Chapter 48: The First Lesson (1)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 48: The First Lesson (1)

'This bathroom... is too big,' Ja Sun had the seat down and sat on the marbled throne while gazing at the wide bathroom. The area in front of him flashed and his reward appeared in front of him.

[Objective: Successfully enter Spirit Hall and find a place to stay as a member.

Mission Rank: D

Mission Rewards: Feather of Seraphim

Time Limit: 7 days.]

[Status: Complete.]

Since Ja Sun had low information on Spirit Hall, he couldn't add additional objectives but seeing the finger-long feather, Ja Sun hid it inside his spatial tool quickly. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Right now, he had many spatial tools. Two of them could store plants, too. The only difference was that one of them cannot store a plant of thousand-year-old category and higher while the other one can. These two items expended Ja Sun's merit points the most but it was worth it. Aside from that, he purchased another spatial tool with space as large as the ring he robbed from the woman with a fire dragon.

Standing up, Ja Sun walked out of the bathroom and gazed at his lavish stay. The dormitory actually had an apartment-like style with a personal kitchen, a living room to host guests, and two bedrooms. Leaning on the comfortable leather sofa, Ah Yin read the scroll in her hands with a strange expression.

"Is that the scroll Master spoke about? Our training routine?" Ja Sun inquired casually. He wasn't a kid. A youth like him, despite getting a master, will not lose his head over traditions and whatnot. The essence of this relationship lied in standing up to Qian Daoliu's expectations enough times so that he can build a rapport with him.

He didn't even feel strange that he and Ah Yin lived together. They had separate rooms, after all.

Nodding, Ah Yin rolled the scroll and tossed it towards Ja Sun.

Sitting in front of Ah Yin, Ja Sun began reading the contents and nodded. After digesting the information of Dragon's Observation, Ja Sun's insight into cultivation could be considered extremely high. It may not be at a level so divine that he can understand any and every variation, but at the very least, he could trump Qian Daoliu's experience of cultivation.

What Ja Sun valued in this relationship are resources.

True, he can get resources from his trait, but is that any reason to not try and want more? His speed in cultivation will become extremely amazing once he added both these resources together.

"Master will properly inspect our bodies in three days and develop a routine unique to us. What about it?" Ja Sun looked curious.

The duo had perfectly made sure to not speak a single word about Evil Title or his name. Why his current moniker Ka-ul, wasn't considered a lie, only Ja Sun knew.

"Nothing," Seeing Ja Sun so relaxed, Ah Yin shook her head slightly and leaned back. A small smile touched her lips as she felt the comfort of the sofa.

"We... really are in the Spirit Hall!" She sighed in amazement.

In her life, locating within the Spirit Hall was the last thing she saw herself doing. But here they were. Ja Sun's use of Blue Silver Emperor's Core to propel Ah Yin, and Ah Yin's presentation of herself pulled Ja Sun to a height the two of them could not have imagined.

Leaning back on the sofa, Ja Sun closed his eyes and tossed the scroll back to Ah Yin.

"What are you doing?" Ah Yin sighed.


"I thought you would want to explore Spirit City and the Academy," She stated. This was in line with Ja Sun's nature.

Opening his eyes, Ja Sun looked at Ah Yin, "Do you want me to? Maybe you were hoping that I will ask you to accompany me."

Ja Sun's smirk did look a little annoying. With a smirk of her own, Ah Yin crossed her arms and sighed, "Sure. There's no doubting that staying with you brings me far more benefits. Any woman would want a resourceful guy like you."

"Really?" Ja Sun's expression froze and he slightly touched his cheek.

'It seems that she really has fallen for me... sigh,' Ja Sun sighed internally but his smile only grew wider.

"It is sad that you look so happy," Ah Yin finally chuckled and Ja Sun's heart was suddenly gripped with shock.

"You... played me," Ja Sun narrowed his eyes.

"Exactly. I sucked the benefits out of you," Ah Yin shrugged before standing up, "Come on, let's go. We can rest later."

"Oh, together?" Ja Sun inquired.

"Yeah, we're going out together to see the spirit city, what now?" Ah Yin looked at him strangely and Ja Sun almost choked.

"Nevermind, you heartless leech."

"How am I a leech?" Ah Yin scoffed.

"All you know is how to suck!" Ja Sun grinned as he hurriedly stopped the door from slamming on his face.

Spirit City, as described, was simply made for Spirit Masters. Most of the items couldn't even be used by ordinary men and women. There were even plenty of essence tools on sale but the storage-type essence tools couldn't compare with Ja Sun's in size or quality. Just the belt he had robbed from Yu Xiaogang was much higher in quality than any other product he could find.

The most amazing fact, however, was that the city only held Spirit Masters. Even the employees in various establishments were all spirit masters. What depressed Ja Sun was that there was no 'nightlife' in the city.

He may not be here for the strip clubs but it is always satisfactory to know that they are present. The duo returned only after exploring half the city. With their tokens already present in their rooms at the time, they now held an official position in Spirit Hall and could enter or exit the academy with ease.


The clearing rumbled with a simultaneous release of turbid breath and Ah Yin opened her eyes. Her situation was vastly better than others. After all, how many Spirit Kings at the peak of rank 60 were inside the group other than her?


By now, Ja Sun had seen many people he recognized. The six girls from Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. The others, Ja Sun remembered from the Extreme Missions except for the first set of siblings that claimed to have committed Patricide.

The most concerning issue was the deadly glare set on him the moment the domain of killing intent was lifted.

A pair of black gem-like eyes stared in his direction. Pitch-black, straight hair flowing down her back and her round face scrunched in anger. Although she didn't wear a crimson battle-robe, the dark, almost black, battle robes revealed draconic heritage due to the scaly patterns of the sleeves on her arms and the top of the 'robe' had an ample cut of the neck.

"What's with her?" Ah Yin inquired calmly, "Used her and threw away?"

"If only," Ja Sun scoffed and answered, "Remember the girl I told you about. The one with fire dragon martial soul chasing Violet?"

"That's her?" Ah Yin hummed in realization and Ja Sun nodded.

Seeing the beautiful blue-haired girl standing close to the extremely familiar figure, Liu Erlong frowned deeper. But in the end, she snorted and stood up, silently sitting on a large rock with her legs crossed. However, her gaze never left Ja Sun as if a predator already locked onto its next target.

"I think she's interested in me," Ja Sun stated in low voice.

"Interested in devouring you, maybe," Ah Yin instantly realized her mistake and knew Ja Sun would capitalize on it, "I'd let her devour me whole happily," he chuckled.

At this moment, a figure appeared from one of the passages to the clearings.

It was a figure draped in a violet cloak and with golden seams and a glittering gold mask on her face.

"Follow me," her melodious yet sweet voice spread out and she turned around. Silently, everyone began following her, leaving those who had already fainted.

The individuals present in the forest wouldn't care about one another unless they knew someone before reaching the academy.

From the opposite direction to where the group slowly walked away, a group of guards marched in and silently took all the fainted individuals out.

Their fate was already set to be ordinary within the academy.

On the other hand, Ja Sun and Ah Yin kept a distance from everyone. In fact, the group following behind Bibi Dong didn't turn out to be a vertical one but a horizontal one. Many climbed the trees and kept ample space between each other as Bibi Dong didn't mind any of it. Their destination wasn't the academy grounds or any of its facilities but strangely, it was another clearing.

Ja Sun's expression was strange at this point. From rock to every blade of grass, he had remembered the previous clearing. With his Fiery Golden Pupils, it was an involuntary action. But this clearing was exactly the same. Bibi Dong silently waited until everyone gathered around her once again.

"Remember these rules. Breaking any of these rules will instantly get you killed. This is the Spirit Academy so everyone best understands this point."

Though the speaker behind the mask was a woman, everyone took her seriously. How couldn't they understand that the previous attack was her doing?

"First, no killing. Second, no raping. These two rules are the most important ones in the Spirit Academy and even in this test. There will be eyes on you from every direction, so attempted murder and **** will be considered as breaking this rule and the offender will be executed."

Her words were spoken calmly. In fact, although most of the men and women present were murderers, it was hard for them to be considered rapists. Usually, most of the criminal spirit masters are found in the bounty list of the Spirit Hall and since none of them were executed in the war, the chances were nonetheless low.

"To enter my tutelage, you have to exit this restricted domain of the Academy. You have until tomorrow dawn. The rest will be dispersed into various other classrooms for the next year.

Use any means possible to escape the forest except for the two methods forbidden by the rules."

Saying this, Bibi Dong's body shot away with an extreme speed as if she simply teleported away. But with enhanced eyesight, Ja Sun's gaze followed her movement, however, she disappeared still.

Ja Sun's brows were locked. Since his eyes were immune to illusions, this situation indicated a more physical restriction.

"Let's retrace our steps," Ah Yin suggested.

"Can't you communicate with plants? Ask them for directions," Ja Sun spoke in a low voice.

"Just for this? No. I like non-fatal challenges," Ah Yin looked around. Everyone was confused and for a period, others didn't dare move easily.

If it was as simple as retracing the step, Bibi Dong wouldn't have given the time until tomorrow's dawn.

But, Ja Sun thought for a moment and calmly retraced his steps with Ah Yin. She wasn't willing to use her advantages, but that didn't mean he wasn't willing either.

A few individuals followed their actions. Some began walking towards the direction where Bibi Dong left. And others stayed in the location for a bit longer before moving. Liu Erlong belonged to this group. She glared in Ja Sun's direction before focusing on her own task.

"Hmm, this forest is strange," Ah Yin narrowed her eyes.

"Thank you for the expert analysis," Ja Sun chuckled.

"No, I meant that the terrain is arranged artificially to confuse us," Ah Yin exhaled as they still hadn't reached their previous spot when they had already walked for a longer period than before.

"Like a puzzle," Ja Sun's expression brightened. Maybe, he was also willing to look around using his most basic senses. This was the first time he had encountered such a location, after all.

"Let's stop for a while and try to return to the second spot. If we cannot reach it, we will find another method," Ja Sun turned around once again and Ah Yin nodded in agreement.


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