Chapter 60: Triple Class User

Chapter 60: Triple Class User

Astrid spent the entire day running around the upper district of HMS Rebirth. She would stop by any building that required assistance. She would help the bricklayers and construction workers with hoisting the materials up to where they needed it. Soon, the entire workforce of Rebirth came to appreciate the name of Astrid Sinwen.

Astrid neared the edge of the town, where the farms were located. The buildings here were particularly bad. Many had fallen completely. They were either burnt to cinders, or smashed to pieces. The families that belonged to the buildings sifted through the ash and rubble to find any of their belongings.

A little girl walked within the fallen debris. Her expression was vacant. Her eyes were red and puffy, clearly having been awake for the entire night and not given a chance to rest her weary eyes. The little girl's eyebrows raised as she crouched down. She tried to reach for something, but a heavy wooden beam was in the way. Her arms were too short, yet she didn’t give up on trying to grab hold of whatever she was trying to get her little hands on. She strained, her little hand waved in the air.

Astrid rushed over and lifted the wood with her mind. The little girl looked up in wonder. She looked side to side, then up, as if the goddess had something to do with it. Nodding to the sky, she snatched up a teddy bear ladened with dust. Gently shaking it, she clutched it against her chest and sniffled her cute button nose. She refused to cry.

“Is that your favourite teddy-bear?” Astrid asked while moving and lowering the wooden beam to the side.

“It is!” The little girl wiped her nose with her sleeve. “Goddess Iara is helping us!" She pointed to the wooden beam.

Astrid smiled and continued to lift more of the house's debris. Crushed furniture and the odd picture frame made their appearance from under a layer of dust.

“My lady!” An older man and woman rushed from the side. They approached the girl and cuddled her in their arms. “Elizabeth, we told you not to come over here!”

“I wanted to find Mr Cuddles!” Elizabeth stomped her foot.

“Elizabeth... It's a good name." Astrid chuckled and patted the girl's hair. "My mother is named Elizabeth.”

“Ah yes, we named little Elizabeth after Lady Sinwen.” The mother said, before her eyes widened. “I–if that’s okay with the Sinwen family?”

“We don’t own that name, besides," Astrid said. "It’s an honour for you to do so.”

“I’m relieved to hear that, my lady.” The lady said with a relieved sigh.

Astrid could understand where she was coming from. There were a few times in history where nobles got all antsy and irritated at other people sharing their names. Something about legacy and all that, although it went over Astrid’s head. It was just a name, after all.

“Hey is that Astrid?” Froderick said as his voice travelled through the streets.

“It is!” Mina waved. “Hey Astrid!”

Froderick, Mina, Nick, Josh, and Gloria were all together as they approached Astrid. Gloria had an expression as if she didn’t want to be there, yet there she was. Nick, Mina, and Josh’s heads turned side to side as they looked at the houses that were being repaired, then their eyes landed on the house behind Astrid. Their shoulders deflated as they saw the little girl with a dusty bear in her arms.

“What are you guys doing here?” Astrid asked as a happiness bubbled up within her.

“We could say the same thing about you.” Gloria crossed her arms. Just like when they went on their mission, she was wearing an all black tight uniform with deep purple accents that lined her outfit.

“Yes, well, I’m helping.”

“And we are doing the same. What gives you the right to hog all the glory?”

“Not all of them,” Astrid said.

“I’ve heard about all of your adventures so far,” Maggie continued. “You and your team also caused quite a stir within the guild about that Dungeon. It got all the Wayfarers in a hunting frenzy, especially all those alien minerals we’re currently investigating. Won’t be long now until we see new armour and weapons that no one has ever seen before.” Maggie clenched her hands.

“It wasn’t just us,” Astrid said. “Got to give the others credit as well.”

“Oh, of course, but they always bring your name to the front, for obvious reasons.” Maggie winked.

Astrid shrugged. “Life must be quite busy for a triple class user?”

“Especially nowadays, yeah.” Maggie crossed muscled arms together. “What, are you jealous?”

“A little. Although I would have no idea what I would pick.”

“Knowing you, something violent, I would assume.”

“It’s nice to see you think so highly of me.” Astrid smirked.

“Always. With this all finished, why don’t we head down into the Middle District for a drink or two?” Maggie said, “I’ve always wanted an excuse to chat with the young lady of Sinwen, maybe Goddess Iara is blessing me once more?”

“Perhaps?” Astrid said, “I’m up for it. What about you guys? Wanna go for a drink?”

“Of alcohol?” Froderick asked.

“I forgot, the Oswald's don't drink, do they? Do you know how much wine we have to consume having to deal with being courted at all times within a ball?” Gloria spat. “It’s exhausting.”

“It’s rare I agree with you.” Astrid sighed in annoyance.

For once, the two girls agreed on something. It was a momentous occasion, one that demanded a drink.

“I can’t say I've had that problem.” Froderick’s shoulders dropped. “I’m sorry for you girls.”

“That makes me feel worse.” Gloria nudged past him and walked in the elevator's direction.

“Gloria Forscythe, her and the family are known for suicide stat distributions.” Maggie rested her chin in her hand in thought.

“Yeah and her personality shows it, "Astrid said. "Annoying little witch that she is.”

“Aw, you love her really, don’t you?” Maggie joked.

“You’re just as bad!” Astrid shouted and waltzed forward. She maintained her distance from Gloria.Updated from novelbIn.(c)om