Chapter 51: Second Lesson (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 51: Second Lesson (2)

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Patre /Fanharem


"You pass."

Bibi Dong's words were clear. Until now, she had revealed her abilities thrice including the time she sparred with Ja Sun. It was clear that to actually accomplish his mission, Ja Sun didn't need to fear what Ah Yin hadn't revealed, but capitalize on the fact that just as she hadn't revealed her entire strength, she was also as much in the dark about him as he was about her.

The essence in managing to strike Bibi Dong was to be adaptable. His first strike was when he converged his entire strength into his right palm. That attack was his strongest show of physical force. His right palm was enhanced by 233%! Ja Sun was absolutely sure that coupled with his speed and this enhancement, the shock waves from Gentle Tactics could absolutely destroy a Spirit Ancestor if not a defenseless Spirit King if he let go of the control. But he would never do that. Still, the outrageous force of the shock wave only managed to produce a thin crack on Bibi Dong's mask.

He was outstripped. When her spirit skill emerged, Ja Sun completely pushed all the enhancement to his left wing and swept it against Bibi Dong, once again managing to strike at his physical best and tilting his body sideways. Pain has never stopped Ja Sun. He had gone through too much of it already. His right shoulder was covered by poisonous webbing, and when he managed to land a hit on Bibi Dong for she had removed the sheer spirit energy blocking the dissipating shock waves from his palms, marking Ja Sun's second strike, she uncontrollably leaked bloodlust.

Bibi Dong's bloodlust was different from Ja Sun's. Not in intent. But in the source from where it originates.

While Ja Sun's bloodlust comes from his experience in slaughtering many, many people, most probably, Bibi Dong's bloodlust also originates from such a past. However, the fact that her bloodlust was weaker wasn't even the main issue.

The true source of her bloodlust was derived from her mental energy. It could be considered a very macro form of mental attack. Whereas Ja Sun's bloodlust purely came from his intent. And his intent to submerge Bibi Dong in the sea of blood was extremely high yet controlled. After all, just like his wings, the bloodlust is a means to an end for him.

One uncontrollable, unconscious attack. One controlled and devastating strike.

Bibi Dong crumbled and her mind was jolted to awakening slightly and she marked Ja Sun victorious.

Three strikes were achieved within the span of 10 seconds.

Once Ja Sun returned, many eyes trailed him. He had revealed two purple spirit rings while being a Spirit Elder. His potential was further witnessed by his attacks and while the most outstanding of students could see the first two strikes, none of them could understand how Ja Sun struck Bibi Dong the third time aside from the two individuals themselves.

Still, even if Ja Sun's shoulder turned normal, his jacket was ruined and he removed it and stored it within the storage belt.

Ordinarily, if Ja Sun revealed such a talent, he would become the focus of the envy of many other factions. If not now, then in two years. If not then, maybe after 2 more years. The fact is that joining any other faction would make him a target because of what he can accomplish. There was a high chance that even the Spirit Hall would try to get rid of him. Though called a Holy Land of Spirit Masters, this place was definitely a heartless one but what if Ja Sun was attached to this very organization?

Now, would the Spirit Hall try to remove him for his talents or cultivate him? This was the true reason for joining the Spirit Hall. He wanted the Spirit Hall to cultivate him and not send enemies after him.

What came next was a strange situation.

Bibi Dong could clearly defeat anyone with limited spirit rings, too. But, she seemed to be holding back. Deliberately lowering her output and keeping other students on their toes. Aside from the group who left, and Ja Sun, she didn't go harsh against anyone else.

This made others realize that this lesson wasn't as simple as it seemed on the surface.

The situation with the Spirit Ancestors was the same. Just that despite revealing her fourth purple ring, she kept using three of her rings. Even when she faced Liu Erlong, Bibi Dong didn't move a single step and defeated everyone right after 60 seconds.

This made the spotlight on Ja Sun even brighter. He did make Bibi Dong step sideways, after all.

Finally, Bibi Dong called the dark-haired girl with a relatively enticing figure and a charming face. Her looks were somewhat plain and yet, strangely, she would still be able to present herself in a manner that roused others. If she wasn't seen with what looks like her husband then she would have already turned into a target of many suitors.

Her spirit energy undulated and her body went through instantaneous changes. A large, fluffy tail with a bushy end materialized from right above her hips. Fuzzy fur grew around her ears but unlike Ja Sun where the ears themselves remained short, this woman's ears grew out extensively. The color of the fur of her ears and tail was pale golden. The end of her bushy tail and ears were white. Meanwhile, from within her enlarged ears, one could see the fluffy covering of white fur. The woman's pupils turned vertical and there was a pink luster in her eyes. This was the extent of her Spirit Beast Enhancement. But strangely, everyone's eyes followed this woman's movements.

Those with a clear mind, like Ja Sun and Bibi Dong, only were entranced the first few seconds. Glancing sideways, Ja Sun found Ah Yin similarly captured by this woman's charms.

Five rings emerged from the woman's body. Yellow, Yellow, Purple, Purple, Black. How she cultivated alone and to such a high level, Ja Sun felt that he knew now. Charm techniques have a wide set of practical uses.

'Like... stealing and robbing!' Ja Sun's eyes glowed.

"Teacher, please be careful," her voice was coarse yet sweet and pulling. She gave a wink, her first spirit ring flashing.

Suddenly, this woman vomited blood and crumbled on her knees. Her rings vanished, and her body reverted to her original form.

"Lana!" Her partner shouted in worry and quickly caught her from falling to the ground. This youth was similar to the girl as in he, too, had neat dark hair and looked quite extraordinary in presence. A Spirit Ancestor with a tool martial soul named Moon Blade.

"I am going through a phase, apologies. You will join the third lesson regardless. Take her to the Academy's medical team."

Bibi Ding spoke calmly and though completely infuriated, the man nodded forcefully before picking the woman up and leaving in a hurry.

"Step up," Bibi Dong finally looked at Ah Yin. Already broken out of her daze, Ah Yin blinked before her expression turned stern. Stepping up, she exhaled deeply and her mind instantly cleared up.

One by one, Ah Yin's spirit rings emerged around her. Just like the woman named Lana before her, Ah Yin displayed two yellow rings, two purple rings, and finally, a black ring.

Stretching out her right hand, a beautiful blade of glass carved out of sapphire-like material with glittering silver veins emerged and instantly, everyone felt a breath of cool and refreshing air rousing their senses. If the previous girl could be considered a woman with unequal charm, then, at this moment, Ah Yin's focused expression attracted everyone due to the lasting aura of purity.

Bibi Dong's expression turned a little serious underneath her mask.

With a mutation of a plant-type tool spirit, Ah Yin was a control-type spirit master through and through. Bibi Dong, similar to Ah Yin, was a control-type spirit master who seemingly used a spider's properties, most prominently, venom and webbing.

"Because they weren't sincere?"

"Name?" Bibi Dong looked at the speaker. He was the spirit master with martial soul Golden Eagle.


"You are incorrect, Roldiarra."

Bibi Dong waited and a few more responses echoed but it could be said that aside from those who left, only Bibi Dong may know this lesson.

"Ah Yin, do you have something to add?" Bibi Dong looked at the blue-haired girl.

Though a little upset at her lack of martial capabilities when compared to Bibi Dong, she still revealed a calm expression and shook her head. She did feel that situation was clear when observers recall the martial souls revealed by the first two individuals, however, she wasn't willing to point out certain political issues.

Seeing that nobody had any answers, she left without actually answering yer question.


As Ja Sun and Ah Yin were told, Qian Daoliu had them escorted into the restricted forest once again. The two had yet to return to their dormitory after the day's lesson but what else could they do except enter the restricted forest and find Qian Daoliu patiently sitting on the large rock in the first clearing?

Seeing him, Ja Sun and Ah Yin were startled. At this moment, Qian Daoliu looked practically one with his surroundings. If not for gazing at him directly, Ja Sun and Ah Yin would have completely overlooked his existence.

"Sit," Qian Daoliu gestured towards the ground in front of him.

Nodding, both of them made their way towards the man and sat in front of him with crossed legs.

"Three days have passed since you joined Spirit Hall. Are there any issues you would like to raise?" The master inquired calmly.

Both of them shook their heads. There were many issues in the Spirit Academy. Constant bullying, dangerous competitions, even the act of crippling wasn't too rare in this place if enough enmity it found. However, none of these things affected the duo and even if it did, they knew better than to complain about it like two children. After all, Qian Daoliu had already said that if any Titled Douluo happens to move against them then it is his problem, if not, then it is their own problem.

Nodding at the lack of issues, Qian Daoliu continued, "Every Supreme Pontiff is made to teach a class in the academy once in their lifetime. I taught a class, Xunji taught a class, and his successor, Bibi Dong will also teach a class. Do you know why?"

'To show off?' Ja Sun thought internally.

'To have themselves fight against a weaker opponent and get stricken three times?' Ah Yin thought internally.

"Speak up whatever you're thinking," Qian Daoliu released a small sigh.

"To show how supreme the Spirit Hall is?"

"To reveal the might of spirit hall."

Qian Daoliu looked at the two individuals and scoffed, "I'm capable of sorting out blatant lies. Anyway, I wouldn't consider you to get the correct answer. This deeply involves the two of you, too."

Exhaling, Daoliu continued, "Spirit Hall, since its creation, has been the epitome of the martial path. Our directories of Spirit beasts, herbs, martial souls, and past heritage is unmatched compared to the seven great clans of the continent.

However, even if we are considered the Holy Land of Spirit Masters, can we extricate ourselves from the two Empires? Or will the two Empires let the Holy Land of Spirit Masters grow further?

Thus, Spirit Hall's first enemies didn't arise out of personal hatred but political dilemmas. Presently, Spirit Hall is divided into two schools of thought... no, it can be said that the Spirit Hall is divided into two realms.

Martial and Political.

Supreme Pontiff of the Spirit Hall represents the Political realm. My son, Qian Xunji, takes care of every political mess. His hands are dirty, no doubt, but he is the only one willing to descend in this whirlpool of madness."

Saying till here, Qian Daoliu gave a lighthearted chuckle, "That boy even scares me at times. Sigh, the other path belongs to me and the other elders. You have met them already. No introductions are needed as of this moment. Only a Supreme Pontiff can appoint his successor after discussion with the elders. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"I attacked the future supreme pontiff three times? Wouldn't that make me a heretic?" Ja Sun's mask was already removed. His smile itched Qian Daoliu and he couldn't help but chuckle. Even Ah Yin looked quite indifferent about this.

"I'm relieved. You two are sensible. This is one of the reasons why no elder seeks a younger individual as their disciple. If molded incorrectly, they can be a punishment to the Spirit Hall instead."

"But how does this concern us, Master?" Ah Yin brought the main topic once again.

"Bibi Dong's three lessons... well, tests, distinguishes resourcefulness, political instincts, and finally, martial capabilities.

To emerge out of this forest means you are resourceful. To be able to understand Bibi Dong's question today means you are smart, but knowing and not answering means that you are politically astute. Tomorrow, your true martial capabilities will be checked."

Ah Yin had her brows scrunched up.

"Are you thinking why you are only smart if you know the answer but politically a buffoon if you speak it?" Daoliu looked at Ah Yin and she nodded calmly.


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