Chapter 14: One Too Many Legs

Chapter 14: One Too Many Legs

She could immediately feel the difference in strength as she flexed her new found muscles. With the extra points she would now receive from having two classes. She made sure to at least add a few points in strength–just in case.

The added intelligence washed away her spiraling headache from excessive mana consumption. Along with increasing her mana container. I wish I could see what the requirements are for my abilities. Astrid could only lament. Her tutors had told her that Goddess Iara withdrew that information so that the users would experiment and find their own path. Astrid was hesitant to believe that. How would they know what Goddess Iara intended?

Brett disappeared, melding in with the shadows. Astrid was shocked. Even with her Psych Domain, it was difficult to sense where he had gone.

Astrid’s thoughts turned back to when she tried to halt the Butcher’s attack with Psychokinesis. It was the limit her mind could handle. If it was stronger, her mind would have suffered a lot of damage. It was just another thing added to the list to be careful of.

“You have powerful magic for a healer.” Astrid said.

“I do.” Rachelle continued. “I guess they would consider me a battle healer.”

Astrid raised her eyebrows. “You guys are strong.”

“You think we are strong?” Losef shook his head. “Compared to your brother?”

“I’ve never seen him fight.” Astrid shook her head. “Well, the odd sparring everyone now and then, but it’s not like he tried killing me, not all the time, anyway.”

“We were in the same Wayfarer’s exam together.” Lisa said. “Even when Kaylan could just fast track his way through with the name of Sinwen, he was adamant about going through the official way.”

“Not just that, he kicked our asses.” Losef wryly chuckled. “He was, or is, a damned monster in human skin. He beat us all within a couple of moves.”

“Do you believe in talent?” Daniel turned his head and looked at Astrid.

“I do.” Astrid said.

“Good, then you’re not a fool.” Daniel said. “People that say otherwise are just trying to make themselves feel better. Before the Wayfarers, I scurried around with a metal pipe in my hand–training my ass off. I thought I could best even the strongest nobles. Then reality hit when I joined the exam. Their strength was overpowering.”

“Then you think you’re less than them–than us?” Astrid said.

“Ah, no way in hell. Nobles have a quick start with their rare classes. But, one mistake and they’re still dead.” Daniel raised his eyebrows, then broke out into laughter. “I know how to survive and kill. That’s more important than any class can give you.”

“Do you feel anything killing them?” Astrid asked.

Jonathan’s head perked up as he listened in. Astrid noticed his eyes taking glances at the Butcher, its beady eyes looking back at him. His face blanched at the sight of the heads tied to the Spawn’s waist.

“The Spawn?” Brett snapped out of the shadows, appearing to the side. “Nah, not one bit. You?”

Astrid thought for a second. She recalled the whites of their eyes as she killed the Spawn. There was no feeling of guilt, she just felt it was something that was normal. She shook her head.

“It’s the natural order of the world, that’s why.” Rachelle yanked the cloak from the Butcher’s shoulder. “Kill or be killed. How do you think our ancestors lived? How much blood stained their hands? And how many have the Spawn slaughtered our own?” Rachelle gave it another yank, tearing it from the oversized Spawn. “It’s survival.”

Astrid nodded. It made sense. She knew roughly how many monsters her family had slain over the years. It was probably an astronomical number.

Then am I the normal one, or is he? Astrid glanced at Jonathan before shaking her head.

“Two items.” Rachelle interrupted Astrid’s thoughts with a bright smile on her face. One item was the Butcher’s weapon, the other was the cloth wrapped around its shoulder. She handed them to Astrid.

You gained a rare piece of class equipment!

Mage Class - Level 15 - Shroud Linen Cape: Spun from the Shroud Knotweed Plant. A tough yet flexible yarn that holds magical capabilities.

| 8 added intelligence.

| 7 added wisdom.

“Why can’t it just be the Spawn?” Brett said.

Belkers—Smoke monsters. Even after death, their hazardous haze can fill and decay your lungs. Astrid had learnt about them during her training for the Wayfarer examination. They weren’t necessarily strong, but if left unchecked, their smoke would deal long-term internal damage. Leading to death.

“Here.” Daniel took other strips off his belt and handed them around to those who didn’t have them, namely Astrid, Jonathan, and his friends.

“Helps to be prepared for any situation, huh?” Astrid said.

“You bet.” Daniel nodded.

Common Rank - level 5 - Home-made Smoke Mask: Capable of filtering out hazardous, airborne smoke.

Astrid tied it around her face as they continued onwards.

Are they mushrooms? They walked into a large chasm-like room. It was filled with light, glowing fungus. Even through the mask, it brought an earthly, tangy scent to her nostrils. Long, coiling branches that climbed within the room accompanied them, sprawling all around with no order. Like they were searching for something.

“You know, this place makes no sense.” Astrid shook her head. “The geography of the Underbelly.”

“What do you mean?” Jonathan’s muffled voice sounder behind his mask.

“I mean, we came from a cargo hold. Under that were the living quarters. Now we are in a garden?” Astrid’s mind never stopped going at full speed, searching through the matter. The last thing they needed was an ambush.

“The cargo hold was for the nobles.” Lisa said. “It’s also a way to segregate people into classes. What better way to demean an entire class of people than to house them under your luggage?”

“Did your fancy tutors teach you nothing?” Brett kicked a mushroom, tearing it from its stalk.

“I was never really taught about the Underbelly. Only that the Leviathan poked a hole in the ship and Spawn found a home.” Astrid said.

Walking through the forest of mushrooms and vines, Astrid sensed something very faint. It felt like the dots of matter were laying dormant. Then, they condensed in a flash as it moved forward at a lightning’s pace. Astrid just got her Mind Barrier up when it crashed into the invisible bubble. She felt a thud within her mind as she took a step backward.

Rob’s massive tower shield crashed down, crushing the attacker in a spray of green, oozing liquid.

What the unholy hell is that? Astrid peered at the monster. It had one too many legs, sixteen in total. All covered in rough, fibrous hairs. A large smiley face was engraved on its back, with teeth and all.

Astrid, with her mind, flung it into the dark recesses of the room. Her eyes fluttered as countless squirming clumps of matter approached.


“I know.” Daniel said. “Rachelle, no fire. Too close to Belkers. Losef, move to the back, Brett, me and you are staying on defensive duty. We’re being flanked.”

“You got it, boss.” Brett brandished his daggers as he dashed beside Astrid.

Level 18 - Smiling-Arachnid: Specialises in ambush and toxins.

Astrid was working with Brett, and she had no time to worry about anyone else. One spider leapt out from the darkness as it pounced on Brett, being the closest. Its large fangs emerged from under its chest, they dropped a foul toxin. Astrid latched onto the insect with her mind, halting it. They did not give her any time to think as two more jumped from in between the mushrooms. Halting all three, her mind was straining. She felt the intense pressure of their squirming.

[Crash] With the thought, they all hurtled to the floor like fallen rocks. Astrid connected to their small beady eyes and tore them from their faces. Blood-curdling screeches left their fanged mouths as more leapt from the shadows. Astrid grabbed hold of the rubble on the ground and shot it upwards, colliding with the spiders, dropping them to the ground.

Brett moved like a phantom. At moments Astrid thought they hit him. Only for him to explode in an abyss-like shadow and tear apart his target.

Astrid felt an intense danger suddenly well up inside her mind as she activated Mind Barrier. Small black needles clashed against her barrier. Separating her mind’s focus, she grabbed hold of the splinters then, with a thought, shoved them back to its owner. The needles, like they were shot from a repeating crossbow, hit the spiders one-by-one.

Their numbers quickly dwindled. Astrid's lips curled into a smile as the System messages were flowing into her mind.