Luo Xingchen just that little poor son, no delicious, reluctant to part with it, Su sugar think of all feel funny.

After hearing this, Su Nuo nodded, "well, I'll take brother Luo to see my hawthorn tree."

"You don't hide it!" Sucang touched his head and laughed.

Su Nuo also giggled, "brother Luo is good to me, and I'm good to him. In the future, I'll make a lot of money for my sister like brother Luo."

"You change your idol so quickly. Isn't elder sister able to make more money than your brother Luo?" Sucan is joking.

Su Nuo immediately waved his hand, "no, no, my sister is also powerful, and also powerful."

Seeing him like this, Su Tang couldn't laugh again. The two brothers and sisters joked and went to Sujiatun.

But not long after the separation of the sister and brother of sucang and Luo Xingchen, someone also appeared in zhenkou. First, they looked at the direction of Luo Xingchen's departure, and then looked at the direction of sucang's sister and brother's return to Sujiatun, and then grinned "bah!"

Back in Sujiatun, it was evening. Seeing the winter coming, the days became shorter and shorter. When they entered the courtyard, they were already a little dark. Su Tang went to the Qingjiang River to fish with a basket.

It's hard to see people on the Qingjiang River when they get to the riverside. Su Tang walks over a few steps and sees that he knows him. He opens his mouth and asks, "Fu'an, how are you here at this time?"

Su Fu'an heard sucang call himself, looked back at the sucang, and said, "sugar aunt!" Guangxi biqu Pavilion

Then he looked anxious and said, "Qingjiang River has begun to freeze these two days. Cao Nier of Zhou family just stepped on the ice and fell down. Fuhua is taking people to fish!"

It's already winter, because Qingyuan County itself is located in the north. It's very cold in winter. The river water freezes every winter.

Because the Qingjiang River flows through Heixiazi mountain in Sujiatun, the current is relatively fast, so it freezes a little later than other places. But now there is a layer of ice on the river. Sutang has broken the ice in recent days, but this situation can not last long.

A few days ago, Jiang He and Qian also told sucang about this situation. Now their noodle shop relies on the reputation of fish ball noodles. If Sutang can't send fish balls here, their business will be affected. So discuss with sucang. Because it's cold now, let Sutang do more and freeze it outside.

In this way, even if we sell less, we can support the winter. Sucang naturally agreed. We just want to say and do more these days. We didn't expect to encounter such a thing today.

"What, it fell?" Su sugar heard Su Fu'an say that people fell into the river, but also scared, this Qingjiang is not a casual jump fun.

When Su Tang swam up from the shallow water with the help of space, he was almost taken away by the river. It can be seen that the river is so fierce that someone has fallen down.

Su sugar a few steps forward, Su Fu An looked at her like this, also quickly pulled her, "sugar Gu, be careful, at this time the ice is not strong, don't fall yourself."

Although sucang has a large number of generations, she is only an eight year old girl. Su Fu'an is also afraid of something wrong with sucang, and she will have to catch one more.

"Don't worry, I know." Su Tang nods to Su Fu'an, and then looks at the orange cat on the side. "Little fourth son, can you see where the people are now?"

Orange cat steps on the ice with light steps and goes to a place "here!"