Chapter 79: Nightmare's Fantasy (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 79: Nightmare's Fantasy (2)

Shout-out to x xx, Asriels, Zatsuke.

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Patre /Fanharem


"Did you get a spirit bone?" Hu Lana inquired instantly.

"I meant, questions after I start speaking," Ja Sun narrowed his eyes at Hu Lana, fully knowing that the fox was screwing with him. As expected, she smirked smugly while Xie Xan winked.

"Alright, since I don't know how it feels to absorb a spirit ring directly, I will just speak about my own experience. My martial soul, Three-eyed Silver Lion, allows me to communicate my intentions with the spirit beasts. It also helps remove the aggression of Spirit Beasts towards me. In my early years, I accidentally found out that Spirit Beasts can voluntarily sacrifice themselves.

When this happens, I feel like something I had lost long ago, even without my knowledge, has finally returned to me. My body is filled with power and my spirit energy also advances quickly. After studying under Teacher, I think that this is directly related to the fact that when it comes to me, spirit beasts willingly give up their everything. We know that before absorbing a spirit ring, our spirit energy, physical strength, and mental energy must be on par with the quality of the spirit ring but it's not the case with me. My spirit energy is boosted and my physical strength is increased. The only requirement is stronger mental energy and due to this pressure, I found ways to cultivate my mind."

Ah Yin, of course, knew that everything regarding his past was a lie, but his experiences should be true so she listened with great interest. Many things even matched her knowledge of the concept of the sacrifice of the spirit beasts.


"Let him finish," Qian Daoliu cut Liu Erlong short.

Even if Ja Sun didn't mind it, Qian Daoliu simply abhorred the act of cutting off one's explanation. Questions can be asked later.

"Um.. master, that was it," Ja Sun smiled.

"Hmm? Then what about the stuff with the Fantasy Beast?"

"That depends if you ask for it. Since you're asking, I'll answer it, of course," Ja Sun smirked and finally explained what happened back then. However, he simply didn't expose that the combined mist lived within him and stated after fusing, it dispersed and turned into a spirit ring. He also planned to reveal something else to Qian Daoliu alone so that he isn't questioned too much in the future. After all, this opportunity was a divine one.

"What about the Spirit Bone? In this case, will the spirit bone have a higher chance of appearing?" Hu Lana inquired.

"I honestly don't know," Ja Sun shook his head, "This is my first spirit bone either way.".

"According to your method, the only requirement is to have the greater mental energy. Does that mean you can persuade a spirit beast to do the same method for us?" Liu Erlong inquired.

"It depends. Until now, all my spirit rings come from rather passive spirit beasts. But your martial soul is a fire dragon and the spirit beasts compatible with you are much more violent and predatory in nature. There is a chance that I can only subdue them for a little bit but once you reach rank 50, there is no harm in trying."

Ja Sun nodded.

Even Bibi Dong's eyes gave a faint luster after hearing this.

"What's the name of this new Spirit Beast?" Ah Yin raised her eyebrow. Everyone was already more familiar with Ja Sun's method now and understood that this method cannot be envied over since it belongs to unique Martial Souls itself. They were more interested in a spirit beast that is fused. Even Qian Daoliu's ears perked up.

"It's called Nightmare's Fantasy. Cultivation: 63000 years."

Everyone's expression froze. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))


Bibi Dong uttered.

Smilingly, Ja Sun's gaze revealed sadistic intentions as he whispered, "I have the greatest 4th spirit ring in our group, that's what."

"T-then your Spirit Bone..." Xie Xan gulped.

"If you want to feel defeated, let me help you," Ja Sun shook his head, "63000-year-old Nightmare's Fantasy Skull Bone. Of course, I will keep the spirit ability of my ring and skull bone a surprise for all of you. Do force me enough to reveal it," he winked.

While everyone was reeling with shock, Ja Sun glanced at Qian Daoliu, "Master... can we speak alone?"

Qian Daoliu nodded and stood up as the duo returned to the tent.

"Teacher, what is the year of your fourth spirit ring?" Bibi Dong looked at Liu Erlong.

"It's a purple one."


"You have already seen it. Why are you asking?" Bibi Dong narrowed his eyes as Liu Erlong shook her head idly, "Just trying to make sense of reality."

"We all are," Xie Xan patted Liu Erlong's shoulder.

"Don't touch me," Liu Erlong scoffed and shook him off.

Now, does this situation feels similar to both of your rings?"

Ja Sun nodded. Seeing that Qian Daoliu had stopped speaking and left everything on him to comprehend on his own, Ja Sun finally inquired.

"How does one differentiate between a spirit beast and a human?"

"A spirit beast, until they turn rank 60, has a peculiar scent. I'm not only talking about the physical scent but also spiritual. A strange energy signature that can be noticed by Spirit Douluo at careful observation and Titled Douluo with a simple glance. Of course, the reason for this observation will be clear to you once you reach that rank."

"Then... if this is such a big secret, it must be because a Spirit Beast in the human form is easy to kill. But even if they are a human, they will still give a crimson spirit ring, right?"

"And a spirit bone. A hundred-thousand-year-old spirit beast will always give a spirit bone."

Ja Sun nodded at this before he frowned, "There's something else, right, Master? You said that at rank 60, they are considered Partial Humans. Is there a rank where they will be considered complete human?"

"Yes. Rank 90. Once a spirit beast turned human reached rank 90, their deaths will not give any spirit ring or spirit bone."

"Then why isn't this information already publicized?"

Qian Daoliu smiled.


Closing his eyes for a moment, Ja Sun actually thought about this question.

The answer was a stunning one.

"Because this may attract trouble from actual spirit beasts who are already Titled Douluo?"

Qian Daoliu shook his head.

"It is only part of the reason. Once a spirit beast is a Titled Douluo, it cannot be considered a Spirit Beast anymore. But can someone forget their heritage so easily? Even if we take a step back, informing many Spirit Douluos of the continent already infringes on one's personal benefits. Finally... what if your closest comrade, brother, father, mother, sister, or lover is a spirit beast?

By not spreading the information, many selfish interests are saved. Even if a spirit beast turned human is found, the hunt for it is done in shadows. In the recorded history, there has never been such an event, but my great grandfather taught me that Spirit Hall has hunted a total of three spirit beast turned humans.

Each of them belonging to some family. So, what we did was hunt down families."

"I see," Ja Sun looked down, a ponderous expression on his face, "Given that a spirit beast has already lived for 100000 years, how can they form relationships with humans so easily?

I'm not questioning the difference in the race. But experience. What would a 100000-year-old spirit beast find appealing about a human with a lifespan less than 1% of its entire life?"

Praise flickered in Qian Daoliu's eyes for the first time. This was a rare question, so rare that even Qian Daoliu himself hadn't thought of back then.

"Spirit Hall captured one of the beasts' lover and questioned him thoroughly. We were curious, too. It should be called an interrogation, more like.

The answer did surprise us a little. According to that man, after every qualitative evolution, a Spirit Beasts gets a fresh start. For instance, to a thousand-year-old spirit beast, its past 999 years will feel like a dream. Similarly, to a human evolved from spirit beast, the past hundred thousand or so years of cultivation will feel like a fleeting dream and experience. They start anew. Like us, they, too, fall in love. Have families. Of course, offsprings of such a combination are human and not a spirit beast. Killing them will not bring you a spirit ring. We tried all of the methods."

Qian Daoliu's gaze turned dull momentarily.

Ja Sun nodded.

"I won't tell anyone about this until I'm Titled Douluo."

"Good, child. Now... your spirit rank is already 47 and extremely stable. Just a little away from that girl Erlong and youth Xie Xan. Cultivate and reach the same level as Ah Yin as quickly as possible. You merely started late but your progress is stunning. Even... hehe, Crocodile's Late Bloomer cannot compare to you. Of course, only I can call him that.

Your next extreme environment will be a special one. I will leave tomorrow morning and won't return until all of you satisfy Dong'er with your progress. Of course, she will be training like you all."

Ja Sun stood up and stretched lightly.

"Then I will go out and rub their faces in my superiority."

As Ja Sun walked out, he heard Qian Daoliu speaking: "Don't go overboard then. Your superiority may end up biting dust if all of them lashed out together."

Once Ja Sun walked out, he found Bibi Dong handing others their scrolls.

The next training event.

Ja Sun hurriedly walked over to get his own reading material.

With that, like usual, they all trained while Qian Daoliu took out the time to give pointers to everyone before leaving after midnight as everything returned to normalcy except for Ja Sun's mental scape. It was going bananas.


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