Chapter 120: The Blue Silver Goddess (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 120: The Blue Silver Goddess (2)

Shout-out to Daniel Hodnett!

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Patre /Fanharem


"At first I had all this convoluted plan prepared where I would coordinate with this Blue Silver King to commit some dramatic lightwork and then condense my spirit ring so that no questions can be asked about it. But... I think there is no need to do all that."

Ah Yin smiled as she lied down with Ja Sun. Their backs supported by the trunk of the large Blue Silver King behind them. According to Ah Yin, this tree had intelligence and could communicate with her. Not only that, it was an almost 80000-year-old spirit beast. In due time, this spirit beast could either become a human or a 100000-year-old spirit beast.

"By the way, that's the fourth ability of my domain. The concealment of my spirit ring while the natural concealment is a by-product. Although, I do wish I could have an ability like your Illusion spirit skill."

Ja Sun nodded, silently recalling the experience.

Well, now didn't miss his home anymore. He had officially surpassed his previous life in strength, a number of completed S-ranked missions, and at finding a woman as beautiful as Ah Yin. Though she was technically a spirit beast and...

"Don't you have something to ask?" Ah Yin inquired curiously.

"Yeah, I do. Master and Violet have said the same thing. After every qualitative evolution or breakthrough, a spirit beast feels as if their past life was a dream... is it the same for you?"

"Are you worried that I'm too old for you?" Ah Yin narrowed her eyes.

"A little," Ja Sun nodded honestly.

Pursing her lips, Ah Yin leaned back and then suddenly smacked his face lightly. "This is a belated slap. I did not give any consent for what we did before."

"You kissed me just as much... now do I slap you, too?" Ja Sun inquired with a narrowed gaze.

"You will slap me? Is this how it is going to be?" Ah Yin frowned.

"Forget it... some other time... and on some other region... hehe..." Ja Sun chuckled while Ah Yin shook her head.

"When... I became a human, I was in the body of a 6-year-old girl. I left this forest and a kind old woman took me in. It is true. For me, at that point... everything was different. My past experience became fleeting, like a dream. My emotions became turbulent once again. I was scared of being alone sometimes and she would comfort me. I would sometimes get picked on, of course, I kicked those kids' butts. There is nothing wrong with that. What I mean is, it's not just the memories and experiences. Transforming into a human changes one at a foundational level.

I will let you in on a secret. An experienced spirit beast of the crimson ring level can temporarily change into a human form. But it is different. They cannot use any skills and only their past experience becomes fleeting. In reality, they are still very much of a beast. Of course, at this level, every spirit beast is intelligent and more rational so they resemble human-like nature often, too."

Ja Sun nodded, "That's a relief... well, I don't think that it would have been a problem in the end. I was just curious about your thoughts on this topic."

"Then let me ask you something," Ah Yin slightly leaned towards Ja Sun and whispered, "Don't you have a little bit of greed that drives you to attack me this instant? I know I told you that I can return to life but... aren't you the least bit curious? My death could bring you a 100000-year-old spirit bone."

Ja Sun hummed. He grasped the true issue here. Ah Yin was still in disbelief that there existed such a good kisser and she wanted to deny him now before she fell harder for him, or so Ja Sun loved to presume.

"I think, the moment I decided to give you that Blue Silver Emperor's Core, I didn't have any notion to harm you. But that is just the finality. You've been a good friend and barber. I like that. You're beautiful, which... waned after that dirty comment in Balak City."

Ah Yin's expression turned bleak.

"But, if I had to say, it's your loyalty that I fell for. I love loyal women... but that's just my own selfish goals and preferences. Others can be more cultured."


"Yes, it's the plural of woman."

Her lips twitched and she continued, "Fine, you don't want to kill me. I get it."

"Wow, that's the most dissatisfied I have seen someone after hearing that they aren't going to be attacked," Ja Sun chuckled.

"Say, Ah Yin... can you describe your entire cultivation to me? From the beginning. And how you even turned into a human?"

"No," Ah Yin shook her head.

"Come on," Ja Sun nudged her shoulder.

"It's not that I don't want to... I don't remember the process itself. I know that I was given a choice. And I know that there was a time limit to accept it and whatnot. But all of it was removed. As for my cultivation experience, I just had the longest sunbathing session, drank from the ground, and got rain baths every now and then."

Ja Sun mumbled.

"Well, get on with it. I guess, I will let you in on a little secret of myself once you get your sixth spirit ring."

"That's... true."

"Good thing I pack a destroyer inside my pants now!" He laughed out loud.

"Yes, compare length with the woman who was once 20 meters tall. That should earn her respect, right?" Ah Yin smirked sarcastically.

"... whatever. Oh, hey, you're rank 64!"

"Well, what did you expect?"

"Honestly, I at least expected a 69."

"Rank 69?"

"No, let me teach you the theory about this beautiful number."


"Master," Ah Yin and Ja Sun bowed once they walked out and found Qian Daoliu meditating silently. Everyone else also had their eyes closed and only came to be once the duo walked out.

Opening his eyes, Qian Daoliu silently observed his two disciples and nodded, "Rank 64, good. All the accumulated spirit energy and the effect of the Spirit Bone wouldn't have had such an impact on your advancement so it would seem that your sixth spirit ring is truly astonishing."

"It is," Ah Yin nodded and smiled sincerely. Although she didn't dare easily tell her truth to Qian Daoliu, it didn't mean that she didn't like her master. He has been nothing but kind and patient with her. Even if the term 'master' was quite loose since he would barely give any direct pointers, just his presence motivated her and the techniques he shared with her brought great benefits to her.

It was already evening by now and Qian Daoliu didn't wait any longer. By now, he only made the point of dropping by every week or two. He would also be kept informed as to when Ah Yin or Ja Sun could be absorbing a spirit ring, just like today, so he could keep a track of time and be of help if necessary. Meanwhile, he had his own tasks.


"Oh, you're back!"

Qian Daoliu was welcomed by an aged old man. This individual was even older than Qian Daoliu. The eldest Titled Douluo to be alive at this point: Golden Crocodile Douluo. Yu Xiaogang's master.

"I am. What is going on?" Qian Daoliu inquired curiously. The Elder's Hall was quite spacious and out of the many elders and priests present, a few of them happened to be passionate about exotic cuisines which they liked to share with others. Qian Daoliu himself would seldom share a few roasted insects cooked with various techniques.

Finding a recreational courtyard to sit within, Golden Crocodile explained with a smile, "I'm telling you. I still feel a little bad about making that bet with you. My Xiaogang is amazing!

Did you know that his martial soul and he himself can use spirit abilities? Of course, there will be a higher expenditure of spirit energy... but he's already broken through the ranks of the Spirit Ancestor! Crossing two ranks within a year... hehe, and he still hasn't entered that place.

And the team he picked, the cream of the crop, I say!"

Golden Crocodile continuously fawned over his disciple. Truly, an unlocked Enlightened Martial Soul is truly remarkable. Even Qian Daoliu agreed with this. Not to mention the fact that Yu Xiaogang was a scholar before making his name in the martial path so his ability to train and understand the intricacies of a team was greater than ordinary.


"Second, when's the last time you went out of the Palace?" Although eldest, Daoliu usually remarked every priest by their ranking. Golden Crocodile happened to be the second worship.

"Hmm? Let's see... aside from the last trip to Spirit Academy when you got your disciples, I think I haven't left for... 7 years now? Maybe 8. Why?"

"Nothing, just asking," Daoliu shrugged.

"Did anything interesting happen?" Golden Crocodile narrowed his suspiciously.

"No," Daoliu patted Golden Crocodile's shoulder, "The continent is still filled with nasty men and women."

'And Spirit King who could kill a Titled Douluo...'

"Sigh, good thing I stopped caring a long time ago," Golden Crocodile shook his head, unaware of the crafty glint in Qian Daoliu's eyes.

This bet, I have won! Thought Qian Daoliu.


For the coming month, the group entered into a dangerous training session once again. In the Heaven Dou Empire, Bibi Dong finally decided to reveal her first point of training out of the two trips she had planned. After that, their training will officially come to an end.

Sunset Forest. A terrain similar to the Star Dou Great Forest that holds smaller and a variety of ecosystems and different spirit beasts. This was also the region where she hoped to find Liu Erlong a good spirit ring for her.

Almost everything had fallen into place by now. With Ja Sun's assistance, Bibi Dong finally began to focus on herself and displayed growth in her abilities just like others.

And before entering the Sunset Forest, the group decided to settle into the capital of the Heaven Dou Empire The Heaven Dou City.

After all, when Bibi Dong made a specific training routine for everyone as opposed to training while traveling, they would usually stay for more than a month and in extreme situations that tested their limits. This time would be the same and before that, the group wanted to get civilized and groomed up as much as they could.