Chapter 137: Departure[II]

Chapter 137: Departure[II]

A huge array of soldiers stood resolutely in a long line. Before them stood a huge DPG(Dimensional Portal Gateway), whose coordinates were locked into the huge dimensional spatial up in the sky.

Amidst the group of soldiers, Leon scratched his head looking at the huge circular gate-like thing beeping regularly.

'Just which son of a bitch said that the technology wasn't much advanced here.'

Shaking his head, Leon's eyesight glided through the spawn of 50,000 troops that had been divided into 50 regiments,each led by the Commander and Vice Commander of Martial King level.

That was followed by Captain and Vice-Captain.

Leon's level was enough to become Captain of a battalion but he didn't have any merits and was a typical nobody.

He was enrolled in the 31st regiment led by Mac who was a student of Argent.

"All right, soldiers start the march."

Without further ado, the soldiers grouped into 1000 troops of their respective regiments walked and marched.

The soldiers marched in a steady line towards the dimensional gate, their boots thudding on the ground. As they approached, a strange portal flickered to life. With each step, they entered the gate, disappearing into another realm, leaving only an empty field behind.

The gateway of the portal changed the zones to help them transverse into different places designated for each regiment particularly.

Leon felt his body becoming lightweight and soon, his vision exploded becoming blank.


The clogged breath exploded when their vision returned.


Leon's senses felt dull just like when he had just woken up from his dream and his head and heart beat as if wild.

At that time, he felt a strong impactful sound from behind.

"Get a hold of yourself, newcomers"

As the distorted vision slowly started appearing, Leon stirred awake. His eyes blinked for a moment, finding himself rolling on the ground and as he sat up quicker, he saw soldiers lying around on the ground when a few people were trying to help them.

"Wait...What happened?"

Leon screamed in bewilderment and tried to get up but he staggered, falling to the side. The storage ring he wore burst out spewing the things inside.

"Just what is going on? My body feels heavier?"

Following Leon loud gasps echoed around. All of them seemed to be in some pain as a huge headache assaulted them.

Gasps and screams of fear and pain kept on echoing.

They were now on a grassy plain where soldiers started rolling.

"Everyone of you shut up," a fierce voice rang around drawing everyone's attention.

Faraway, they saw Commander Mac standing solemnly folding his hands.

"This place had 3X more gravity than Earth. So, we are 3 times more or less weaker than what we are. The storage ring won't work here as the magnetic waves and unstable space distortion interfere with the void of the storage ring so we forbid you to bring that but some shitheads just don't listen."

Everyone froze for a moment hearing this as Peter's expression didn't look like he was joking.

"What are you all doing?"

They heard a sharp voice.

It came from Vice Troop Commander Thane.

"All of you volunteered to come here and no one forced you. We have no problem if you lay low but say that to the monsters who might be coming here. As for the exit, it is going to be filled at the base camp of this vast place which is approximately 600 km away. So, anyone who wanted to go pack up and leave, you can fuck those naive thoughts."

"And those who want to stay get up within 15 minutes. We have to set up a temporary camp."

With a grumble, everyone started to rise and walked around to adjust themselves.

Amidst them, Leon stood their clenching fist. He can feel it. Something that is restraining him.

'If I make a comparison, our stat is almost 3 times less. I mean a person with 150 stat points can exert power roughly 50 or around that.'

Only then did Leon realize what that old man meant. Martial Disciples who have a low base stat, are as good as common people here.

Brute force won't work here, which was the main driving force behind Leon.

What he needed now was to learn aura and Qi strikes, on which change in gravity didn't have much effect.

'it's troublesome,' Leon muttered but there was no worry on his face, instead, he wasn't unable to control his smile.

'But it's okay 'cause this is gonna help me grow and overcome my deficiency. I might lack a lot but I never lack in terms of growing.'

Burying those thoughts Leon stretched along with others to adapt to the place.


Everyone had hardly gotten used to this when they heard the loud sound of a horn.

"What the fuck?"

"Damn! Our rest time isn't over so what's with this horn?'

Mac's expression became solemn upon hearing this and he looked at a certain squad whom he sent in patrolling and then at blurry figures drawn, they made some hand signs.



A burst echoed from Mac's clap.

"Everyone shut your mouths, put on your armor, and move quickly."

Everyone gawked at Mac as if he was insane.

"Cause we have got some fellow monsters to welcome us."

Following that voice, bewildered scream echoed.