Chapter 247

Chapter 247

Astrid heard screams come from the middle of the arc. Rebirth was shifting downwards like a punctured life-boat.

Astrid activated her mana and flew at high speeds to where the attack had landed. In horror, she noticed that a hole with a twenty-five metre circumference had drilled an enormous hole into the toughened metal plates of Rebirth.

Oh no, Astrid thought in worry as she approached the hole. She peered over the edge. The damage done was so smooth. There wasnt a jagged piece of metal in sight. Circuitry and wires sparked and the noise of screams and gushing water joined together to a harrowing symphony.

She looked further down. All the way down to the bottom of the arc. Water was filling the hole, then like a river, surged to other parts of Rebirth. That was the reason the arc was sinking.

Fighting was still taking place all over, but if she didnt patch the hole right now, they wouldnt make it into the Dead Seas. Just as she was about to fly into action, a shadow cast over her home. She looked up.

Directly above, was the King. Now she could only see its chin, and its hulking legs. Then it moved. It shot the Leviathan a gruesome stare. It moved its body, and with it, the waters. Rebirth shook and jolted in the water. Astrid heard groans of metal coming from down below.

Astrid grit her teeth. Whatever the King was about to do, wasnt her problem. She had to patch the hole. Without hesitating, she leapt into the chasm left by the golden pillar of light.

She picked up speed, and five minutes later, Astrid reached the bottom. Water was gushing in, drowning the underbelly. Spawn that had remained, and those that had just entered from the open space filtered to the other floors. Astrid quickly killed as many as she could as quickly as she could.

By some grace, the devastating attack had missed the residential districts on each floor. However, everyone had their eyes resting on her. They were confused, scared, and worried. The once impenetrable metal plates of their home were now gone. And their lives had become uncertain.

Astrid couldnt offer any words of comfort. She didnt have time. She used Psych Warp, and used the methods she had learnt from the repairing team before to hastily patch the hole at the bottom.

However, just as she was about to finish, the entire arc jolted as if they had struck a mountain. The resulting harsh movement flung Astrid against the wall. After a quick check, she noticed she wasnt injured.

Her eyes returned back to the hole. It had ripped open. More spawn entered in an instant. With a quick scan, it appeared to be around fifty of them. Gnashing her teeth, Astrid quickly repaired the hole once more, then turned her sights to the spawn.

Those of the lower district fought the spawn off while waist deep in water. Most of the fighting force were young. Among them, the common armour and weapons they used were hand-me-downs from Wayfarers, or adventurers.

Astrid remembered a few of them. They were the ones using the newly created training space within the underbelly to grow stronger, and work. And now, they were defending their families.

Astrid flew by, tearing out the spawns eyes by the dozens. She didnt stop until all the spawn were annihilated.


A young man shouted. Then more arrived in excited cheer.

Astrid! Astrid! Astrid!


Rodger spun on his heels.

Eyes swirled around Astrid in the hundreds. Wherever she willed her command, her enemies died. Heat bubbled up within his chest. And it wasnt a sensation of pain. It moved up and into his throat, until he blurted, Astrid!

His words were like a wildfire as the onlookers joined him.

Astrid! Astrid! Astrid!

He looked at her figure. He couldnt help but brand the image into his mind. Eyes swirled around her. Ten, twentyhe didnt know how many exactly. The sight was eerie. Terrifying, even. But there was an indescribable, violent beauty about it that it took his breath away.

Is everyone safe? She called out.

Her voice was cool. As if void of any emotion. It was the voice of a Sinwen.

YYes, were okay, atleast, Rodger stuttered.

If anyone is injured, make your way to the nearest doctor, Astrid said. There is a fierce battle going on up on the surface. Stay safe. We are all in this together. Keep your chins up.

Then she departed, flying back up to the surface as quickly as she appeared.

Shes so cool Mel gazed up to the chaotic skies above. Astrid was already gone.


Astrid resurfaced. They had already passed the King. She spun around, facing the back of the ship. And what she saw made her jaw hang to the floor.

The King was in a brutal brawl with the Leviathan. The result of their fight caused the ocean to turn into a turbulent tsunami. It caught Rebirth, pushing them further into the Dead Seas, faster.

Her father, and the other Grand Nobles remained on the back of Rebirth, not daring to leave. They continued to block the spells of the Order, and the Seven.

The skies changed colours every second. Sonic booms tussled Astrids hair as she kept her gaze locked onto the superpowered fight.

And then it happened. The ocean separated. Like a high speed path, they entered the south area of the Dead Seas. The land of the dead. The images of the Order, the Seven, and the Leviathan vanished.

They had made it.