Chapter 75: To The Forest

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 75: To The Forest

Shout-out to Pierre-Louis and NoQuestion.

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Patre /Fanharem


After Liu Erlong changed into a black dress that accentuated her already bountiful body, slightly revealing her collarbone with a window cutout in the middle, she brought darkly dressed and masked Ja Sun alongside an Ah Yin who didn't cover her face with a mask. Instead, she and Liu Erlong attracted enough attention in the street that Ja Sun booked a coach to the Star Luo Auction House.

Within the carriage, they had already discussed slightly and once they exited the carriage, they were left awed by the sheer size of the auction house.

Towering is the only word that came to their mind. The entire building, if observed from the top, was built in the shape of a pentagonal star with five different entrances to allow the stream of customers to pour in every day. The entry of Liu Erlong with the token received from Bibi Dong was an easy one and instantly, a beautiful brown-haired woman wearing a teal-colored top and skirt that barely covered her thighs and exposed her midriff walked over. With an enticing smile that wouldn't change for any gender specifically, the woman guided the trio with an active introduction of the various aspects of the Auction House, and the then even turned midway once Ja Sun wished to auction a few items.

The items being auctioned are posted on the giant jaded wall on the five entrances of the Auction house every day and it actually supports real-time removal of name after its sale.

This way, any potential treasure is not missed.

Ja Sun, Liu Erlong, and Ah Yin were brought towards one of the master appraiser's rooms before the guide politely knocked on the door and stepped aside, calmly waiting outside.

Opening the door from the other side, a grey-haired middle-aged man glanced at the trio and revealed a graceful smile, welcoming them, and only then he allowed the guide inside the room and had her serve the tea.

To the trio, it was easy enough to see that the woman was probably brought in as a slave into the auction house. After all, Liu Erlong had many slavers in Star Dou Great Forest and its surroundings, Ah Yin and Ja Sun had encountered an odd group from the four attributes clans under the Clear Sky Clan who also held a token for Hint of Evil.

They also didn't question it.

The three of them were pragmatic enough to not try and save every enslaved fellow out there.

"May I inquire what you wish to auction?"

"Blacksmith Yue's set of curved knives."

Ja Sun uttered. The room had simple decoration with a soothing incense lit up. Around a small table to present the item to be auctioned, one side, facing the door sat the Appraiser. Meanwhile, opposite to him and with their backs to the door sat the trio.

Although Ja Sun wanted to sell off the clothing, his head wasn't hit hard enough to auction it off. Auctioning someone's delicates would only earn their ire further than he already has as Ja Sun had no reason to do that anymore. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Hearing his words, the appraiser's complexion turned better and he nodded with a smile.

With a flip of his palms, Ja Sun took out six knives and daggers of varying sizes but all of them were curved with coldly shining edges. All of them are made of violet-looking steel.

"Hmm," Appraiser's eyes were instantly dazzled before he picked one of them up and started to inspect them. Nodding and muttering under his breath, he continued to inspect the other curved blades before smiling.

"All six of these can be auctioned. In this case, the Star Luo Auction House will take 10% as commission. Of course, this guide will stay by your side until the transaction is complete for the sake of convenience."

Ja Sun pondered and nodded before speaking up, "I also want to sell clothes and armor. Auction house does buy clothing if they are upto a certain mark, right?"

"Yes, but used articles of clothes are used by the employees of the auction house, and the useless material is recycled. The price we offer for these types of goods is on the lower ends."

Ja Sun flipped his hands and now started to produce clothes. He didn't stop until he created eleven stacks as high as 3 meters that leaned over to each other's sides instead of falling.

Ah Yin seriously observed all these clothes and finally sighed in relief because none of them were her's that she lost to Ja Sun. But, it was still worse. It meant that Ja Sun still had her clothes which made her feel slightly bitter. As generous as he may be at times, Ja Sun's petty nature couldn't be hidden by this.

The Appraiser frowned this time. He instantly understood how a person may have gotten this much variety of clothes but his task was to set a value. So, with the help of the guide, he quickly sorted through the lower-end and higher-end clothing and finally set a price.

"Since they are used products, even if their quality is originally high, the market price of these clothes wouldn't exceed 300 gold coins. If sold immediately, I can offer the price of 230 gold coins."

The offer was a generous one and Ja Sun knew it. Instantly choosing to sell, Ja Sun unloaded a massive space for clothing and sighed. He had too many storage tools but these are the things he would never sell.

Once given to the auction house, the trio was led to one of the VIP rooms of the auction house. Not because of the quality of items placed for auction, but the status of the token held by Liu Erlong at the moment.

The room was quite lavish than the appraiser's room. The front of the room facing towards the stage surrounded by numerous seats in a circle that reached high like a stadium was a curtain to tied aside, allowing Ja Sun and others to look down on the large numbers of clients.

The auction house is active 247. Meaning that there will always be clients bidding for items they wish, many of them spirit masters or even servants from higher clans.

Since the trio was only here to explore the city itself, they didn't stay here longer than necessary and once Ja Sun's items were sold for 5,700 gold coins, Ja Sun and others left before spending the day calmly without any unexpected events occurring for the day.


"Did I tell you what I was going to apologize for back then?" Dai Laohu inquired once Zhu Yin walked around the table, her petite body falling in Dai Laohu's warm embrace as the Empress revealed her vulnerable side, burrowing her face into Laohu's broad chest.

"Imperial family barely produces a daughter. I felt lucky to have a daughter... sons can fight for the throne but I could pamper my little sweetheart as much as I want. I was going to apologize for that. Being an uncaring parent... fulfilling my selfish desire to making Mu'er happy instead of nurturing her."

"It's not your fault," Zhu Yin gently traced Laohu's cheek as he tilted his face to kiss her palm.

"I have decided. I'm going to let Dai Mu go with Tang Siblings. I barely find those two brutes appealing... but they are like Old Tang. They will protect her with their lives even if the shadow guards fail."

A pained look passed through Zhu Yin's eyes and she nodded silently.

"Do we send people after them? Ning Fengzhi is currently escorting them. Most probably, their destination is Star Dou Great Forest," Zhu Yin whispered her inquiry.

"That kid is... related to the rumored Elder's Hall," Dai Laohu's expression turned somber. "Most likely, they want to use our guards and pursuers as a stepping stone for their own young ones."

His expression turned strict. Respect and admiration for the opponent would only make Dai Laohu take drastic measures against such a person.

"Place bounty through Hell Civet, Fire Leopard, and Wind Sword Clans. Make contact with that new force appearing near the Dragon Rising City, Hint of Evil, is it? Target Bibi Dong."


Zhu Yin inquired.

"10,000-year-old spirit bone."

"We don't have any aside from Clan inheritance," Zhu Yin gave a wry smile. Their foundation was truly hurt and it would easily take them a decade, if they are lucky, to recover.

"Others don't know that," Dai Laohu closed his eyes, "Spread the information of them earning the spirit bones. I showed my sincerity then. It isn't needed anymore. Explain everything about the spirit bones... that ought to make their lives sufficiently difficult."


"Oh... so many spirit bones!" Hu Lana's eyes were bright like gems as she gazed at the contents by pushing sideways slightly, making others sitting on the same side bleak in frustration.

"Lana, get back!" Ja Sun growled, further mashed against the carriage as she chuckled awkwardly before sitting back.

In total, Ja Sun earned four spirit bones from the Imperial Family

8000-year-old Shadow Leopard's Right Leg bone, 27000-year-old Purple Demon Illusion Wolf Left Arm bone, 35000-year-old Tiger Badger Skull Bone, and 49000-year-old Lava Salamander Left Arm bone.

Out of all these, the left arm bone of Purple Demon Illusion Wolf was quite suited for Hu Lana and the left arm bone of the Lava Salamander was suited for Liu Erlong. But as Ja Sun had already explained, he wasn't a charity for them. And even if he keeps them in store for these two, there is no saying when Liu Erlong and Hu Lana will find anything worth similar to the spirit bones in his grasp.

However, Ja Sun himself didn't lack arm spirit bones anymore. He carefully read through the list provided by Ning Fengzhi and realized that none could compare to the two 80000-year-old arm bones. Meanwhile, the list itself displayed five spirit bones, none of them skull spirit bone or torso spirit bone.

After all, these two slots were the most precious for spirit masters and these wouldn't be traded easily.

This situation only allowed Ja Sun to consider exchanging Shadow Leopard's right leg bone but in comparison, even one 11000-year-old Poison Feather Scorpion left leg bone paled.

Amongst their own qualities, the spirit bones in Ja Sun's hands were extremely valuable. Meanwhile, the spirit bones displayed by Ning Fengzhi couldn't compare, allowing Ja Sun to believe that either Ning Fengzhi wasn't willing to bring out true treasures or had some other intention in his hand.

As Ja Sun had expected, he really did have different intentions.

After three hours of journey through the unnamed forest, Ning Fengzhi finally broached the topic of inviting Bibi Dong's students as the inner sect members of his clan.

After hours of pondering over the information provided by Bibi Dong, for Ning Fengzhi, Ah Yin became the most valued member of the team followed by Ja Sun, Hu Lana, Xie Xan, and Liu Erlong.

Of them, Ah Yin was the most valued because of how simple yet dangerous her methods were. Pure orthodox control of opponents and team members. Such a spirit master would definitely be valued.

But even if he revealed that his clan had better items to offer, all it did was incite Ja Sun's greed internally and nothing more.

As for the two Human-tongue Owls, Bibi Dong kept them hidden. Once she lost her belongings to Ja Sun and Yue Guan became aware of it, he instantly brought a better storage tool that can even store living beings, plants, or animals. Of course, the duration was limited but one could easily store small spirit beasts for months as long as they are fed constantly.

Unable to entice even a single one also revealed to Ning Fengzhi that aside from Spirit Hall's wealth, Bibi Dong's pull over the group was a great one.

This time, the group had made the decision to enter the Star Dou Great Forest for Ja Sun's spirit ring and training itself. This forest is one of the most dangerous terrains if one doesn't have beasts like Human-tongue Owls.


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