"What are you talking about? Since you have just said that we are twins, what happened to you? Do you think I can get rid of it? Do you think I can escape all these things? What's more, I asked you to do all those things against Gongyu. If they find out, how can I escape? Now you should tell me what happened. If I can help you, I will try my best to help you! Or do you need money? I can buy you a ticket to get out of here, go to a place where no one knows you, and start over. " Jiangyi yelled to one side.

Lin Qiang suddenly felt a little moved. She never thought that the twin sister she had not seen in 20 years would think about her like this. But Lin Qiang will never delay her sister's future. She is nothing now, but her sister is different. Her sister is the only child of the president of Jiangshi group. She was born to be the proud girl of heaven. Although she heard what happened in Jiang Younian and knew Jiang Yi's current situation, she couldn't bother Jiang Yi any more.

What's more, she is willing to do these things for Jiang Yi. For so many years, she has never been in charge of her sister. How can she let Jiang Yi develop like this? Lin Qiang knows that the police have been paying attention to Jiang Yi all this time. She came to Jiang Yi today to tell her to do things by herself. What she does will never be borne by her sister.

"Jiang Yi, I called you here today to say something to you. You don't have to blame yourself too much. I volunteered to help you with the things in Gongyu, but I did all the things that happened after that. It doesn't matter to you. If the police ask, you just don't admit anything. Just push everything on me!" Lin Qiang explained to one side.

Listen to these words that Lin Qiang says, the gas in Jiang Yi's heart rushed out suddenly, "what do you mean, do you want me to appreciate you? Do so much, but also tell me, you are my twin sister, and then have to bear so many things, just want me to feel guilty for you? I tell you, this is impossible, I will never forgive you, you do things you bear, as for what I let you do, if you want to be responsible, I will bear, you don't care! I think we have no need to communicate now. Goodbye! I hope we'll never see each other again! "

After that, Jiang Yi picked up her handbag and walked out of the coffee shop. She didn't agree with Lin Qiang and didn't want to entangle with Lin Qiang any more.

Lin Qiang didn't expect that Jiang Yi would be so excited. She ran away without hearing what she said. Lin Qiang stood up and wanted to chase her, but found that Jiang Yi had already run away.

After Lin Qiang watched Jiang Yi run away, she was also afraid of exposing herself, so she didn't go after her, just let Jiang Yi run away alone.

After the police lost Jiang Yi on the way, they contacted Lao Wu urgently. Then they searched the city road monitoring to find out where Jiang Yi's car was. Finally, they found Jiang Yi's car near the cafe, and Jiang Yi. Lao Wu knew that these young police couldn't cope with Jiang Yi at all, so he just asked them to monitor Jiang Yi and wait for him to kiss him Come and ask again.

After Lin Qiang left, Jiang Yi went to a coffee shop to have coffee. She was very upset and didn't want to go home. There was no one she could complain about in the smoky company at home. Jiang Yi was very depressed. She didn't know how she could live like this. Before, she was full of spirit, love, family and love Love from parents.

But now, the person she loves has abandoned her, and the person who loves her has gone away from her. Because in Gongyu, her father is in prison, and her mother can't bear it. She is depressed all day and can't take care of her at all. For a moment, Jiang Yi feels so miserable.

So she blames Su Yuchun for everything. She doesn't like Su Yuchun. She can get everything she doesn't have. She loves her family, so she wants Su Yuchun to pay the price she should pay. But the more she does these things, the more she finds that no matter how she tries to break up Gongyu and Su Yuchun, no matter what she does to hinder their behavior, it seems that it's very difficult After all the difficulties, it seems that they have helped Su Yuchun and Gongyu. After every difficulty, Su Yuchun and Gongyu are more loving, but she will never get the heart of Gongyu.

She thought that these things were just her own instant behavior and impulse, so she would ask Lin Qiang to help her kidnap Su Yuchun at that time. Although the last thing didn't succeed, Jiang Yi's heart was a little uncomfortable. There was another time when Jiang Yi almost sullied Su Yuchun, and someone still saved her. At that time, Jiang Yi was very resentful. Why did everyone turn to Su Yuchun, but he had nothing.

Jiang Yi can't think about these things clearly, plus what Lin Qiang told her today, all these things are piled up in Jiang Yi's heart, and it's hard to get rid of. Jiang Yi has to drink constantly to solve the suffering in his heart, maybe only when he's drunk, he won't think about these things any more.

When Lao Wu came, Jiang Yi was still drinking at the bar. Lao Wu came to Jiang Yi and asked him why he wanted to avoid the police just now, but Jiang Yi still dodged and refused to tell him. But although Jiang Yi didn't clearly point out that she and Lin Qiang met, she couldn't say where she was just that time.Lao Wu didn't ask clearly, so she didn't ask any more. She knew that if Jiang Yi wanted to say something, she would tell him. But if Jiang Yi didn't want to say something, even if many people asked her, she couldn't speak.

So Lao Wu just comforted Jiang Yi and left the bar. After coming out of the bar, he told Gongyu about it, hoping that Gongyu would have an idea.

Su Yuchun has been in the hospital with miyao these days, and he never leaves. Instead, he has added the feelings between them, and also experienced the time of life and death. Therefore, Su Yuchun cherishes the time they exist now. Maybe only after experiencing life and death can he really feel the meaning of life.

When Gong Yu knew that Lao Wu was going to investigate Jiang Yi's case, he knew that it might have come. He wanted to keep Jiang Yi. Although he said Jiang Yi had done these wrong things, he knew that Jiang Yi's mind was definitely not such an idea. He still believed that Jiang Yi was the innocent girl in those days!