance, all wide eyed and shy, like shed never been to a party before.

Would the devs have programmed a tutorial character to experience such genuine seeming amazement? And that hint of being overwhelmed, was that supposed to tug on players heartstrings and make them want to protect her?

But not the healer. She was hardcore glitched out. And hadnt that caused endless amusement and work?

The Chosen One knew they needed to talk to the healer more. Find out what was chugging along under all that dynamic dialogue options. But a part of them hesitated.

Because if they peeled back the layers, and worked out exactly what it was that was making this glitched out character act in such a human way it would ruin the illusion. Otherwise the Chosen One would have just sat the character down and drilled her with questions, seeing exactly when she repeated herself, noting every constructed nuance and dialogue tic.

But instead instead they wanted to continue. They wanted to see how this all played out, how this glitch broke the world around them in new and exciting ways.

After all, it was all just fun and games!

...Wasnt it?