Chapter 112: Bald

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 112: Bald

Shout-out to Nalin Bhan

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Patre /Fanharem


A few dozen kilometers away from the Dragon Rising City, close to a giant crater with all the evidence of the disastrous battle swept by the swift gales on the dusty ground, many illustrious figures could be seen observing the area. A battle related to a Titled Douluo was simply too interesting to not be scouted later. Almost three hours had passed since the giant but silent explosion that marked the end of the greatest excitement Ja Sun even felt in his life.

Aside from the Clear Sky Twin Stars, there was the City Lord of the Dragon Rising City, the group sent for Ja Sun and his group by the Hell Civet Clan was also present alongside the remaining hunters from the Wind Sword Sect. Every faction kept to themselves.

"Look," Tang Xiao happened to be the one with the highest cultivation as a Spirit Douluo. He gazed at the sight with a frown and beckoned Tang Hao before compressing his voice with spirit energy, "Ground Devil used almost all his strength. We could feel it even in the city so there must be a Titled Douluo with Bibi Dong's group all along. Our meeting is tomorrow so... be a little courteous."

"If we could feel Ground Devil Douluo, why didn't we feel the fluctuations of his opponent?" Tang Hao frowned, "Something doesn't feel right. Even if the opponent must be an expert in hiding, he must have used almost all his strength, too, to match with Ground Devil. But... there's nothing. And look there," Tang Hao signaled Tang Xiao with his eyes at the spot where Bibi Dong was pushed away, Ja Sun lost his arm, and Ground Devil lost his life. "That place... there's something more in that location. It is faint but every time I gaze in that direction, my Clear Sky Hammer feels stifled. It feels like the Deathgod Domain... but a bit different, too."

Tang Xiao listened patiently. When it comes to matters of smithing and battling, Tang Hao is a genius through and through. His instincts in these two areas are always fruitful. Of course, his sensitivity from other matters happened to be wildly withdrawn to achieve such zenith in combat.

"There's a forest a little away from this site that leads to the Star Dou Great Forest. But we haven't been able to find anything yet."

"We?" Tang Hao inquired curiously.

"I let our men from the Speed Clan scout ahead. Till now, nothing."


"Amazing, that's the third time that guy in white, those from Speed Clan, have passed us. We aren't even using anything to hide ourselves with aside from Little Yin's domain!" Xie Xan mumbled with an awed expression. This was the first time the effect of Ah Yin's domain in concealment was applicable, after all.

"Mmgh," A low grunt caught Xie Xan's attention and he quickly pulled his head back into the tent as Bibi Dong slowly sat up. Hu Lana was by her side, one hand on Bibi Dong's back to support her as Liu Erlong sat with a dazed expression. The sight of Ja Sun's one-armed charred body was a tough one to swallow. The fact that he could breathe was already a miracle in their eyes but while Hu Lana and Xie Xan were only saddened by the news, Ah Yin and Liu Erlong seemed to have taken a greater hit. Ah Yin still hadn't come out from the other tent where she continued to heal Ja Sun while Liu Erlong sat next to Bibi Dong silently.

"Where...?" Bibi Dong mumbled and looked around. Her hair rightfully disheveled and the soot from Ja Sun lunging his arm onto her and the act of hugging his charred body covered her clothes. It also brought a strange, burnt scent that she couldn't keep off. Memories flashed and she quickly looked around.

"Where's Ka-ul?" Her tone anxious as Hu Lana softly answered everything. How Ja Sun's clone handed their bodies to them before disappearing, how Ah Yin set up her domain to heal Ja Sun, and how they have been within this tent for almost three hours now with no reply from Ah Yin's side.

Hearing all of it, Bibi Dong's mood settled for a moment. Sometimes, hearing no news is also equivalent to good news and just like Erlong, she withdrew herself from her surroundings and turned silent and quiet. Too many thoughts flashed in her head. Emotions that were hard to process by her always rational mind continued to rampage and her desire to murder anything and everything was turning harder and harder to keep in control with. Sadness, anger, annoyance, and even hope made her feel complicated.

"I'm worried for Ah Yin," Hu Lana whispered as she grew close to Xie Xan.

"Yeah..." He mumbled softly.


"I don't want to do it," Deadpanned, Ah Yin replied with a cold grunt, "The fact that I'm even letting you stay on my lap is a... well, only because of your condition."

"Come on," Ja Sun frowned, "Stop being a baby!"

This tent was smaller and although it was covered with blades of Blue Silver Grass, all of them seemed quite dispirited. They were just a shy away from all their vitality absorbed to heal Ja Sun's body. At least, recover his skin and pull him out of the critical condition. Right now, his new skin looked quite tender and white, revealing its need of being tempered a little under harsh conditions once again. He lied on the mat naked. Waist down, his body was covered by a thin sheet that made Ah Yin uncomfortable because she didn't want to keep glancing at the... well, the noticeable shape of the bulge a bit lower than the waist.

But Ja Sun seemed all too oblivious to it.

"If you cannot touch this naked head, how will you handle my other naked head?" He questioned and Ah Yin finally snapped. Her hand moved swiftly.


And she slapped Ja Sun's absolutely bald head.

"You look disgusting and now your words match your looks. I don't want to touch your bald head, and that's final!"

"Ow... I don't know what hurts more. My feelings, or my head."

"Speak foolishly and what will hurt the most will be the source of all disgust," She eyed Ja Sun's lower buddy with a cold smile and his lips twitched.

"I'm rock... I don't feel pain. I welcome it. Slap away," Ja Sun mumbled and sighed.

"How does it feel?" Ah Yin inquired, "I don't suppose that being without one arm would feel comfortable."

She gazed at the stump over Ja Sun's left shoulder and her blue eyes finally turned gentle. A hint of profound sadness filled her for a moment but it was Ja Sun's chuckle that broke it, "It feels normal, I guess? You will have to lose your arm to actually get what I'm saying... although, I could use a hand in some other stuff. Like when I'm peeing, I usually"

"I don't need to hear it, do I?" Ah Yin cut him off and placed both of her hands on his cheeks while looking down, "Are you really fine with this? I still cannot regrow limbs. But maybe, if I'm strong enough, I could regrow it in the future."


'What would you think if you ever found out that I changed Ground Devil with a 100000-year-old mutated Duskgold Dreadclaw Beartaken and delivered his spirit bone and the spirit bone he had absorbed to Ka-ul?'

There was a smirk on Redstar's face as he disappeared. The fact that Qian Xunji had sent Yue Guan to oversee the development of Hint of Evil in the Star Luo Empire's side already meant that Xunji didn't completely believe him. Good thing that Redstar also took appropriate measures to cover as much truth as possible in the city using his own subordinates. Although Redstar cannot escape his fate, at least, he didn't wish to give Qian Xunji too many benefits.

Meanwhile, Qian Xunji returned to his study and called a bishop to direct his orders.

"Start taking our men to remove the Beasttakens in the Star Luo's border. Be sure to advertise our act in number but discreetly. Ghost Douluo will be overseeing everything in case any complications arise. Also send a word to Star Luo Emperor to retake his bounty or the support from the Spirit Hall will be cut-off, too."


"Yeah, I need my other arm, too," Ja Sun opened his eyes. It took him four hours to absorb the 80000-year-old spirit bone but after the initial round of bloodbath, his body was strengthened and the energy actually began healing his wounds. Right now, he was in a better condition than he was before absorbing the spirit bone. He looked at his Vajra Gauntlet. The sleek dark-golden translucent crystal-like gauntlet with the plate-like pattern within now showed the plates, that could eject as sharp and lethal needles, as a darker shade. As if they were dark stripes.

Tiger stripes.

Clearly, the spirit bone had quite the advantage to his body and his Blood Artifact. His martial soul also revealed a positive feedback. But there was a long way before he can accumulate enough quantitative benefits and then convert them into a qualitative advancement of his Martial Soul.

His spirit rank had climbed to Rank 56 at once and finally stabilized at its peak. Only needing a slight push and due diligence to reach rank 57.

But why would Ja Sun need another arm aside from obvious reasons?

The reason was the spirit skill from the spirit bone.

It was a fusion-type skill called: Sage Tiger Summoning.

Fusion-type skills come in a little variety.

First, the Spirit Fusion skill that Hu Lana and Xie Xan could achieve was the fusion of two or more martial souls. The strength of the ability revealed depends on the fusion rate of the martial souls. The greater the percentage, the better the skill.

Second, a spirit skill fusion. A type of ingenious fusion of two or more 'spirit skills' of the same type to achieve a greater variation of the skill. This method is equally uncommon but its chances of being created and achieved is a little better than Spirit Fusion.

Now, this.

A skill that can only be achieved using the fusion of two particular spirit bones.

Sage Tiger Summoning: The ability to summon an Evil-eyed White Tiger Sage's phantom that protects the user and can be appropriately controlled. This ability can only be launched using the Hell Black and Hell White Tiger Spirit Bone.

What is the Evil-eyed White Tiger Sage? Questions for later. But what Ja Sun did know was that the combination of the spirit bone would produce a skill equivalent to a Titled Douluos true might!

[A/N: My idea for this is based on the manhua (comic) of the first part of the series. There have been two fusion skills by now from the White Tiger Clan. The Hell White Tiger from Dai Mubai and Hell Black Tiger from his elder brother's side. And in the manhua, there is also an actual god on the side of the Imperial family. So, I thought of making a hierarchy. The lowest are the hell civet and white tigers. Then, in the distant past, there were Hell White Tigers and Hell Black Tigers as their ancestors and finally, the only Evil-eyed White Tiger Sage that was an actual god. The two spirit bones should have been the only way to 'pray' the god but now Ja Sun has another set of copy. Who's the one with the original?]

Ja Sun lied down once again and touched his bald head.

"Man, it really feels freaky... lost my eyebrows, too... to think that my nuts were roasted, too... I really deserve a good sleep," he groaned.

At this point, he felt a certain part of himself rising.

Opening his eyes, he gazed at the screen of his trait and smiled.

"I'll sleep in five minutes, I guess," he snickered and sat up. His left shoulder didn't even hurt now.

[Objective: Kill pursuers after your group's bounty and rob them.

Optional Objectives:

1) Accomplish objective without the said members remaining unscathed by any pursuer.

Mission Rank: S-S

Mission Rewards: 50000 Gold Coins, Asura's Sight Technique, 10th Grade Myriad Blood MangoRakshasa Soul Devouring Technique.

Time Limit: Five Days.]

Ja Sun gazed at the rewards. Soon, five large pouches of coins, a bloody booklet, a fist-sized crimson mango, and a purple jade were created in front of him.


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