Chapter 88: Difference

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 88: Difference

Shout-out to Jonas Lyhne.

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Patre /Fanharem


When Xie Xan finally came to be, it was already evening with the sky glinted with the glow of amber and his head supported by a comfortable pillow. Sitting up, he found everyone else around him cultivating silently and his movements finally made Ja Sun open his eyes followed by Bibi Dong and others. In the distance, Qian Daoliu seemed engrossed in a particular book and didn't even raise his head but his senses remained alert and observed the situation.

"How are you feeling?" Hu Lana was the first to speak.

"I don't know..." Xie Xan stated honestly as he stretched his hands. He was wearing a fresh set of robes and was completely clean but this didn't bother him. If anyone washed him, it would certainly be Hu Lana so he didn't bother wasting his mental facilities on what and the how but the result of all the pain he had gone through. Even now, moving his sore arms was not a comfortable feeling.

Everyone remained silent and let Xie Xan understand his own changes. As expected, after Xie Xan spent a few breaths of time in silent meditation, he finally opened his eyes with a pleased look before gazing at Ah Yin.

"Thanks, my body is perfectly fine!"

"It wasn't a problem. I only healed your injuries after you successfully absorbed the spirit ring," Ah Yin revealed a small smile as Xie Xan nodded.

"The differences?" Bibi Dong finally inquired as Xie Xan furrowed for a moment.

"In reality... there wasn't anything similar to soul shock you mentioned. But... I'm not sure. Maybe I did go through it but it was weak? Like you shared your experience once saying that it felt like the spirit beast was continuously stabbing you, but all I felt was a momentary sense of distress before my spirit energy was mobilized by itself. However, it wasn't as comfortable as the touch of a close friend or a lover. It felt the same as absorbing any other spirit ring but just... more painful, maybe because the spirit ring exceeded my capacity."

Xie Xan spoke in detail about the experience and Hu Lana and Bibi Dong looked like pondering something. Ja Sun glanced at Ah Yin, someone else who had a black spirit ring amongst the group but she looked much more carefree.

"Well, given that I fooled the spirit beast, it may have voluntarily chosen not to do so," Ja Sun hummed in response, "This may prove that the soul shock left in spirit rings is a deliberate act that can be removed entirely from the process of the spirit ring absorption."

At his words, everyone focused on Ja Sun and he explained the treachery with a calm expression. Everyone instantly fell silent.

"Is that even possible?" Liu Erlong was the first to open up, "To live with the spirit master?"

Ja Sun shrugged, "I was lying about it, making it sound like a special talent of my martial soul but given that the spirit beast was appreciative of the idea, it may really be possible but just that nobody had ever found about it."

Mixing truth with lie was already a talent mastered by him so his words were completely convincing. Just the fact that Xie Xan didn't go through a soul shock made others realize that what they knew about the path of cultivation was really low.

"It is as Ka-ul said. Soul Shock is a phenomenon where the remnant consciousness of the spirit beast within the spirit ring tries to destroy the mind of its killer. For a long time, we all thought that this is a natural process... after all, who amongst has ever experienced absorbing a spirit ring from a willing spirit beast? Now it seems that this method has its advantage and disadvantage.

Without soul shock, the process is comparatively without risk, but I can sense that your mental energy is a bit lacking compared to exemplary spirit kings and if it wasn't because of your training in Ghost Canyon, your situation would be much worse."

Qian Daoliu walked up. He naturally heard everything but since this was a new territory of cultivation, even he could only speculate but given his experience, even his speculations matched quite a bit with Ja Sun's knowledge.

"As for spirit beast living with spirit rings... who's to deny such a fact? If we haven't seen it ourselves that doesn't mean it cannot exist. Work hard. Dong'er, share this scroll later and decide amongst yourself what to do next. Ah Yin, follow me for a moment."

Qian Daoliu retreated to the side and Ah Yin followed promptly.

Once further away, Qian Daoliu smiled and glanced at Ah Yin, "I still remember that you wished to say something about the absorption of your sixth ring when you first entered the Spirit Hall. Go on, now tell me what is so important. If possible, I want you to reach rank 70 as quickly as possible since the true strength of a domain is only then released."

"What I wanted to say back then?" Ah Yin thought for a moment before she smiled and pointed to her left. nove(l)bi(n.)com

"Due to my martial soul's innate domain, I have always found the most compatible spirit rings and this time, too, I can feel another strange call. But this time, it is much more intense. Back then, when Master talked about spirit rings, that's what I wanted to tell you. The call doesn't come from around the great forest but the western border of the continent."

"Release your domain," Qian Daoliu stated and he instantly felt the familiar pulse escaping Ah Yin's body. Instead of focusing on his surroundings, he glanced towards his feet and found the nearby blades of grass swaying to Ah Yin's direction.

"Hmm, there certainly are more special domains and martial soul. Ka-ul is the prime example but he can also achieve this state for others. If your group choose to accept this training, then it's alright. If not, bring the group to your destination for your spirit ring and if it somehow breaches your privacy then you may choose to accomplish this task alone."

"It doesn't breach my privacy," Ah Yin smiled and Qian Daoliu nodded. Warmly patting her head, he continued with a soothing tone, "As for your Realm of Self, you are getting increasingly closer so don't let yourself feel disheartened or distracted. Especially by that other stinky-mouthed disciple of mine."

"Yes, master," Ah Yin nodded and only when Qian Daoliu removed his hand did she settle her hair once again.

After a moment's thought, Qian Daoliu added softly, "And if you face any of the human-born spirit beasts, be sure to go all out. Think of every beasttaken as a Liu Erlong. Ka-ul was right in comparing Liu Erlong's relentless and bloodthirsty nature with a beasttaken but in a manner, Liu Erlong wouldn't compare to them in extreme situations. After all, she wouldn't gut and eat her opponents."

Ah Yin's body trembled momentarily before she frowned, "Master, if we somehow..."

"Child," Qian Daoliu whispered gently, "Even if there is a beasttaken of the level comparable to a Titled Douluo and god knows there are, they will have to pass me before touching you or Ka-ul. But anyone below them are only fatal if you lose your hope. Remember that surviving isn't just about being strong but also being smart, calculative, and ruthless. Everything is fair in life. Grow stronger. I can't wait to reward you and Ka-ul once you win the tournament."

Ah Yin sighed and nodded while Qian Daoliu turned around and left and the moment he entered the woods, his presence disappeared entirely.

"What are they doing in there?" Liu Erlong finally couldn't hold it in and looked at Ja Sun.

Caihong and Olivia were perched on either of his side and pecked on the food silently while Ja Sun scowled.

"Who cares..." He mumbled. He wanted his own pecker to perch somewhere but despite Ah Yin being more open to him, it would be a hard endeavour. His teacher taught him many things but the man who would willingly give up his wife wasn't someone who could teach romance.

"Being envious sure is slightly," Bibi Dong smiled refreshingly. Although she still wore her combat robes, her hair now hung down loosely over her back and made her look far gentler than usual. Ah Yin and Liu Erlong also had more comfortable get-up.

"If I were you, Sister, I would still be jealous. 25-years-old and still nobody to share my bed with... that hurts," Ja Sun slurped the soup with a satisfied expression.

"25 isn't that old," Ah Yin spoke up.

"Of course, not," Ja Sun smiled, "Even 100 isn't if you can keep your appearance and a sense of cheerfulness. Age is a number after all."

His words stunned Ah Yin and her lips twitched.

"So you admit that you would even gaze at a 100-year-old woman lewdly," Liu Erlong scrunched her brows while Bibi Dong looked on with interest. As for Ja Sun's previous comment, she didn't take it to heart at all. Among unsightly singles, such joke is much more tolerable. If it had been Xie Xan or Hu Lana who spoke that, Bibi Dong would have destroyed them!

"Not at all," Ja Sun shook his head, "I only observe. It's just an unfortunate circumstance that it comes off a bit lewd," Ja Sun remarked, unfazed.

"You keep telling yourself that," Bibi Dong smilingly chuckled and drank from her own cup.


A soft mewl lingered out from the covered tent and everyone's expression froze.

"So..." Ja Sun suddenly spoke up, "I'm not the first to keep watch."

"Me neither," Ah Yin followed instantly.

"I'm cultivating later," Bibi Dong added almost instantly while Liu Erlong blinked, realizing the sudden conspiracy she fell into.

"Shit..." she grumbled.

"Hey, don't feel sad," Ja Sun cackled, "It's your favorite sister... doing it."

"Shut up!" Liu Erlong blushed.

"Say, Ah Yin... I still haven't gotten any reward for breaking through"

"You're alive, aren't you?" Ah Yin smiled coldly, "That's the greatest reward."

"You see, right there. Give it six more years and when you're 25, you'll feel what Teacher feels right now. A cold bed!" Ja Sun scoffed.

"Don't bring me into your maddening arguments," Bibi Dong snorted.

For a moment, everyone turned silent once again.

"Say... Ka-ul, you did hear what Sister Lana said to Brother Xan, right?" Liu Erlong inquired, curiosity in her eyes.

"A little," Ja Sun admitted.

"What is this reward then?" Bibi Dong cut right to the chase and even Ah Yin gazed at Ja Sun curiously. They had given the couple their privacy but they wouldn't be at fault if Ja Sun spoke of it and they happened to hear it, right?

Seeing three inexperienced beauties asking such a dangerous question, Ja Sun suppressed his smirk and inquired calmly, "What they are doing is a little unorthodox. First, tell me, you all do know what happens behind closed curtains, right? Last thing I want to do is scare you three."

"Scare us? Is it that easy?" Erlong sneered and when Ja Sun glanced at her, she felt her heart thump for a moment.

"Fine then. What they are doing is... well, Lana might be with Xie Xan from when they were young but why is it that she still isn't pregnant? They don't felt like the kind of couple who would use recently developed protection and I may be right about that. What they were doing was..."

With that, Ja Sun happily destroyed their utterly innocent knowledge on sexual relationships as the more they heard, the more they questioned, and the more they realized how much crazier the world can get.


It's all about the holes!

And it was only because of Ja Sun's rather tempered reputation that the three of them even allowed him to spout such infernal knowledge and partly it was also due to their own curiosity. With a couple in the group, it was hard for inexperienced ones not to feel curious. Technically, Ja Sun is also inexperienced but he had watched one too many 'documentaries' in his previous life.