Chapter 193 193:Deadly Face Off[IV]

Chapter 193 193:Deadly Face Off[IV]


Swords clashed against shields, axes cleaved through flesh, and magic crackled through the air like lightning.

As the intense fight went the Orcs slowly showed signs of exhaustion.

Amidst the chaos, the ghostly figures fought with supernatural strength, their spectral weapons of darkness slicing through the ranks of the Red Orcs with deadly accuracy. Terpas Kraft, in particular, moved with a terrifying speed and ferocity, their Vampiric form striking fear into the hearts of his enemies.

Terpas unfolding his wings jumped up and waved his hand. A cloud of blood hovered around him that materialized and started to rain down like blood spikes.

Hella standing in between extended his hand wide and opened her lips.


A screeching laughter-like death toll rang around. Soon powerful mental waves erupted from her.

Whether it was Martial Lord, Martial King, or Martial Emperor. Anyone hit by her lost their sense of reasoning and started slaughtering their own troops.

The clash continued till frenzy, each side refusing to yield an inch of ground. Loud cries and battle cries filled the air, mingling with the sounds of metal on metal and the screams of the wounded.

For every Martial Grandmaster, 10 Martial Master ghosts and below pounced at once.

For every Martial Lord 100 Martial Grandmasters jumped in followed by hundreds of lower-rank soldier ghosts from both humans and monsters.

As for Martial Lords and Emperors. Almost ten thousand troops assaulted them at once led by Leon's elite troops of Kratos, Miyuki, Yo-Kihowoon, and Synder, slashing the battle formation of Silver armored soldiers; however , despite this, the Silver armored cut open through them.

Those who were at the peak or middle of Martial King had already met the requirement in the experience of soul and just needed Leon to go through the binding process.

Once Leon managed to draw out their power, they immediately became Martial Emperors as a crazy exp was rolling from all around ready to be devoured.

Hella was the first one who became Martial Emperor because she always played a crucial role in every battle of Leon thereby gaining a large horde of soul essence as exp meanwhile Synder and Yo Kihwoom were still struck at Martial King however amidst this battle Terpas, Kratos, Miyuki, Gravis,Germin, Liebert and all Orcs who at Martial King stepped into Martial Emperor.

Seeker who was the pseudo Martial Emperor at once slaughtered almost a hundred Martial Kings and became an Emperor and then ran wild.

However, despite this, the number of Martial Emperors which formed the core was quite less and incomparable to the Avelin army. Though the Orcs and Terpas squad managed to stop the Red Orcs charge with their tricks.

The Silver armored men who were Avelin special troops were fierce and hard to stop and troops fighting them were butchered quite easily.


They were not fighting a normal army.


From the ashes of the dark smoke, the shadow army rose again and again engraving fear in the silver armored human.

"Why isn't this dying?"


"STOPPP!Just die."

"Damn! Why aren't they dying?"

"You want some...Come and get some."

[Lightning Blast]

Countless blue arcs emerged from buzzing and crackling.


Along with that hair-raising yell, a chilling-inducing beam of light enveloped the ghosts.

Avelin turned all around as if pissing bolts of lightning on everyone.

He didn't differentiate between friends and foes as his attacks didn't hurt his troops.

The ghost got swept by lightning and disintegrated and soon, a flash of lightning rained upon Leon but before it could touch him, Leon was already on the move.

Hiding amongst the ghost army, he went into Avelin's blind spot and then spinning himself to gather momentum he launched his greatsword.

Avelin heard a tearing sound and noticed a huge sword coming upon them.


His body reacted and he prepared to jump down but much to his surprise, he saw various hands of darkness erupt from below and holding.

His bird had been held by a thousand ghosts rising from the floor while he was restrained by a familiar figure who smiled exposing dark long fangs.

And it was none other than Germin whom he ordered to kill Leon before.

"This m*therfucker..."

And then....


A huge explosion of noise spread out as the great sword hit him and he was shoved off the reptilian bird and tossed away.

The entire upper area of the fort was crowded. It was so crowded that many didn't even have space to fight properly.

The Red Orcs, fierce and relentless, charged forward with savage fury.

The greatsword cleaved the dim light. But the ghostly figures of Terpas Kraft, Orcs, Grave, German, and Liebert followed by savage Orcs moved with ghostly grace, their translucent forms intertwining through the melee waves with eerie attack as they slammed themselves onto their enemy when overwhelmed.

Amidst this, Seeker whom Leon just killed now went wild. Her face shone with pure bliss and euphoria as she swung her axe-

like blade of motor, sending devastating air shockwaves cutting through the horde of enamels.

Screams and roars echoed across the battlefield as the two forces clashed, each blow resonating with bone-shaking force.


"Ghost...Just go to the afterlife."