If Qin Yuhao had been taken a picture of Su chungong, could he not have been taken a picture of Su Chunhao? But if you think about it, how can it be? Qin Hao has always been very good to Su Yuchun. Why did he suddenly do such a thing to Su Yuchun? All of a sudden, the worries in Gongyu's heart surged up. But he can't get out now. He's so worried that he's going crazy.

Suburban villa, Qin Hao sitting alone, now he, just want to quietly wait for the news. Standing by the window and looking at the scenery, he suddenly thought of what happened before. This place was their first base at that time, and it was also selected by Lin Qiang and sunspot. But now, is it really a matter of right and wrong? Is Lin Qiang dead? I don't know where the sunspot went.

Over the years, Qin Hao has never given up looking for sunspot. Sunspot is the best helper, and he knows Qin Hao's way of doing things very well. They are also the best partners. However, they always act like that. Because of Lin Qiang, sunspot can't forgive himself, so he left like that. No matter how he looked for it, sunspot would die It's a refusal to show up.

Qin Hao knows that sunspot must still blame himself, but where is he.

All of a sudden, a knock on the door broke Qin Hao's idea. He turned his head and saw Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang came in and stood beside Qin Hao. Without saying a word, Qin Hao turned his head and looked at him. His partner is always the best. Like Lao Zhang now, although he is very obedient, he is different from sunspot The children will have their own clear ideas, but Lao Zhang just acts according to Qin Hao's ideas. This is the biggest difference between them.

Qin Hao suddenly some miss sunspot, he looked at the side of Lao Zhang, stopped, this just asked: "say, what's the matter."

"Boss, I've done what you asked me to do. I've sent the letter to Gongyu according to your instructions. I believe he should have known what you want him to know." Lao Zhang said in a low voice.

Qin Hao just laughed, "very good, you go down first!" After that, Lao Zhang went on obediently. Qin Hao was the only one left in the office. Thinking of what Lao Zhang said just now, he wanted to see what Gongyu would do?

Indeed, Qin Hao admits that this is the Bureau he set up. First, he asked Gongyu to go to the public security bureau to cooperate with the investigation. Then, he spread the news and let the shares of Gongshi group fall. At that time, he can do what he should do. But what he didn't expect was that Qin Hao regretted everything he had. He didn't know that Su Yuchun would do it for Gongyu She is willing to do anything for the sake of Gongyu. Qin Hao is very jealous in his heart. No, he just wants to make Gongyu accomplish nothing.

If this happens, Gongyu will be arrested by the police for leaving the police station without permission. At that time, all these things will return to the starting point.

Gongyu is alone in the police station. He originally wanted to ask Lao Wu for help, but Lao Wu is now in the criminal police force, so nothing should help him. But he was really worried and didn't know what to do. He had to go out now. Otherwise, Su Yuchun would be in danger? Through this period of observation, Gongyu also has a trace of thoughts. He is very clear that since he first saw Qin Hao, he had already felt a trace of discomfort. What's more, when Qin Hao saw Gongyu, there was an unconscious trace of hatred in his eyes.

Gongyu always thought that Qin Hao did that for a moment, but later, Gongyu found that every time he saw Qin Hao, Qin Hao would have a strange hostility to him. At first, I didn't know what was going on in Gongyu, but later I understood it.

In particular, with each contact later, Gongyu gradually found that Qin Hao had more and more hatred for her. That's why he didn't let Su Yuchun and Qin Hao have more contact. He knows that Qin Hao can never start a company overseas without any reason. Because he runs a company, miyao understands how difficult it is to run a company, let alone build a high-rise building. So he knew that there must be some people behind Qin Hao, or Qin Hao, and some unknown identities that Gongyu didn't know.

The more Gongyu thinks about it, the more wrong it is. He has to arrange it in advance. Now he doesn't know what kind of state Su Yuchun is in, or whether Su Yuchun has been bullied. Anyway, when he sees Su Yuchun in the photo, he must be very upset.

In the interrogation room, Gongyu kept looking at the clock on the wall, watching the time passing by, and didn't know when Lao Wu would come back.

It's not that Lao Wu refuses to come back to see Gongyu. It's just that Lao Wu and Tong Yinyi are looking for Su Yuchun outside. Moreover, Lao Wu doesn't know that someone will send this letter to Gongyu. They still want to hide it from Gongyu, but they didn't expect that Gongyu already knows all about it.

I can't hide it! Wu Chunyu got a few messages from Laoyu Public Security Bureau in advance. At last, they had no way to get back to Laoyu Public Security Bureau.Just after returning to the Public Security Bureau, a big thing has happened. A colleague in the Public Security Bureau told Lao Wu that Gongyu had left the bureau without saying hello to the people in the Public Security Bureau. Lao Wu thought to himself, how could this Gongyu be so reckless? I know that if I leave the Public Security Bureau in this way, it will constitute a crime. Even if nothing happens, I will be convicted of this act now.

Lao Wu was a little worried. He quickly asked what was going on? After being explained by colleagues in the Bureau, Lao Wu probably understood what was going on. He thought that Gongyu should not be such a rash person. Colleagues said that Gongyu would become like this only after receiving a letter. It's very likely that there was something in the letter that Gongyu could not accept. Could it be that Su Yuchun disappeared?

When Lao Wu suddenly thought of this, he said goodbye to his colleagues and turned back to his office. Lao Wu knew that Gongyu would never leave for no reason or do such rash things. Just now, I heard from my colleagues that Miyu had been to her own office before she left. There must have been something left in that office.