After Sun Qi's wedding, more than a month passed. Sun Qi just told Yi the only news that he was pregnant with twins. Yi Weixin thought, it's no wonder that he hardly suffered when he was pregnant, and Sun Qi's pregnancy process was very difficult. He felt that although there was a physical reason, there should also be a reason why he was pregnant with twins.

Yi Wei comforted Sun Qi, let him take a good rest, wait for the baby to work out with him, and when the physique grows stronger, the next pregnancy should not be so hard. And Sun Qi said that it was enough to be pregnant with two at a time, and he didn't want to be pregnant anymore. What a bitter tone made Yi Wei couldn't help laughing.

Because of physical discomfort, Sun Qi spends most of the time at home to rest, school and home studies are less, and it's really boring to spend time at home, so he came to Gu's house to talk to Yi Wei.

Yi Wei's schedule hasn't changed much. Except for some jobs recently, he does what he should do at other times.

But Yi Wei's choice of students to recommend, finally made some people from the family school and the foundation become dissatisfied and worried, so these people chose some representatives they felt suitable to talk to Yi Wei.

After Yi Wei got the news, he thought that they had finally acted, and then went to the conference hall of the Home School Management Office, ready to listen to what they would say.

After entering the conference room, Yi Wei glanced at them, then walked over and sat down and asked, "What are you going to talk to me about?"

"Our next words are not about questioning and arguing with you. We just want to calmly analyze the situation with you. We believe that you are a person who understands things. After we analyze with you, you will definitely understand our thoughts. "Gu Yuesheng looked at Yi Wei in a gentle manner and said.

The vice chairman of Gu Yuesheng Foundation, he is the representative of this conversation with Yi Wei, and he seems to be a very gentle and elegant person.

Yi Wei smiled slightly after hearing what he said, and then said: "Then you guys have a look, and I will also listen to it."

Then Gu Yuesheng began to tell Yi Wei that it was wrong for him to recommend students based on his personal subjective thoughts. This would make the students feel unfair, cause a gap in the students’ hearts, and make homeschooling lose the prestige in the students’ hearts, etc. , In short, some words that sound very reasonable.

Yi Wei did not interrupt him, but after listening to him carefully, he said, "What you said seems to make sense. It's just... it's a bit of avoidance, and some things are deliberately avoided. .I use my own contacts to recommend homeschooling students to study and internships. All the interpersonal relationships are handled by myself, so why can’t I choose someone I feel is right? You are not so much worried that the students will have something in their hearts. The gap, in fact, wants my contacts to be used by you, right?"

Yi Wei does not recommend according to the recommendation process of the family school, but chooses the students he feels suitable for recommendation. He has his own criteria for judgment, because the recommendation process of the family school has the same situation as Sun Yu before.

"How can it be said that it was used by us?" Gu Yuesheng looked at Yi Wei and said seriously: "Your statement like this is too chilling and too misunderstand us."

"Don't blame me for speaking too bluntly. I think that since you come to talk to me, it is more appropriate to spread your words. Otherwise, what else is necessary for this conversation?" Yi Wei looked at them and said: "I'll just be more straightforward. The so-called recommendation process of family studies is really fair, but you know best in your heart. I understand that there is no reason for the water to be clear. This is also the case for Gu Dong for so many years. The reason why you open one eye and close one eye. As Gu Dong’s legal partner and his assistant, I should naturally share the worries for him. If you feel that my behavior will touch your interests, you must If you stop, I can go to Gu Dong to have a debate with you."

Those people looked at each other. They thought that this conversation would allow Yi Wei to make some concessions, but they didn't expect Yi Wei's attitude to be so tough. They were a little unclear for a while, whether this was Yi Wei's own intention, or Gu Yueshan was about to start rectifying his family studies and foundation.

Yi Wei waited for a while. Seeing that they didn't speak any more, he got up and said, "You seem to have something to discuss. I'm not good at talking here. I'll go to class first."

The Gu family has been studying for so many years and spending so much money to train students is to build a strong network for the Gu family, also for the reputation and influence of the Gu family, and to cultivate truly outstanding talents who can be accepted by the Gu family. As a result, these trained talents have successively entered various companies under the Gu Group.

And among these people who enter the Gu Group company, there will definitely be some people who will be inserted through the Gu family learning for their own benefit. When these people hold important positions, they will naturally prefer those who place them. people.

However, these people also knew that Gu Yueshan was so powerful that he didn't dare to do too obvious and too much. The reason why Gu Yueshan closed one eye was because of this kind of thing, it is impossible to completely avoid it. However, this does not mean that Gu Yueshan will completely let go. In fact, the rectification of family studies this time also has Gu Yueshan's meaning, but he originally planned to clean up the whole in a few years later, but since Yi Wei wants to To help him manage it, it doesn't matter a few years in advance, but the original method needs to be changed.

And those people, in fact, the most important thing is not to get Yi Wei's contacts, but worry that they will no longer be able to place people in the future. Yi Wei still gave them face and didn't say their real thoughts.

After a few days, this matter still came to Gu Yueshan. Gu Yueshan specially brought all relevant personnel together and held a decision meeting with them. During the meeting, some people opposed Yi Wei's continued involvement in family studies, while some supported Yi Wei's continued involvement or even entering the management.

Those who oppose it are naturally those who are worried that they will be gradually squeezed out of the family to learn from the foundation, and those who support Yi Wei are those who want to divide the other group out to surrender to Yi Wei. People on both sides had a fierce debate, giving various examples of the advantages and disadvantages to make themselves more reasonable and correct.

The final result is that Gu Yueshan decided to help Yi Wei to establish a new foundation, so that Yi Wei can also have his own reasonable and fair recommendation process, and the cost will be paid from the new foundation, so that the two sides can form a healthy competitive relationship.

So Yi Wei became the director of the second division of the Gu Jiajiaxue Recommendation, and the new foundation president, Deng Song as the vice president, and Yi Wei also asked Gu Chang to join him, making him the vice president, and Deng Song Song managed the foundation together, so he got the support of Gu Chang behind him.

It seems that it is just the Gu family’s learning from the new power, but it is actually related to the interests of many people who Gu family thinks. On the surface, it can also be said that it is a competition between the younger power and the older generation. Looking at the young forces, no one dares to underestimate them, because everyone knows that there is Gu Yueshan behind Yi Wei, which makes the older generation forces afraid to act rashly, otherwise it would be difficult to maintain the current competitive situation. .

There are still many positions that need people. Yi Wei chose some of them himself, and Gu Chang and Deng Song also recommended some. Based on the principle that suspects do not need to employ people, Yi Wei agreed with the people they recommended.

Before Yi Wei chose to make Gu Chang his deputy, he spent a lot of time understanding Gu Shangqin's behavior and behavior, focusing on analyzing some things that happened before and after Gu Yueshan was kidnapped. Based on his analysis and his personal feelings, he feels that Gu Shangxin is unlikely to be the mastermind in kidnapping Gu Yueshan. In fact, this can also be seen from the way he educates Gu Chang.

Gu Chang is happy and excited because of Yi Wei's appreciation and trust. He himself did not expect that he would have the opportunity to serve as the vice president of the Foundation at such a young age. Now his heart is full of enthusiasm.

And his grandfather Gu Shangxin and his father Gu Yueming were also happy for him and encouraged him to seize this opportunity to work hard. As long as he did well enough, with their understanding of Gu Yueshan’s nature, they would definitely reuse Gu Chang in the future. of.

And Ye Feng and others, who also supported him before, felt that there was no wrong choice in choosing Gu Chang.

"Even Gu Chang, it is impossible to become the heir, but this opportunity is the starting point for him to enter the rights center of the Gu Group." Ye Feng said gratifyingly to the people from her natal family: "Although the heir plan failed, but Choosing to support Gu Chang has a new opportunity."

"Yes, as long as Gu Chang seizes this rare opportunity and shows his abilities well, then he will be the person of his generation who is closest to the center of rights of the Gu Group except for the heirs."

"In this way, we don't have to make a new choice. We can either continue to support Gu Chang, or continue to support Gu Chang to support Yi Wei. In the future, our Ye family will have a great chance to be closer than the Xu family and the Gu family."

"Yes, Gu Heng had been engaged to Yi Wei before but betrayed. The two had an enmity, and it is unlikely that they will be reconciled. Even if they are reconciled, it is impossible to trust Gu Chang to avoid suspicion. Trust Gu Heng." Ye Feng said with a smile: "Unless Xu Hua can abandon Gu Heng and choose not to fight Yi Wei for the Xu family, but I don't think she can give up Gu Heng."

On Ye Feng's side, the form was showing signs of greatness, while on Xu Hua's side, it was the complete opposite. It can be said that the sorrow was overwhelmed very badly.

Xu Hua frowned, her mood was very disturbed. She vaguely foreseeed that it would not work anymore, but she could not decide to stop. At this moment, there were two voices in her heart, one for her to continue, the other for her to stop, she I don't know which voice to listen to.

Gu Heng's mood was very angry. He couldn't bear the fact that Gu Chang was more valued than he was in the Gu family and was closer to the rights center of the Gu Group, but Gu Chang did it with Yi Wei's appreciation.

"What does uncle think?" Jiang Shuqin also said angrily to Xu Hua: "Anyway, Gu Heng is his nephew, but he, as an uncle, doesn't know how to take care of him. It’s too chilling! I’m going to ask him face to face, after all these years, doesn’t his heart feel a little owed to his elder brother to his father?!"

Even if Jiang Shuqin had this heart, she didn't have the courage, so she could only vent her emotions by cursing.

Originally, Gu Yueshan was not incapable of taking care of Gu Heng’s only nephew, but before Gu Heng and the people behind him, relying on Gu Heng’s identity as his only nephew, it was too public and made him very much. dissatisfied. What's more, Gu Yueshan is very clear about what they are planning now. If they didn't immediately drive them out, they are already giving them a chance to change. If they want to continue, Gu Yueshan will definitely not be soft on them. .