Chapter 28: Balak City

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 28: Balak City

"Heart Separation Control?" Ah Yin traced her chin with her index and thumb while pondering over the term.

"Yes. You wrote in your journal that even if you can control multiple blades of blue silver grass or vine, you cannot achieve two different actions at once. It is like writing two different things with both of your hands," Ja Sun mumbled while setting the mattress on the ground. There weren't any settlements close to them and it was already night so they had agreed to set camp instead of finding another hidden spot and cramp themselves in it. New novel chapters are published on

"So... you will teach me?" Ah Yin continued as if it was natural. But Ja Sun shook his head. He had gotten this technique in his mission spree during the week spent in the inn of the Green Star Village. The Heart Separation Control is not a technique, but a theoretical guide that gives the user the idea of how to achieve the most desired control.

"It cannot be taught but only be practiced by yourself. In theory, you should be able to achieve multiple tasks at once. The only limit is your practice and perception," Ja Sun smiled, "Good thing I don't need it. You're the control-type spirit master. And you already felt this lack of control. How could you be so stupid? Even if you don't know the technique, you could practice it by thinking yourself. Let one of the blue silver vine strike, and the other coil. Both of these actions will require different strengths and control. Only when you're able to use two vines to achieve two different actions can you try and use multiple vines to achieve two different tasks. Then you increase the number of tasks by one, again."

Ah Yin's lips twitched as she saw Ja Sun's hands akimbo while a disappointed expression on his face couldn't be more evident.



Two vines rose from Ah Yin's feet. One instantly coiling around Ja Sun without hurting him and the other one whipping the mattress and tearing its surface cruelly.


Her cold voice echoed.

"*Hoot* Damn!" Caihong chirped.

"Fatal *Hoot*!" Olivia agreed.

"Okay," Ja Sun smiled, "Now you owe me a mattress."

"You can sleep on the ground," Her gaze condensed over Ja Sun before the vine uncoiled and she stated her opinion on the matter, "I just achieved this level of control a few days ago. But you're right. Instead of consciously controlling the vines to accomplish different tasks, I turned to my domain."

"Anything else?" Ah Yin inquired.

"Your handwriting could use a boost. But I'm still thinking about the other things you wrote," Ja Sun shrugged. Ah Yin's journal held problems that seemed universal to every control-type spirit master. Over the years, Ah Yin tried to solve them herself and her domain played a major role in this aspect but considering her spirit, it wasn't hard to imagine that her inherent weakness was still to the assault and agility-type spirit masters.

"Oh, another thing," Ja Sun called out as he flipped the mattress, "You are focusing too much on cultivation speed when you cultivate around Blue Silver Grass. The Heart Separation Control I talked about has a theory that if the spirit master ponders over the physical manifestation of their spirits, in your case, the Blue Silver Grass, they might understand their spirits more than usual. So, instead of focusing on the cultivation benefits from the grass, try to find something new. Maybe try and communicate with them."

Ah Yin sat down under the opposite tree and spoke with a curious expression, "Do you think that will help?"

"No, I don't know," Ja Sun smiled, "But if it does, you let me know. We'll find a Three-eyed Golden Lion for me to cultivate with," Ja Sun snickered. As Ah Yin closed her eyes to meditate, he saw the blue silver grass around her glowing softly and rustling without any wind.

Meanwhile, Ja Sun mumbled under his breath.

"Set Mission."

[Set Parameters.]

"Kidnap Three-eyed Golden Lion."

The mission screen did not load indicating the impossibility of the matter. Huffing softly, Ja Sun once again began.

"Set Mission."

[Set Parameters.]

"Fuse Gentle Palm Technique with Tremble Combat Tactics. Additional Objectives:

1) Achieve this within three months.

2) Achieve this within one month.

3) Achieve this within one week.

4) Achieve this within one day."

[Objectives: Fuse Gentle Palm Technique and Tremble Combat Tactics.

Optional Objectives:

1) In 90 days.

2) In 30 days.

3) In 7 days.

Mission Rank: D/B/A/S

Rewards: Trigram Array/Yin-Yang Array/Eight-Point Trigram Array/Final Buddha Array.

Time Limit: 120/90/30/7 days.]

1) Are you holding any equipment that inverts lies and truths?

2) Are you willing to join the Balak Kingdom in the war against the Silvers Kingdom?

3) What are your spirit ranks?

4) And, why are you joining the war?"

With the current era of spirit masters being rampant and the rogue cultivators pursued by Spirit Hall numbering hundreds, the two kingdoms made sure to protect their privacy while making the best use of the spirit masters.

Ja Sun and Ah Yin glanced at each other. But Lin Long wasn't done.

"Of course, the two kingdoms are provided essence tools created by the Spirit Hall. It alerts the user when the target is lying, so be mindful."

"Lord Spirit Sage, before we begin, we also heard that spirit masters are allowed to see the rewards before making the decision. Could we see the list of rewards?" Ja Sun spoke calmly.

"Here," Lin Long smiled and revealed a scroll. Handing it to Ja Sun, Lin Long watched the two gaze through the unfurled scroll. The rewards were based on merit which is only given out after accomplishing a task. The two spirit masters finally looked at each other and nodded.

"My gratitude, Lord Spirit Sage. We can answer all these questions."

Nodding, Lin Long brought out a green monocle and wore it over his right eye before speaking up.

"Are you holding any equipment that inverts lies and truths?"



"Are you willing to join the Balak Kingdom in the war against the Silvers Kingdom?"



"What are your spirit ranks?"



Astonishment flashed in Lin Long's eyes for a second but he regained his composure in the next second and finally inquired.

"And, why are you joining the war?"


"To further my cultivation."

Ja Sun's and Ah Yin's reply failed to bring any form of reaction from the monocle over Lin Long's eyes and he finally chuckled.

"Good. If you got any answer wrong, I would have to deal with you like them," he pointed at the chairs with bloodied spirit masters shackled and looked at the duo.

"These are blood tokens formed from a shard of Jade Mother. Jade Mother is a highly sought-after piece of the mineral. Once you drop your blood on the token, the largest chunk of the Jade Mother will hold your name over its surface. In case you die at the hands of the enemy, your name will be removed from the jade.

Of course, now is the time to reveal your name, or a title you want yourself to be represented as."

Ja Sun looked at the circular green token and thought for a moment. He never was good with nicknames so he shrugged, "Ultimate Grandson."

Lin Long stared at Ja Sun strangely while Ah Yin gave a bitter sigh internally. If anything, his nickname should have been Perverted Grandson, or Three-Eyed Heaven! She hated it when the name of her choice wasn't prevalent.

Coughing softly, Lin Ling took out a special carving knife and etched the nickname on the surface of the jade.

He then looked at Ah Yin as she finally spoke for the first time. Her voice soft and soothing but the hint of coldness couldn't be hidden.

"Blue Silver Empress."

Praise flashed in Lin Long's eyes as he carved the words rather beautifully.

"Now, both of you drip your blood on its surface now." Lin Long handed the tokens and looked at the duo carefully.

Ah Yin and Ja Sun used a sharp needle to slightly prick their thumbs. A drop of blood rolled down and dripped over the token and its surface gave a soft flash of light.


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