Chapter 99: Convergence

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 99: Convergence

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Patre /Fanharem


One hour prior to disguise.

"Well, it depends when we can meet the party I have in mind but if we're lucky then they must be here to train against beasttaken tides, too. What I mean to say is... do you remember Yu Xiaogang? The late bloomer?"

Bibi Dong's gaze turned different momentarily.

"Of course, I do. His martial soul threatens mine slightly. Not only that, even Master said that the quality of his martial soul should be at the top and I seem to remember that this monstrous martial soul came to life because of your curiosity," Bibi Dong scowled.

Yu Xiaogang's existence was quite delicate in the Spirit Hall. When Ja Sun had just entered the hall, he didn't know about it back then but now he understood it. Although titled as the successor of the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong still hadn't become the Supreme Pontiff. Yu Xiaogang could challenge her for this position if he shows amazing strength using the martial soul developed after Ja Sun killed Luo San Pao. Not only that, as the disciple of one of the strongest elders, Yu Xiaogang had enough backing, too.

As for Ja Sun and Ah Yin, one wasn't interested at all while the other one found the benefit of this position less than the restrictions it comes along. Not only that, Qian Xunji wished Bibi Dong to create a good relationship with the duo as their teacher or friend because no matter what, Qian Xunji cannot touch them and if in the future, Ja Sun or Ah Yin begin to covet the position of the Supreme Pontiff, even he would be helpless with a few underhanded means restricted due to Qian Daoliu.

But unknown to Qian Xunji or Bibi Dong, Ah Yin and Ja Sun were made clear on the matter that no matter what, they would not be considered to lead the hall by Daoliu himself.


Because of internal unrest.

Even he supported Ja Sun's, Ah Yin's, and Bibi Dong's relationship because it meant a stronger future.

On the other hand, Yu Xiaogang had shown enough arrogance when Bibi Dong was still in her strange yet murderous phase, making the duo's attitude towards each other irreconcilable.

"Who I really want to bargain the Nine-headed Giant's spirit bone is with the Clear Sky Clan and for Tang Yuehua specifically."

"Who's she?" Xie Xan inquired curiously.

"A rank 9 Spirit Scholar with an independent martial soul similar to Yu Xiaogang but better with an innate domain that curbs killing intent and possibly, other forms of excitement."

While Xie Xan grew confused by this explanation, Bibi Dong's gaze attained a strange luster.



Ja Sun closed his eyes. Trying to poach Tang Yuehua, Ja Sun felt impossible. Why? The mission couldn't be created, that's why. But he wasn't too depressed. Bibi Dong has too high of an expectation, that Ja Sun could understand but this in itself wasn't useful for the moment. His plan was one part selfish and one part for the group.

No... of truly thought deeply, all the points of focus of his plan were based on his selfish desires.

His desire to kidnap... poach Tang Yuehua stemmed from understanding more about enlightened martial souls. But since their original intention was to train against the beasttaken tides, why not do the same against pursuers after their bounties? By reason, the attraction of Spirit Bones will make spirit masters more bestial than beasttakens themselves.


[Objective: Kill pursuers after your group's bounty and rob them.

Optional Objectives:

1) Accomplish objective without the said members remaining unscathed by any pursuer.

Mission Rank: Based on the completed objective.

Mission Rewards: Based on the completed objective.

Time Limit: Five Days.]

Ja Sun gazed at the quest window with a primal and predatory glint flashing through his eyes. It was hard to control this excitement.

A mere 20000-year-old spirit bone caused a war between Balak and Silvers Kingdom.

And in their private bounties, it is already known that Ja Sun has spirit bones with their total worth over 90000 years.

Letting their information known was simply for one reason...

For him to prey on his pursuers, no quarters needed to be given this time. The greatest benefit this time came from killing his pursuers so the knowledge of their own abilities isn't leaked while their fearsomeness can remain hidden and even if all the optional objectives end up as a failure, Ja Sun still had the chance to gain multiple S-ranked rewards based on the opponents he kills and how he kills them.

'Hmm... but in this mission, I cannot cheat by condensing my fifth spirit ring now. Since the mission rank isn't set, I'll have to wait for five more days...'

Ja Sun opened his eyes and gazed at the plain ceiling.

He did not doubt that from tomorrow, strong spirit masters would be found in every corner of the city.

Ja Sun wouldn't simply scoff at Bibi Dong's words. Her actions already dictated that even if a young girl, she is a person with a calm rationale and shrewd temperament. Not only that, but she seemed to have seen her fair share of bloodshed, too.

Smiling at Ja Sun's words, Bibi Dong's gaze flickered and she whispered, "49000-year-old Lava Salamander Left Arm bone is no doubt a wonderful treasure. The fact that you haven't absorbed it yourself shows that what you want is a set of spirit bones that raises your attributes. A selfish and tyrannical wish if considered the rarity of spirit bones. Truly... on some level, Ka-ul, I happened to be envious of this form of conviction, too. A 6000 and 8000-year-old spirit bones clearly aren't remotely enough for the trade.

But," there was a sincere expression on Bibi Dong's face. A sincerely cold one, to be specific, "I approach this situation from a different point of view. Maybe you have kept these spirit bones specifically for your team members. Maybe you don't want to 'give' them the spirit bones so we don't end up relying on you. Maybe you just don't want to share the wealth you cannot use for nothing. There are many situations I can think of but asking you to confirm any of them can be crudely considered an insult. There are three facts. You have a spirit bone you don't wish to absorb. There is a spirit bone that Liu Erlong is capable of making the best use of.

And lastly..." Bibi Dong's gaze narrowed while her lips parted in a rather dangerous smile. A strange emotion bubbled in Bibi Dong's heart. When speaking as such, feeling the control of conversation grasped in her control and the attentive expression on Ja Sun's face, she felt a sense of achievement. But more than that, she felt natural. Tone, expression, body language, pressurizing opponent with mere intent, all these are taught in the form of etiquettes in political discussion. Though Bibi Dong couldn't be considered to have perfected this art, she clearly mastered this quite a bit.

"And lastly, I don't want your reasons to affect Liu Erlong's growth. These are the three facts."

Ja Sun nodded calmly. But his gaze turned impassive. Whatever Bibi Dong just said, in his eyes, could be considered to boost her own sense of self. The more a person speaks, the greater they are aware of their surroundings and sense of self, and the higher their confidence rises. Ja Sun was aware of these psychological impacts and he could see the clues appearing on Bibi Dong's expression. But he was here as a trader. To trade his spirit bone. Nothing more, nothing less. He didn't care about the momentum but a price good enough to finally let go of the spirit bone unusable to him.

"Sister Dong, you haven't stated the price you have prepared even now."

Bibi Dong nodded and exhaled, "Spirit Hall's strength can be divided into three main structures.

The Supreme Pontiff Palace and its Holy Emperor Warriors.

The Douluo Palace and the Douluo Warriors.

The Spirit Temples and the Templar Warriors.

Aside from these three, Spirit Hall has a stronger Elder's Palace filled with Titled Douluo leveled backgrounds. For a spirit bone worth almost 50000 years, I am willing to use my position as the successor of the Spirit Hall to appoint you as the leader of a group of ten Holy Emperor Warriors that I would have led originally. Only talented individuals with cultivation equal to Spirit Emperor can be recruited as Holy Emperor Warriors so what I am willing to trade is manpower worth at least 10 Spirit Emperors."

Ja Sun blinked before he smiled. His lips parted and a chuckle finally left his mouth.

"I should have expected this," he sighed, "No, maybe not. In the end, this is a trade and human resources can be traded. But you seem to have misunderstood me quite a bit, Bibi Dong."

With a clear gaze, Ja Sun looked at Bibi Dong and whisper, "The price of taking responsibility for ten spirit masters is something I don't wish to afford. Taking this position may pull me into the internal political warfare of the Spirit Hall but that's the least I can care about. This price isn't acceptable to me. Still, it is as you say, the spirit bone is useless in my hands. At some level, I do want to get rid of it just so that it can be used properly. But I do want a good trade for it... then, how about I pose a counteroffer?"

Bibi Dong nodded. She felt that it was a bit of shame.

'Should he become the Leader of the Holy Emperor Warriors... he would be directly under the Supreme Pontiff. Although he is Grandmaster's disciple, it isn't a job in itself... in the future, he would have been directly under me... I...' Bibi Dong's gaze instantly cleared up. Instead, she forcefully calmed her frantic heartbeat and waited for Ja Sun to speak.

"At this moment, you have nothing of value."

Ja Sun's first sentence stiffened Bibi Dong's smile.

"But to look at the wealth you hold to compare your value is crude and blunt at best."

His second sentence struck the core, making Bibi Dong's calm sway.

"Why not? I will trade the spirit bone for a chance of gaining something from you in the future given that you can produce a substantial form of proof for this agreement."

Bibi Dong's eyelids twitched and she finally couldn't help but question, "Is that it? You covet my future value, in other words, the Bibi Dong who is the Supreme Pontiff."

"I covet Bibi Dong who is strong," Ja Sun leaned back with ease. His words were ambiguous and by design at that.

The reason he refused Liu Erlong was that even considering the future, Liu Erlong is the type of individual who cannot amass and lead a force. She is a brutal warrior and a charming woman with extremely high sensitivity to being embarrassed. Individually, Ja Sun preferred Liu Erlong as a companion due to her lonesome nature which might not change even when facing a drastic circumstance.

But things changed when the opposing party was Bibi Dong. In a way, Ja Sun lied. He did covet a Bibi Dong who is the Supreme Pontiff, but in other words, he coveted the Bibi Dong who is strong. The ambiguity of his words was to sway Bibi Dong's rationality. Playful bantering, ambiguous answers, mysterious vibes, all these leave a backdoor for two parties when a situation change. If and when Ja Sun's identity is exposed, the Supreme Pontiff may be Qian Xunji or Bibi Dong. If it is the former, then Ja Sun had no regret in running away once again and live a life of a nomadic spirit master enjoying his life but if it is Bibi Dong then he would try to stay due to the fact that it is comfortable.

This world is already different. He doesn't need to go against anyone out of responsibility. He can live in peace. He can live in slaughter. He can live a bandit's or a lavish noble's life. There are too many options! Even now, he is living the life of a potential successor of the Elder's Hall and this period of exile is nothing more than a pleasant vacation.

'I covet Bibi Dong who is strong...' Bibi Dong turned a little dazed while hearing this.

'What does it mean to be strong in the first place? Is he saying that he will desire me as a living being when I'm at least Titled Douluo? Or is he saying that he will envy me when I am able to suppress almost everyone? What do the terms 'covet' and 'strong' really mean? But is this really the issue?'

Bibi Dong pursed her lips. She naturally had her own thoughts for helping Liu Erlong. The reason for it being her teacher was a part of it. The other part was Bibi Dong herself wished to create a faction that can support her later. Or else, why would she so crudely demand talents that have a chance of stepping into rank 90? Truly, Bibi Dong expended her heart and soul into teaching them and to know them, to befriend them, and to care for them. Her intentions, in the beginning, matched her intentions now, but was it truly the worst thing to stick with the people you know, the kind you have fought dangerous battles alongside with?

At this moment, Bibi Dong's thoughts were sidetracked once again but she still pointed at Ja Sun's ring and sighed, "Take it out," she whispered.

Ja Sun nodded and took out a token with a total of six emblems and in the middle was a golden sword pointing downward.

"This is the Supreme Pontiff Writ you won from me during our bet. This will also be the form of proof between us. In the future, you can only use this token once and only against me. Within my power, martial and political, I will try to fulfill your desired wish without an ounce of ill will. In return, today, you will trade your Spirit Bone with Liu Erlong for her's."

Bibi Dong's calm voice emerged and Ja Sun nodded.

'This is not any form of proof... but this is already good,' Ja Sun stored the piece of metal inside his storage essence tool.

"I hope I didn't offend teacher," Ja Sun narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"You still remember I'm your teacher? Who called me Sister just now?" Bibi Dong scoffed.

"From the looks of it, I haven't," Ja Sun chuckled and Bibi Dong stood up with a snort. Once she entered Ja Sun's bedroom, he heaved a long sigh.