Chapter 86: The Tides

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 86: The Tides

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Patre /Fanharem


"Many changes have come to pass within the Spirit Hall's structure these past months once the construction of the city was completed. These changes, you can find out later yourself. But, right now, a plague in the form of Wolftaken tides threatens the borders of the Star Luo Empire, and many spirit masters from various factions are requested to converge. I say Wolftaken, but amongst them, there are many other beastmen."

Qian Daoliu's calm words broke the barely gathered peace around the group and Xie Xan was the first to speak, "I always wondered how the Stormwind Wolves and other of its kind actually managed to mate... isn't that strange? Their stuff comes with barbs and stuff."

"There we go, not a penis in sight but a volunteering maiden already ready to pounce," Ja Sun sneered. Bestiality was an acquired taste that Ja Sun only gained in a more... drawn presentation instead of real-life visualization.

Glaring at Ja Sun, Xie Xan sneered, "Who said anything 'bout pouncing. You already had that idea, didn't you?"

"Well, you're the one to talk, barbs. Did Lana really break you that much?"

"Don't bring me into this," Hu Lana narrowed her eyes and scoffed coldly.

Smilingly, Qian Daoliu raised his hand silenced everyone with a wave.

"As I was saying, there won't just be wind attributed Wolftakens but also earth attributed Beartakens, Snaketakens, and a few other man-born spirit beasts. If it was just a small group terrorizing the village and its surroundings then the Star Luo Empire can take care of it, of course. But according to recent findings, it has been observed that many such tribes are somehow brought into the borders of the Empire and purposefully fanned out to pressure the Empire and other Kingdoms at once."

Finally, everyone felt their jaws loosen and Ja Sun remained silent alongside Xie Xan. It was Hu Lana who finally spoke up.

"Grandmaster, although spirit beasts, they do not provide spirit rings but they aren't human, too. Isn't it more likely that many wouldn't pursue such beasts until their own personal properties are threatened? The human-born spirit beasts are unnaturally dangerous."

"Child, if you want to ask the rewards, just say so," Qian Daoliu chuckled while Hu Lana followed by an embarrassed giggle herself.

"There are no rewards," Qian Daoliu smiled, his words stunning everyone and he continued peacefully, "The situation is far worse than you imagine. Due to various circumstances, the superiors of the Star Luo Empire are cornered while among the three of the Upper Seven Clans of the continent, only the Fire Leopard Sect is trying to quell the situation alongside the White Tiger Imperial Clan. Due to a member of your own group, White Tigers are hard-pressed to find an appropriate reward regarding the situation but they came up with an alternative for it."

Qian Daoliu looked at Ja Sun as his smile broadened, "What I meant was, the rewards placed by the Star Luo Empire is not worth taking. The highest contributor in this call of distress will only gain a title in the Empire accompanied with the land."

Aside from Liu Erlong, everyone else looked disinterested.

"You will understand the true situation if you choose to take part in this venture. Since all of you have trained in the Ghost Canyon, the best way to surpass that sense of pressure will be a psychological one you face during the fight against Human-born Spirit Beasts. Be sure to remain discreet, however. A rather enticing bounty is placed on all your heads save for Dong'er by now."

"All?" Ah Yin sighed.

"The information network controlled by Hell Civet Clan is unmatched in Star Luo Empire. Of course, you can refuse this situation entirely. Since Spirit Hall gave all of you freedom until three months from the competition, you may choose to train as you will. But, fighting the human-born spirit beast will be a reward in its own because of the experience... and possible spirit bones."

Everyone grew attentive once again.

"A trait of Human-born spirit beast is that they are intelligent which allow them to show more drastic emotions. Since the chances of spirit bones dropping are hypothesized to be related to the most extreme emotion felt before its end, the chances of Spirit Bones appearing on vengeful Human-born Spirits are the greatest among lower levels."

Qian Daoliu explained with ease.

"When did this start?" Ja Sun suddenly questioned.

"I will pass on all the organized information. With how things are going, this plague will last long due to certain... external factors. Right now, I'm more interested in finding out your breakthrough," Qian Daoliu glanced at Xie Xan and everyone began to contemplate the situation silently before discussing it among themselves.

"After finding you a spirit ring, I say we all take our chances against beasttakens," Ja Sun proposed softly. His words instantly made others frown. Selflessness from Ja Sun was similar to expect a tiger plucking its own canines.

"Why?" Liu Erlong sneered.

"Why not?" Ja Sun shrugged, "World better be off without rapists who will end up eating their own mate once more spawns are birthed. It should be all gooey... at the time of birth and they eat it without any disgust. Clearly, I cannot stand the existence of such creatures."

Death wouldn't move the group but a topic as sensitive as pregnancy would surely rattle anyone including Daoliu. Hearing Ja Sun's carefully selected words, except for Daoliu, everyone turned pale while Daoliu's stomach churned itself. The worst part was, Ja Sun wasn't lying. But this was the lifestyle of Beasttakens.

"Stop it!" Hu Lana instantly pursed her lips and covered her mouth. Disgust rose in everyone's expression while Ja Sun curled his lips, "Anyway, my mind is made. Until I personally see that no such act exists, I cannot sleep peacefully."

'And since the beasttakens are so strong, they will most likely have amazing rewards!'

Ja Sun almost let out a weird sound while thinking about it.

Violet's situation and beasttaken's situation are completely different. The more Ja Sun read under Bibi Dong's instruction, the more he came to realize how unique Violet's situation actually is so much so that it even trumped the supposed Ruler of the Star Dou Great Forest. But he didn't have the mind to visit her. Not without a solution at least. If she happens to have perished in the meantime, that would simply be an omen of ill fortune and nothing more.

Ja Sun felt happy internally. Bibi Dong is the first Spirit Master with Twin Spirits he had come across.

At this moment, Ah Yin exhaled softly. Her eyelids trembled and she revealed a smile.

"I found a spirit beast but... it's most likely stronger than 20000 years of cultivation."

Ah Yin's words pulled everybody's attention.

"How did you find it?" Liu Erlong inquired.

"My domain has investigative abilities," Ah Yin answered calmly. Since she felt comfortable revealing her skills, she wouldn't mind talking about them, too.

"20000?" Xie Xan frowned momentarily before nodding, "That'll do."

"That'll do? That'll do what? It will only kill you!" Hu Lana hissed fiercely.

"Calm down," Bibi Dong finally spoke and pressed her hand on Hu Lana's shoulder. She wanted to say something else but seeing Bibi Dong's cold expression, she couldn't help but bite down her words.

"For a Spirit King, the optimal spirit ring belongs to a spirit beast between 10000 and 15000 years of cultivation. Those with fortuitous encounters, higher mental stability, and physical quality can surpass this limit and absorb higher-ranked spirit rings. But I have already taught you all that. So why?"

Her inquiry made Xie Xan point at Ja Sun.

"Because of him." His words and expression, both calm.

"Teacher, you say that it is the optimal configuration of spirit rings but doesn't it just means average? Those with this configuration, at most, will be average when compared to the world of cultivation. Those with spirit rings below the said quality will be weaker. Only spirit masters who can surpass the said optimal conditions can grow stronger. I"

"Don't you lie!" Hu Lana screamed and Xie Xan's calm facade almost shattered. His lips twitched but before he could say anything, Liu Erlong coughed and nudged Ja Sun's arm with her elbow.

"No, I'm not interested in taking you to the forest alone, Erlong!" Ja Sun suddenly shrieked.

Everyone's expression froze, even Erlong's. Her round face instantly twisted in brazen fury while her eyes turned red, "Bastard! I meant to distract them but not this!" Her spirit rings instantly emerged as Ja Sun snickered while jumping on a tree.

"Say, Sister Lana, isn't it good that Xie Xan wants to grow strong? Whatever his reasons are, who cares?"

He glanced at Hu Lana mockingly who showed a rare moment of emotional outburst, "Honestly, you call yourself lovers but would hold each other down out of fear? I hope that this decision doesn't make you regret it in the future where you continue to grow stronger while Xie Xan is left behind. Oh, maybe he will come to resent you!" He smiled brightly as Hu Lana's lips trembled.

"I didn't mean"

"I know," Xie Xan held Hu Lana's hands and annoyingly glared at Ja Sun.

"What I meant was that there is no need to hold back," Xie Xan finally spoke up, "Grandmaster wants to see the effects of your martial soul and so do I. Meanwhile, ehm, Little Sister is here, isn't she? If she can heal you from looking like a boiled shrimp to normal, then maybe she can assist me, too. Isn't it best to help each other out?" He chuckled shamelessly, too.

Hu Lana still didn't feel the least bit relieved and she still looked quite dubious.


Before Ja Sun could complete, he jumped down while a fiery claw passed through his previous location.

"Don't run! Come, take me if you dare!" Liu Erlong growled.

"My god! You wouldn't be a beasttaken in disguise, right?" Ja Sun smirked, more than happy to splash oil over flaming Liu Erlong while continuously dodging.

"Enough," Bibi Dong raised her voice and glanced at the menacing duo. Looking towards Ah Yin, she inquired with a sigh, "What did you find?"

"Eight-clawed Golden Salamander. Their attacking patterns should match your use with Moon Blade, right?" Ah Yin smiled and looked at Xie Xan whose eyes lit up at the name of the spirit beast.

"Let's go! It would work... I'm sure of it," he nodded while squeezing Hu Lana's hand slightly. His heart was a little blocked at the apparent risk he was about to take. As Hu Lana said, all of the things he said were simply to assure himself. His reasons definitely weren't as noble as to let others test their theories and speculations while he turns out to be the test subject but he had already made his mind about it the moment he saw Ja Sun successfully absorbing a black spirit ring as his 4th spirit ring and that, too, belonging to a dangerously high age of cultivation.

Since Ah Yin had already found a direction, the group followed her lead this time. She picked the path without dangerous spirit beasts and even if there were any spirit beasts, Ja Sun would release his influence to calm his surroundings.

Soon, they reached their destination and instantly found a spirit beast traversing ahead as silently as it could. The giant beast had yet to take notice of the group behind it due to their own soft footing and concealed breaths.


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