Chapter 134: The Bed of Silver and Blue (2)

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 134: The Bed of Silver and Blue (2)

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Patre /Fanharem


[A/N: Explicit content... and I really hope that my smut writing skills haven't gotten destitute again.]

It was a special day. Sexual curiosity has been a great excuse for skipping training within the group, a particular excuse that even Bibi Dong allowed because when it boils down it, she, too, had such a nature. With the campfire lit, everyone sat in a circle. Four of them were couples, three were not.

"First time?" Hu Lana blushed. There were not many things she refused to speak about when it came to her relationship with Xie Xan but she seemed a little conscious about her first time.

"It was a disaster," Xie Xan had no such worries.

"Oof, Jun'er almost scared me, too," Oscar mumbled in agreement and Jun'er blushed heavily.

"I think blood is a natural thing," Tang Yuehua eased into it with her natural calm when it came down to arguments but Oscar and Xie Xan looked at Yuehua as if they would view a fool and this made her feel flustered somewhat.

"You think a little blood scares us?" Xie Xan scoffed.

"Shut up!" Hu Lana hissed and hurriedly covered his mouth before he said anything anymore.

"She almost bit my" Oscar began only to be pushed down on the ground with Jun'er being surprisingly aggressive towards him and covered his mouth while sitting on top of him.

"No!" She whispered, her eyes watery, almost to the brink of being in tears.

"Wow, you two must suck real bad," Liu Erlong snorted before chuckling, "Get it?"

Bibi Dong pursed her lips. She got it, and she wasn't amused. But Hu Lana's and Jun'er's reactions only made the trio curious. First time couldn't be that bad, right?


"You don't suck," Ah Yin calmly responded.

"Yes, you do," Ja Sun nodded, "Alright, let me give you a more logical explanation. Because of male erection usually being more than what an inexperienced body can take in, a lubricant of a sort is needed. So the female partner usually uses her mouth." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Did he feel bad about lying?

Not at all. In fact, he was looking forward to it.

Ah Yin frowned, hesitant. Her 'instructor' never talked about her first time so even Ah Yin felt a little clueless. Still, she wasn't simply willing to even try wrapping her lips around 'that.'

"I can tolerate pain," she narrowed her eyes, observing Ja Sun's reaction as she calmly reproached, "It's not about the pain. The first time should be a pleasant sensation for both parties. I don't want to inflict pain"

"Hah, liar!" Ah Yin smiled, "You love pain and that provides the reason at more times, you also would love inflicting pain. You have opposed your views, so, this means your intentions are impure."

'Well... that was some real bdsm thing in the first half of her speech...' Ja Sun gulped. His imagination was clearly more impure and dangerous than what Ah Yin could have expected.

"That's not what I meant"

"You talk about doing something really dirty then let's test you completing the task first yourself. Would you lick me there if you want my lips around that? No, right?"

"Sure," Ja Sun nodded and Ah Yin's heart grew startled.

"What?" She snapped but instead of replying, Ja Sun only smiled. Until now the two of them had remained level-headed despite being nervous but they also knew that seeing the other one nervous would relieve them greatly. So they tried and tried but Ah Yin accidentally challenged Ja Sun in one of his many interests. Out of many things he had been forced to eat, one of the vilest stuff in his previous world just to have a good enough of a mission, Ja Sun had great tolerance. And clearly, 'eating' a woman this beautiful can't be that bad, right?

"H-hey, I'm warning you!" Ah Yin bit her lips as Ja Sun approached her. Both of them were half-naked and seeing his clearly better and more powerful body almost towering over her even when they weren't standing, Ah Yin had her heart racing against all the odds.

"I seriously don't want to hurt you," Ja Sun smiled, 'Bdsm will come later naturally,' he added internally.

"What?" She grew dazed as Ja Sun finally held her shoulders firmly, already having a great control over his basic physical strength that there was not a chance to hurt Ah Yin.

"I said," Ja Sun leaned down as Ah Yin closed her eyes, her lips meeting Ja Sun's and her arms finally loosening up slightly as she held his arms, tracing down from his shoulders.

Both of their nervousness melted somewhat as they grew into the kiss. Mesmerized. Ja Sun felt if Ah Yin's saliva was a testament to how different a spirit master's body can be, then he really didn't mind eating her out but this thought instantly distracted him from the kiss.

'My body... is yin-yang, right? Do I taste bitter and sweet? Or does my cum look black and white divided perfectly?'

His cursed thoughts made him worried once again. He didn't know what would cum out and Ah Yin took the chance to pull back due to the 'force' fading somewhat.

'I really am in control... aren't I?'

"Not a word of this will leak?" Ah Yin inquired.

"I thought you trusted me," He sighed.

"I trust that you will speak of it the minute you get your chance... I will keep my mouth shut and you will, too. Promise?"

"Alright," Ja Sun lied as fluently as he peed. If this occasion happen to be hot enough to run it in 'their' faces or funny enough to have a laugh in the bar, he would let it all out without hesitation.

Ah Yin frowned. Ja Sun agreed too easily and she knew that the chances of him keeping his mouth shut would be extremely low but one piece of advice from Ha Lana resounded at this moment.

"Relationship isn't lovey-dovey or some other cringefest! You show who's in control! Jun'er's a lost cause but you have potential! If you don't control him... he'll only expand, you know? That's how men are! They constantly find more and more... Oscar's just a rare and perfect match for Jun'er to not have bedded a few more damsels with that sharp face of his... but Xan cannot anymore!"

Ah Yin bit her lips. She may never get such a chance again.

"Hey! It's really not a burden you have to bear, you know?" Ja Sun chortled, "I mean, you haven't practiced sucking for nutrition for years, I get it."

Her lips twitched. He succeeded. This was a fragile moment of decision making and even with her thicker skin, Ja Sun's mockery is one of the few 'attributes' that could get through to her.

"Just shut up!" Ah Yin stood up, her legs parted due to Ja Sun's larger body in between her feet and she leaned down to completely undress her lower half while commanding Ja Sun's gaze with her own.

"If I'm to take charge, I need you to remain quiet."

Seeing Ja Sun's smirk widening as he still continued to look at her instead of gazing down at what he had been looking forward to for quite some time after getting to know her, Ah Yin grew somewhat satisfied and she lowered over Ja Sun, her hips crouched completely and Ah Yin had her hands resting on her knees. Ja Sun finally lowered her gaze and admired the view. It was right in front of him, perfectly positioned over his lips as he could feel his own breath hitting Ah Yin's entrance.

Ah Yin gulped secretly. Seeing Ja Sun paying so attention, she couldn't help but feel a little worried once again.

'Being a tree is far better... at least, my emotional spectrum only remained around feeding...' Ah Yin felt resentful a little, but she still would choose to be a human once again. She loved resenting things, even if they are her own choices. Right now, she couldn't consider too many things and with the greatest tone of command she could muster, Ah Yin spoke slightly stiffly, "Weren't you excited by the 'oral' duty?"

Ja Sun almost called out how sultry Ah Yin actually looked and sounded and with her words came a mischievous sway of her hips that brushed her warm entrance against his lips. If Hu Lana was present, she would revoke the title of being Ah Yin's 'master' right there and then.

'She's really a freak...'

Ja Sun was thoroughly impressed at this point as he raised his chin, his lips kissing her entrance and Ah Yin's brows began twitching instantly and her body froze. Her thoughts wavered when she felt things 'rising' on her side, too, but before she could have her decisions taken back, Ja Sun decided to guide her to the path of 'ordering' out as he caught her butt from the back, holding her in place. This was purely impulsive at first. He just wanted to feel how the sensation of her butt would feel against his hands. He wanted to compare the left and the right cheeks against his hands due to the difference in his own hands but his hold turned firm as he felt Ah Yin almost moving up.

Both of their gazes met. Ah Yin biting her lips and glaring at him while Ja Sun, having half of his face covered by Ah Yin's crotch, returned the look calmly.

Completely intent on going through with this now, Ah Yin narrowed her eyes, "Is this it? I'm barely feeling a thing."

Her voice quivering but her words stabbing that made Ja Sun smile under the cloak of poon.

His fingers enjoyed the feel of Ah Yin's skin. It wasn't only soft, but also quite warm and Ah Yin barely maintained her form when Ja Sun began to lick her entrance directly.

As a viewer of porn, Ja Sun definitely understood that what is performed on the screens lit in the darkest room is nothing but performance. Actual couples may not even try half of the things shown but Xie Xan had many things to speak of and it lit a spark of hope in the portion of Ja Sun's heart and mind that hid his most debauched desires.

And the greatest thing about this world was definitely how a human body develops into a more 'fragrant' self as they grow stronger and more spiritual. A man or a woman can't possibly be disgusted if 'it' tastes this good, right?

Ah Yin's body squirmed as Ja Sun found that even with his clumsy techniques she had begun to grow wetter. Her damp entrance now slightly wetter and with every lap of his tongue, Ah Yin laid more honey to quench his suddenly rising burst of thirst.

"Go slow!" Ah Yin gasped, her call so sweet that Ja Sun's body twitched.

This made Ja Sun want more of it and with how forcefully Ah Yin had her right hand brush through his head, gripping a bundle of his dark hair into a clenched grip, Ja Sun felt even more motivation to maintain his pace. After all, he wasn't pulling Ah Yin down anymore. She was fully resting on him.

Her breathing shuddering with barely a sound escaping once again, however, Ah Yin had her eyes closed, equally mesmerized by the sensation rushing through her body that served to excite her.

She no longer felt so stiff. While her right hand gripped a fistful of Ja Sun's hair, beginning to enjoy his tongue against her moist entrance letting out the sweetest sap she ever produced, her left hand erotically traced through her own body. She found herself incomparably warm. Her chest was still covered but as she felt the firm knobbing brushed against her palm, she realized that she truly was completely exposed to Ja Sun.

'I... like this,' she understood it deeply. It wasn't only the situation. She realized that she enjoyed pretending. Even at the end where she had gathered all that courage to sit on Ja Sun, she faltered in the end. It wasn't just her to easily force herself on someone but when it came to Ja Sun, it felt so easy.

'Because he's a scum,' she thought with a hot sigh escaping her lips.

She didn't like scums, in fact, she had made quite a living by scamming them before meeting Ja Sun, but she had simply grown into liking this one in particular who would rather relinquish all control but still toy with her as he sees fit.

Feeling his fingers so firmly holding her ass, something she wouldn't have let him do so easily even in private, Ah Yin found the courage to not completely feel addicted to it because it only took giving an inch in Ja Sun's case and he would already be seizing the mile.


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