Chapter 138: The Icy Training

Name:Quest Maker of Soul Land Author:
Chapter 138: The Icy Training

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Patre /Fanharem




The beauty of the Icebound Forest was quickly overshadowed by the gloomy climate of the Extreme North. Sun couldn't peek through the ever-present dark clouds and mist that prevailed over the region and constant snowstorms made sure to increase the quality of survival and danger in every step taken.

"Ah, man, you're really hot!" Ja Sun's honest praise pulled a blush onto Liu Erlong's cheeks. Hidden inside a snowy cave that wouldn't melt no matter the cause, Ja Sun and Erlong sat together and due to the former's request, Erlong had activated her spirit transformation. Her arms grew into crimson-scaled claws and the scales covered her arms completely under her tunic. The same was true for her legs as she had to remove her shoes before achieving spirit transformation.

The unique trait of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon is that the holder of such martial soul will only have their bodies transformed according to their spirit rank. A Spirit Master only has one hand transformed into claws, a Spirit Grandmaster has two of his arms transformed, and so on until rank 70. As a mutation of this lineage, Erlong followed the same tradition.

As a Spirit King, she had all four of her limbs completely dragonified and now the back of her neck grew crimson scales that reached a little below her cheeks. With this transformation and her attribute, the surroundings turned slightly warmer. The two of them sat on an extremely lavish sofa, something they looted in the Dragon Rising City during the hunt. In front of them, still within the interior of the cave, under the influence of a pale-gold domain, the remaining group meditated and constantly tried to provoke their spirit energy without going all out and temper their control over their own spiritual self.

With her cultivation increased, physique strengthened, and mind transformed daily under Ja Sun's acupuncture technique, Yuehua could last significantly longer than before and this advantage would only grow.

"I'll tell Ah Yin what you said just now," Erlong hissed and crossed her arms but Ja Sun only shrugged. He didn't lie and even if it was a deliberate attempt to tease the bloody and wholesome menace, Ja Sun knew it for a fact that Ah Yin would only have her mind roused with the slightest hint of jealousy if he actually complimented a plant or a flower. Humans? Ah Yin couldn't care less.

"Sure thing," Ja Sun chuckled as he closed his eyes. Even he had spirit transformed. His hair had been cut short by Ah Yin and now were pristine white. And his left arm showed no complication during the Spirit Transformation. The silver arm grew to be silver talons with thick fur lining his arms, shoulders, and back and the pattern of the third eye on his forehead looking even more prominent. His martial soul had opened its third eye but there was no qualitative change. And even with the formation of the Yin-Yang War Physique, the only advantage that came to him was a growing body with its capacity wildly increased and a force of regeneration of the body and stamina that was only limited by organs and limbs regeneration.

He had tried it secretly. Cuts meant nothing to him and only the old scars remained on his body because they had already become a part of him.

All in all, Ja Sun felt that he was at the cusp of a true, spiritual transformation for his martial soul. The spirit cores such as Life-Death Spirit Cauldron and Yin-Yang War Physique were a simple enhancement of his already enviable foundation and nothing more.

And discreetly, Ja Sun used the effect of his spirit transformation into the Three-eyed Silver Lion to quicken the pace of his cultivation because he needed it now. Every single advantage was needed because of how much extra his body needed for each breakthrough. A lot of good fortunes can also be a curse.

Ja Sun, suffering from his own success.

"You should cultivate," Ja Sun looked at Erlong.

"I cannot cultivate in this state. Spirit Energy is being constantly used," Liu Erlong groaned.

"You won't unless you try it. Come on, even I'm cultivating. Try it. It's going to be helpful," Ja Sun persuaded as Liu Erlong closed her eyes with a huff.

'Wait... what if he's looking at me pervertedly!'

Her eyes snapped open but she only found Ja Sun silently cultivating next to her. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and began using her time well, too.

The small cultivation session lasted for an hour with Yuehua completely exhausting her spirit energy which also led to some physical exhaustion only for Oscar to...

"Your grandaddy has a stinky tofu!"

He chanted seriously, his first spirit ring flashing, and on his outstretched hand formed a piece of square tofu with an 'itching' scent. He passed it onto Yuehua and pursing her lips, she ate it silently. How such a stinking object could taste so good was not something anyone could imagine, but it was the reality even if it could be disappointing at times.

Oscar's martial soul happened to be Stinky Tofu and his first spirit ability: Stinky Tofu, could recover physical weaknesses quickly. What was even more impressive about his abilities were that despite the limitation of the spirit rings and the subsequent quality of the product, the more spirit energy he pushed into his abilities, the product would certainly reveal slightly better effects. Again, this was quite limited but this also happened to be the focus of Oscar's training in the realm of self.

Having her stamina greatly restored, Bibi Dong looked at everyone and plainly spoke up, "Get ready. We're going out for exercise."

With that, the group was forced to face the extremely cold temperature that hit hard even with warm clothes. Oscar's food martial soul became a popular form of training as the tofu would restore the stamina of each member and Bibi Dong wasn't the slightest bit shy to wring every benefit from even her student. All for the sake of training, right?

And due to the extreme climate, the group also couldn't avoid natural injuries, something that even Bibi Dong soldiered through with a stoic expression. If there was anyone actually struggling then it was Yuehua. Not because of the pain, no. Yuehua had great tolerance to pain already due to the Mental Acupuncture Technique that she willingly requested in pursuit of strength. She had trouble following with the rest of them because of her physique still needing much tempering that this climate would provide her graciously.

"He did... partially," Xiao sighed deeply, "Well, give him six more weeks and he'll be asking us to hunt his dinner once again."

Meanwhile, Tang Jinluo led Dugu Bo to his private courtyard near the foot of the mountain where the Clear Sky sect is established and found a strange visitor present inside already. The rogue spirit master, Dugu Bo, grew cautious instantly as he gazed at the man with Blood-red hair with shades of crimson and a purely crimson armor that seemed quite luxurious. A terrifying feeling rose in Dugu Bo's heart as he saw his sickly son and daughter-in-law lying on the bed next to the man. However, before he could move, a chilling pressure stopped him.

"Jinluo, is Princess Dai Mu still here."

It was none other than Redstar, the leader of the Hint of Evil.

Jinluo knelt on one knee and spoke respectfully, "Yes, sir. The relationship between the Clear Sky Clan and the Star Luo Imperial Clan is growing stronger by the day. If everything goes in this direction, Tang Hao and Dai Mu will be married once she, too, reaches the rank Spirit Sage. What should we do?"

Chuckling with ease, Redstar shrugged, "We are just a simple group. What can we do? Bless this happy occasion, of course. Anyway, the information isn't always used to hurt others' interests and bring trouble but to simply prepared oneself. Good job. Go on, see to your clan duties."

Jinluo left while keeping his head low.

"Who are you?" Dugu Bo inquired cautiously but shaking his head, Redstar pointed at him.

"The fact is, I know about you, Dugu Bo. A rogue spirit master who would work for the Heaven Dou Imperial Clan as a mercenary from time to time to keep your family fed. However, the question isn't who I am, but what do you want.

And I know the answer. You want your son to live, right?"

"What do you want?" Dugu Bo spat coldly. He always respected his freedom and never joined a faction. But with his most expensive treasures robbed, Dugu Bo couldn't help but regret the decision of seeking a few healing masters to find a temporary remedy for his son.

"Hmm, now, now. I tested your son when you were meeting with Tang Peng. The source of your poison is your own martial soul, yes? It is honestly amazing," Redstar narrowed his eyes, "In terms of poison, there are no more than 6 Spirit Beasts and Martial Souls that can trump your Jade Phosphorous Serpent.

But let's get to what do I want.

First, your discretion. I respect freedom. And thus, I have slight respect for you a man who deluded himself into thinking that taking care of an ill son is true freedom. So, I will not ask you to join us. But my spirit ability will force you to remain silent of our encounter... with the consequence of actions proving otherwise shouldered by your son and daughter-in-law."

Dugu Bo's heart was gripped with anxiety as with a menacing stare, Redstar smiled and continued, "Second thing I want is the man who robbed your garden. You have the cause, and you are weak enough to not demand any attention. You won't fight him, else you'll die... of course, by his hands, oh, no, hand."

He chuckled at his own words and stated, "Dugu Bo, my friend, you have to bring my message to a man named Ka-ul. And I promise you that your son will recover... with this."

Redstar flipped his hand and revealed a dark purple... thing which looked sharp.

"This, right here, is a piece of the mandible of the Death Spider Emperor which will not only rid your son of the negativity of his martial soul but further strengthen him... and also you."

Another piece of mandible appeared in Redstar's hand and even Dugu Bo felt a clear longing from his martial soul towards the items in Redstar's hands.

"Please heal my son before anything else. I will help you. You have my word."

Dugu Bo spoke sincerely but feared that his words might not be enough.


Much to his surprise, Redstar agreed and a deep sense of gratitude instantly burst from his heart and flooded his mind and rationality.


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